Update 4.0, Sure hope it gets announced soon

New years fast approaching and yet again theyve left us in the dark about any new content or update. Our community manager seems to have taken the route of the rest of Turn10 and disappeared aswell.


I wouldn’t expect anything before the 2nd January, i mean seriously we are “between the years” atm. Nothing will happen for the last few days of this year.


Sure, let’s work them 247365.


do they actually deserve a break after taking 6 years to release a half baked and broke game lol, at this point it should be all hands on to get this game to a state where people actually want to play this game




Hurray lets celebrate mediocrity. Acting like they should get 2 weeks off at the end of the year instead of christmas and boxing day followed by new years. When theres layoffs due to poor sales and game performance can celebrate then too

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Toss out T10.

Bring in Hello Games.

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It’s the end of the year, most companies aren’t doing a lot now. I expect the announcement somewhere in January.


Awe, be nice to them. They gave us a game we wouldn’t want to play so we would spend more time with our family.


Tbh I’ll be forever grateful to FM. If this launch was perfect and got everything I wanted from the start I wouldn’t venture out and find ACC and GT7. For that I love this game :joy: If it happens to be a good game in the future the better. Although it’s gonna be a tough year. With the release of Le Mans Ultimate, GT2 and Nordschleife with the 2024 season for ACC , GTR Revival later in the year for all platforms. AC2 but that’s early access. I’d say it must be polished with added features within the next 10 months to stay relevant at all.


I guess we’re going to do this every month, right?

Forza Monthly will most likely happen on the 8th of January, 2024.

Didn’t they mention something about this current “season” update running for 5 or 6 weeks instead of the now regular 4 week cycle.

I don’t think we will see the next update before Mid-late January,

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Yeah they slide that sneaky little comment in when nobody was paying attention,and I’d assume they are totally happy and think that they are doing a great job with their current schedule of releasing as little as contractually needed.After all it won Race Game OF The Year,and another award it actually deserved.

I’ve been with Forza since fm1 and this has to be one of the worst ones made this game is an absolute choir to play. I race s class and I’m only able to race once a month in a crew of 10 racers and we have all given up and moved on from Forza. 6 years is a joke won’t be long before this game is dead.


Do we have an idea when the next update will be for the game? I have been trying really hard to like this game but it is getting less and less appealing every day. That Endurance Race message yesterday was just a straw that kinda felt heavy on the camels back. Is this company being serious right now, or have they dropped this on us and are busy fixing another game, and hoping we hold on until they get back around to fixing Forza. No communication or connection with the community. Are they focusing more on Horizon 5 as that is where the player base is right now? If so why even release this game?


Sometimes months are six weeks at T10. I think this month is expected to be one of those.

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This game is starting to remind me a lot of Project Cars 3 launch. At least it didn’t have near as many bugs as Forza Motorsport. Project Cars 3 was the same weak effort and the community responded by ditching the game. Unless you were in a league, there was effectively NO public multiplayer lobbies in PC3.


next update should drop around January 16th.


If anything they are focusing on FH6

12 days from now? Call me skeptical without official news… Their issue tracker shows no apparent progress in communicating issue status with the community.


The troubleshooting hub showed 1300-1400 open threads, I’ll estimate about 5-10% are duplicate reports that haven’t been merged together yet. That’s a significant amount of content and game that has issues. The most worrying ones are those that involve disappearing track texture, invisible cars, random game crashes, etc.

This game feels like it is held together with chewing gum and the hope of a single developer.