Suggestions Hub Motorsport Features
PC Specific Suggestions specifically related to playing Forza Motorsport on PC. Use Xbox & Peripherals for ideas about wheels and other peripherals. Peripherals & Console Suggestions for features related to console, cloud, wheels, monitors, and other and peripherals used to play Forza Motorsport. Environment Suggestions for track features and environment art features in Forza Motorsport games. (Use Track Voting - FM for wishlisting) Car Features Suggestions for general Car Features in Forza Motorsport. Use Car Voting - FM and Branded Car Parts for new additions. Economy / Progress Suggestions for game economy features in Forza Motorsport. Visual Experience Suggestions for visual/art game features: cinematics, menu fonts/colors, HUD, camera views in Forza Motorsport. Multiplayer / Online Suggestions for multiplayer modes and connectivity in Forza Motorsport. Audio & Music Suggestions for Audio & Music features in Forza Motorsport. Accessibility Suggestions for Accessibility features in Forza Motorsport. Creative / Personalization Suggestions for user-generated content and customization features in Forza Motorsport. Gameplay Suggestions for driving and game mode features in Forza Motorsport. Car Modeling Vote on accuracy and feature requests for a specific car model currently in the game. Menus & Interface Suggestions for menus, HUD, and other informational interface features in Forza Motorsport.