Trial opinions and feedback

This Spring season lasted for 9 days and I’ve spend an hour each day of it trying to beat the trial, but i couldn’t win a single time. First of all it takes almost 10 minutes to start one up. Second of all you get matched with players who have no clue how a car or anything in the game works. Third of all they leave the game as soon as they make a mistake and the game still counts them as 12th place in the same round and replace them as drivetars in the next rounds so it’ll be IMPOSSIBLE to make up for lost points . Fourth of all the drivetars ALWAYS rubberband to the player in front. So if you have an underpowered car, they pass you like they’re in S2 class and you’re in c class. And the the cherry on the cake, the thing that made me post about it here, it’s cross country racing this season. Im fine with road racing. It’s okay. But there’s absolutely no consistency in cross country racing. After a jump you spin out, after a little bump you will miss checkpoints because you couldn’t brake, the steering response is garbage, you get bullied by your so called “teammates” and the stupid drivetars on Unbeatable difficulty, the checkpoints are small so if you make a jump for just 5 degrees more different than it was designed to be made, you’ll end up miles away from the checkpoint. And the repeating upbeat music after each race just makes lose my mind. Like “oh did you see how your idiot teammate crashed into you on that corner haha so fun! And and did you see how you were in 3rd place and the rest of your teammates were in last??? HA HA HA SOOO FUN!!!” im so done with this. Either ghost everybody including drivetars, fix the matchmaking so everybody gets matched with players their own skill, remove the exclusive prizes off of trials, make the difficulty lower on cross country racing, or NEVER put any other races other than road racing on the trials.


Completed the spring trial on my first go and have re-run it a few times to help other players out.

Tips: Use a higher powered car. Other players joining with lower powered will drop out probably in 1st race. Stick with it, you only need to win 2 out of 3 races.

Cross country if you’re spinning when you land you are either holding your accelerator down at end of the jump (ease off just before launch) or you’re holding your accelerator down when in the air. Again brake heavily in the air or downshift if manual so you’re not over revving on landing. Makes the car much easier to control and you will rarely spin.

I know all about it, im level 200 prestige 2 i didn’t say im not good enough to beat it, i said the other players who are with me can’t get higher than 10th place so I’ll always lose no matter what. The only problem i have with spining out is that right before the jump some guy either and npc or player crashes into me making me to not take the jump straight on. So then i spin out but then again, the problem isn’t me. If i wasnt good enough i would’ve just stopped myself playing. Wouldn’t get this mad about it. I’ve always finished them above 5th or so place. Also an update: About 10 minutes ago i managed to be matched with a good group of players and finally won.

Seasons are 7 days long, Changing every Thursday.


Add me I dont mind helping with the trial runs. I’m prestige 5, like level 2335 or something. Spring trial was so bad I kept getting put with brand new people. They hadnt even gained ONE star yet

So i just tried the trial for the first time and it was a disaster, it seems to attract the worst drivers in the game. I got a great start, moved up to second and then some a-hole of a “team mate” uses me as a brake. Also due to it being wet i had no grip even with AWD so i had to slow far more than normal and then the drivatars started to ram me as well, how the hell is this garbage supposed to be fun. The people that enter it can’t drive and neither can the damn drivatards.


thats nothing, i my last 3 trys of this bs the drivatards got a system. the first 3 drive a perfect race on rails and the other 3 stayed behind to play destruction derby with us players. the ai above 900 is completly garbage.


I agree and there are cheater drivatards and unbeatable setting is a joke,expert is fine better that since it’s more unCHEATable a lesss redtards pushing you off the course,suposedly there are no more new cars for horizon 4 that I know of so I’ll play and have actual,fun,UP YOURS JOKe a thon,and get rid of "auction bots and make exclusive car more available or put all cars except FE and barnfind cars in the auto show…make it more enjoyable and fun and less assenine…THANK YOU

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Wow, we are approaching “angry suburban mom on facebook” levels of salt here, Cool it dude, we race cars made out of 1’s and 0’s


Totally agree! Utter shambles of an event and PG should be ashamed of themselves pushing this kind of energy wasting event on its customers. I wonder what the carbon footprint of the event is, when everyone has to attempt this many many times?


I had another crack at it a few minutes ago, some guy speared someone else off on the first corner and two of the drivatards were so far ahead after the chaos i couldn’t catch them. As if that wasn’t annoying enough, i was third but got rammed off the road by a drivatard on the second to last corner so i ended up fourth. Second race and half my team quits while i’m in first, then my a-hole of a “team mate” uses me as a brake again and goes off himself, i manage to fight my way back to first only to get knocked into the woods by a drivatar that’s on rails. This is NOT fun, it’s ridiculous. The A.I is broken in streetscene, it drives way too fast and it’s been a problem since launch. Whoever thought that streetscene, unbeatable, rain and idiots were a good mix for an event needs to be slapped.


This thread is hilarious!

The Carbon Footprint of the event???!!?! Hahahahaha

Anyone who bought the car should be band [sic]??!!?!? Hahahahaha

Oooooh…leetorts TOLD them a month ago!!! How dare they not listen to him?? He might set his Dad on them if they’re not careful!!!

They need to gift us the car because we’re not good enough to get it ourselves??? And people wonder why they are referred to as entitled whinging pains in whichever hole you choose!

Yes, it is a hard event (something called The Trial shouldn’t be easy). No, it is not too hard to complete. I am by no means a great driver but I managed it (yes, the randomness of which teammates you get makes a difference but not everyone is bad). It took me 4 attempts. Maybe after the first time I failed I should have taken to twitter/forums/other places I won’t influence the dvs and complained in the vain hope someone will give me something I don’t deserve.

I wish forums were around back in the Commodore 64 days when you got three lives on a game, died on level 20 and had to start from the very beginning again. Would have been great to read some of the moans from some of you lot back then


Yea this is bull crap, more players should complain about this and the players that bought the Apollo from the AH should be band or have their Apollo removed from there garage.


Hmmmm, that is weird, I just got done completing the trial for a second time (once for myself and once for my wife on her profile)…it really wasn’t that bad. The Trial for the Mosler, or the Semi truck trial to get the santa suit was way harder… Perhaps you need to get your salt levels checked?


I been able to complete the Trial…

Everyone left at the first race… I was alone for the 2 other races.
No-one to ram me. No AI that go crazy and side-shift on you to make you crash. Just peace.


The people I play with still stay after the first race even if they get no points. It’s stupid and annoying. I can’t escape them to win the championship. It’s an unending cycle of annoyance. Don’t know what Playground was thinking with this one.


Last week, the standard of teammates at 1am seemed much better than 9pm.

S2 Street was always going to be a disaster. 2 out of 3 races in the rain? Yeah…


Told you this a month ago PG. You never listen. Before putting an exclusive car in the trial make sure the trial is something doable. You don’t make it S2 Hypercars when you know how people behave in this. PG please learn this lesson. You are Stubborn.


I think it’s safe to say they did it on purpose. Kind of a funny troll if you ask me.