Usually it’s no problem, but 5 lobbies straight I’ve had four players all in the last four positions. New wave of players or something?
Just bad luck.
Do you need help?
I think most the good racers that do the trial early are all off in Motorsport land so the lobbies have been trash the last few weeks.
I didn’t even think about it like that. I finally got it done, but man. It was a schitt show.
Thanks for the offer! I got it done right after making this post thankfully. Even though I was run off the road lol.
It was egregiously bad this week… took me two tries.
first trial the AI was bugged so no one could catch it. Second race of the second trial was nothing but a wall riding ram fest… frankly embarrassing to watch and be a part of.
I thought I had it bad in my trial… Oof.
People were out for blood in my trial, and while I’m usually pretty good at avoiding it, sometimes you just can’t avoid it no matter how good you are and my 800 kg GTI wasn’t up to the task of absorbing the hits.
Also had two people who didn’t understand the assignment and brought road builds. Luckily they left fairly quickly. Ended up being a quick 2 and win, but I had an awful time doing it.
The AI scaling being buggy in Dirt and Off-Road races exacerbated by pure-power builds doesn’t help the situation at all either. That was mostly the problem with my lobbies in this trial. (and most of them to be perfectly honest.)
I think I won both races by 6-7 seconds, didn’t seem like the dirt AI was any smarter then usual (not very)
While I can’t deny the AI faults, I didn’t find them particularly difficult this week. Won the first race in spite of being shoved out of a checkpoint. Would have won the second race of not for being blatantly and egregiously taken out by a “teammate” in a corner bomb worthy of the internet troll hall of fame.
The Golf didn’t have the straight line power to catch up after that in the second race.
Edit: feels weird to be complaining about FH AI after playing FM for a bit. The FH AI definitely deserves it, it’s just, after experiencing how much worse it can get, I’m a little more lenient.
…Oh, I agree. it’s not an “all the time thing”. Some races, the AI are tame, no issues. My two lobbies had entirely different AI in them. Second lobby was much better than the first. Also saw this in the B Class Hatch Off-Road this series, had to restart one of those races several times to get the AI to not be bugged out.
The saddest part is this all sounds like typical internet lack of self-awareness, but no, the AI is just that buggy and inconsistent. I’ve experienced the same myself. I always laugh when I’m testing two cars side and one is 2 or 3 seconds faster but gets destroyed by the AI while the other dominates the race in the same restriction.
To be fair, AI in video games does seem very difficult to nail down. I would honestly prefer if the devs came out and said “look everyone, it’s practically impossible to get this right” as opposed to all the lying and the cheats that surround them.
Even if they have to cheat to be competitive, be open about it. Give them a PI advantage. I absolutely hate the black box approach.
Unfortunately, it seems the inconsistency is the consistency anymore. I’m just curious in your example of (what I assume you meant) side by side comparisons, for those races where car “A” is “getting destroyed”, have you tried restarting the race to see if this remains consistent? Conversely with car “B” which is “dominating”? My experience has been in cases where the AI seems to be operating in “god” mode, restarting the race often times seems to effect this, but that could just be a placebo effect for me.
I don’t think players like that winding down the mountain rally. Whenever I’ve competed online there, there’s usually a few quitters and so it was for me this week.
I had to do it a few times myself. Either my toonmates were useless or I somesaulted in my Fiat and then in my next race in the Monte Carlo… I did that both times late in the race whilst in a commanding position. Got it done eventually. Enjoyed it although not a wild fan of the dusk/dawn lighting as my TV isn’t well configured for it. But a good challenge nonetheless.
I probably should have fleshed out the explanation a bit more.
When I test cars, I almost always test in a vs AI environment, the idea being I’m trying to shake down the car and discover any potential issues as fast as possible. The dynamic environment of having other racers on the track helps speed up the process. Sometimes I’ll do the same race in a pre-existing build to see how they stack up. It’s more about handling but speed is a considered factor.
So if I’m building an A class RWD Super Saloon for the road (for example), I’ll sometimes race the same race with an already built A class RWD Super Saloon that I know is at least half-decent just to see how the two stack up. I’m not really trying to make the new build better per se, but a wide enough time gap will show if I messed up the build and need to give that another go.
I used that as an example just because recently I when I tried to build the Alfa Romeo Giulia, I used the BMW 1M as a car to test it against. The Giulia was over a second slower per lap, but won against the AI easily, while the 1M couldn’t even pull out a victory while the lead car just rocketed away. IIRC, I did try again and did get a win for the 1M eventually, but this was more about shaking down the Giulia than winning. The AI server their purpose either way.
I’d be lying if I said it didn’t irk me though.
It might be considered “conspiracy theory”, but I’m somewhat inclined to believe the AI behavior isn’t random, as much as tactical (as it relates to difficulty), to help drive engagement at times.
If they want more engagement from me, all they gotta do is add custom championships.
With EA WRC right around the corner, my engagement is about to drop. Sweet sweet single player racing endgame. Oh how I missed you.
If you (and your Co-op team) can win the ramfest Montana Trial,the next sprint is a breeze in comparison.
Though the B700 Super Hot Hatch S.C. is proving to be a trickier affair as the A.I. drunkatars seem to have at least 3 very talented ‘highly-skilled (?)’ drivers on the first two races.
Kudos & ‘big-up ya chets’ to those who have managed to win that S.C.
A tip for the Escape the Heat championship is to use the Super Hot Hatch with the highest acceleration and launch.
In this case that is likely the Hyundai Veloster.
Those were also the drivatars that seemed to run away the most. Though that may be coincidence (since drivatar performance doesn’t always seem to relate to the car they’re “in”)