Stop with the product tie-ins

Edit: This thread was originally in the Suggestions hub under the “Partnerships & Branding” subcategory. It was moved here by mod action. The original post follows:

I think product tie-ins need to go on a long hiatus, especially while the core gameplay of the game has been suffering and ignored for so long. It’s insulting and offending to get advertised at by this point.

I don’t care how relevant or irrelevant the product tie-in is. They need to stop while core mechanics are ignored or get lip service updates.

In case you’re confused about what I mean by core mechanics, I’m talking about the gameplay loop of building, tuning, painting, freeroam driving, and the most important, most in need of attention and most ignored by PGG, RACING.

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Absolutely support this point of view.

Vote people, make your voice heard.


Amen. I once suggested they do this more naturally by having licensed trackside advertisements like the original Horizon, but the thread was closed six months later because I had to be specific about what advertisements I wanted. As in, create a thread for every sponsor idea. :roll_eyes:

Yes. No more real cars, only fakes. Just like in GTA.

What? The cars clearly are “product tie-ins”.

After all, my virtual mailbox gets hammered with advertising I can’t opt out of. And I can’t just ignore anything I get because sometimes there are important notifications hidden between the spam.

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I just don’t know how making marketing/business staff idle is going to fix the game’s technical issues?

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Obviously not speaking for WW76 on this, but I would guess, yes (but not fakes either). Any new content will involve production and testing, which the OP would prefer for those resources be applied to the issues in the core game.
NB I do not agree with the request from a personal viewpoint, as I rarely encounter issues that affect my gaming experience negatively, but would support the move if accepted. Game on.

The proposal is for a break, not to stop altogether. Current staff should be able to continue in their roles, bearing in mind that any deals would need a lengthened timeframe for completion. That would be a good incentive to fix the issues ASAP.

Adding the Cupra cars is a product tie-in. I’m all for them, but so long they are car related.


The tie ups tend to be very minor adjustments of existing cars. eg. Pagani Oreo. I doubt that kind of thing is hugely distracting. I think we are done with expansions now are we? Is there another one?

I don’t know about refusing revenue streams and making the company less financially healthy is a contribution to remedying technical issues.

From what I’ve gleaned from the fragments of feedback from the developers is that they are reluctant to fix certain fundamentals for fear of triggering the law of unintended consequences. That was their sentiments for declining to fix the 190E for example. Maybe I misreading that of course but my impression is that a lack of confidence is at play here. Rearranging the marketing department is just not going to fix that kind of issue.

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They just poured a bunch of time and effort into the Donut Media story, which is a non-replayable advertisement barely disguised as a story. That time and effort could have been much better served adding or improving core features like custom championships or ranked racing. There is practically nothing for convoys to do in this game, and yet they still are shoving this stuff in our face.

Arguing that the marketing department can’t really change or effect the core gameplay is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The company chose to invest more in the marketing department, leaving less resources for development. You keep being ok with the state of the game, and they are just going to keep re-investing more into marketing and less into actual development.

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I support this 100% but to be real nothing will be changed for several reasons.

1, t10 and playground games have someone over them to make all the calls, who clearly dont care about this game and it’s core players. It’s only dollars for them, like many other microsoft games these day, its not only fh5 who have suffered from the lack of soul. This is a microsoft problem.

2, the active people on this forum are way way to small to make any kind of impact. How many active members are really here and try to make a change? 50 maybe? We need alot more than that.

  1. It’s 2 late to go back to the good old days. They have changed 2 much, cared 2 little, we have barbie cars now, that was the big joke 1 year ago. Its todays reallity. We who loved this game have lost, big money won.

Well since the focus is gamepass, they really dont earn or lose that much on one game alone. It’s all of them togheter thats earns the big dollars. Fh5 was never a hit outside the gamepass, its up there with, a small indie game. And miles apart from gt5 as you can see in screen. And more proof of its failure can be seen if compared first month to second months where they lost more that half of its players and they never came back.

Thats only steam since they dont release any stats for the microsoft part :sweat_smile:

Well it don’t mather bec the numbers from steam give a pretty good hint. Lets say it’s 10% of all gamers in games like gta and forza that can be played on both consol and pc. 10% of the offical “stats” 30 mil is not 10k. 100k minus 90% is in fact 10k and that is prob the real numbers.

@ManteoMax Why was this thread removed from the suggestions hub and moved here?

You’ve wiped out all of the votes.

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I guess they’re planning another stupid tie-in while they continue to neglect the features that actually matter…

Seriously, this was a very good, perfectly valid suggestion. Why would it be taken off the Suggestions Hub with all the votes thrown away?


How many votes did it have? My guess would be simply bc it’s a potential revenue stream…

Not many. The suggestions hub doesn’t get much traffic outside of some streamer promoting a specific thread. However, it was the most voted for topic in the subcategory.

I got most of those votes by linking in other threads though. I don’t think many people are eager to go vote in the “partnership & branding” subcategory.


Fwiw: as I’ve stated before, I’m not a fan of the promotional tie-ins either, but I’ve not really seen anything at a level of exclusivity to date which prompted me to “drink the Kool-Aid” as it were.

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My problem with the product tie-ins isn’t that they exist, it’s that they get focused on and pushed through while the core gameplay is still missing essential features.

This thread was originally prompted by the Donut Media story, which was thin gameplay and and a thinly veiled commercial. It came at the end of a long string of pointless stories being added to the game whose work could have easily gone into adding more races or putting back in custom championships.

PGG has been good about not adding more product tie-ins since, but the whole point of the thread was to halt product tie-ins so that core gameplay could be the focus for a while, and that just hasn’t happened.

I get the sinking feeling that there is going to be a meeting in the near future at PGG about another tie-in, and this thread was moved in an attempt to save face with and/or appease the bosses.