I had problems with massive stuttering whenever I unlocked my framerate. Because I always had V-Sync active.
After I turned off V-Sync, set my maximum FPS in the Nvidia Control Panel to 110 FPS (10 less than my 120 HZ refresh rate) and activated Nvidia Reflex: Ultra. The game runs like a buttersmooth dream. I use a 2160p G-Sync TV (LG OLED B9). The same should work with Freesync, just turn off V-Sync completely and activate whatever the eqvivalent of Nvidia Reflex is for AMD GPU’s.
I feel like an idiot that I didn’t figure that out earlier. I assume it’s the same in FM7. Because there I also had massive stuttering if I played with unlocked FPS and V-Sync.
I always had it active because I never had that problem in any other game. Like FH4 or FH5, they both work perfectly fine without frame time stutters with active V-Sync. The 2 games FH and FM somehow work completely different. I hope this helps other PC players. Because my FM23 now runs PERFECTLY SMOOTH even with drivatar designs etc. it just runs perfect.
I watched that video yesterday and then turned off V-Sync. Yeah it never crossed my mind because I never had issues in any other game.
I already had a G-Sync Monitor in 2015. And this is the first time I really got the whole thing explained to me.
Yeah that Alex Battaglia is a good dude.
I always knew something in this direction was the case but never like this with video proof etc.
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I’ll give this a try. It’s been running better since the last patch, but could use some improvement still.
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It also fixes bleeding if using DLSS, it’s unbelievable how great my game (FH5) looks now. There is 0 bleeding. WOOOOOOOOOOW. I wish I had known this years ago. It looks great and performs great.
Simply not using Vertical Sync fixes so many issues. I had no idea.
i just use this with 100hz monitor setting [cuz multiplayer XD] and default amd gpu settings, and i have no issues with stuttering
My RTX 3080 produces stuttering.
I have a 120 HZ TV not 100 HZ, maybe that makes a difference?
My game runs like a silky smooth dream now without any Vertical Sync.

its to cheese fps limit in multiplayer u can have 100 fps but cant have 120 fps
I do have a max of 110 FPS because I felt like it.
I can do that in Nvidia Control Panel and it actually works.
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I am being serious, TURN OFF V-SYNC. You can limit your FPS in the driver. The game runs a thousand times better without V-Sync.
It also completely fixed my bleeding issues (DLSS) in FH5.
Isn’t the whole point of freesync and gsync, so that you don’t have to deal with vsync locking the frame rate and adding input lag? Why would you ever use both?
The problem is you get tearing if you get close to your refreshrate. I have to lock my frames to 110 for example on my TV or 134 if I play on my 144 HZ monitor. If the game works fine I can play with up to 120 or 144 FPS. But if it’s badly coded like FM23 is, I can only play with up to 110 FPS.
Huh, i always thought freesync n gsync replace vsync and made it redundant. Has it changed since like 2015 when i had a pc?
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I always thought V-Sync needed to be off if I were using Freesync/G-Sync. I tried having VSync on while doing the Freesync/G-Sync thing on Assetto Corsa, but that was a stuttering mess. Switching V-Sync off allowed Freesync/G-Sync to do its thing. Much, much better.
But it works fine in for example Forza Horizon 5 if you play with G-Sync and V-Sync on. It depends what game you play it seems.
I remember shortly after G-Sync became a thing, in the driver you could only activate G-Sync or V-Sync, it worked perfectly fine If I only activated G-Sync back then. But after some Nvidia driver updates then there suddenly was the option to also activate V-Sync combined with G-Sync. And I noticed if I didn’t activate V-Sync then I would get tearing if I reached the max FPS my refreshrate would allow. But that didn’t happen before that update. Since then I always had both active, because I didn’t get tearing, stuttering or anything. I only noticed this behaviour in FM7 and FM23 so far. But back then while I played FM7 on my regular 60 HZ 2160p TV I didn’t notice the problem, because it didn’t have G-Sync. I only played games like Battlefield 3 and 4 and such on my G-Sync monitor and everything else on my regular non G-Sync TV in higher res. I bought one of the first G-Sync monitors that was on the market back then, it’s an ACER XB270H (bought in 2016, in 2015 G-Sync monitor technology hit the market iirc) and it still works fine to this day. Yeah back then this just worked a little different. I first needed to know that I have to turn off V-Sync in certain games to avoid stuttering. It’s a problem that it doesn’t happen in every game, the stuttering I mean. Else I would have figured out the problem years ago.
Hmm I had both Nvidia GPU and g sync monitor, and AMD GPU now with freesync monitor, and I do use vsync in games in new games it just works as free sync, in older games I don’t go below 120fps with 4k anyway…
In fh5 I had some problems with g sync tho (got fixed in later game updates), but now on AMD no issues whatsoever.
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I notice in FH5 is some tearing in the menus and on the map but not in the actual gameplay. With FPS limited to 110 on a 120 HZ G-Sync TV with V-Sync off. But because it’s just in menus and on the map it’s okay. The game still feels a tiny bit more responsive (less input lag) than with V-Sync activated.