Stop with the product tie-ins

Ah ok, well, apologies. Here I was thinking “Barbie”, “I-HOP” “Oreo”, etc. The Donut Media saga was definitely lacking in many regards, but I’m really not opposed to tie-ins with quality groups such as Top Gear, at least it brings a little variety to the gameplay, but I also get your points.

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Those bothered me too, but I’d find them far less insulting if the core gameplay were more fleshed out and prioritized, you know what I mean?

I don’t really appreciate being advertised to in a game I paid for regardless, but I can tolerate it.

The Barbie tie-in might be the only exception (as in I can appreciate it). That involves cars.

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Eh. That was a failure too in my opinion. No better than the nail polish saga. Plus, subjectively, we only got EVs. Objectively, one EV was literally just a reskin of an EV we already had with no performance differences out of the box.

Well we could debate the merits of Barbie as a tie-in somewhere else, but it’s getting a bit off topic here. Fact remains I don’t want any of it until core elements of the game are improved/supported.

Side note though, “can appreciate” doesn’t necessarily mean “will like”. I can appreciate cars that I dislike being in the game. Heck I hate most American muscle cars, but I very much appreciate their being in the game.

I think part of what is great about FH is the vast and varied car list. I just realize that sometimes that means I’m going to hate some additions to the game, but that can be a good thing. Makes picking the cars you like all the more special, plus it’s fun to pit yourself against a hated rival at times.

I was less defending the cars themselves and more the idea of a Barbie tie-in though. Barbie does have a long history with GM owned brands, and the Corvette in particular.