Meh 20 ms input lag (u got more on controller itself) is not that bad with 120fps v sync, it’s just racing game not a CS
But I still somehow notice it’s a bit less than with active V-Sync. I mean I am happy I can finally play FM23 without stuttering. I wish I had known this after release, it would have saved me a lot of nerves lol.
BTW main issue with stuttering in forza games is CPU, even if u have freesync/g-sync, if u drop frames becouse of CPU i will still get visible stutters, i had problem with stutters in fh5 “city” becouse my old 9900K was not able to get 120 fps there, even when i switched GPU to RX7900XTX, but after switching CPU to 7800x3d, i had no stutters, in motoport most of fps drops are casued by CPU render.
the only thing u did was to limit fps below stutter point u could just change monitor refresh rate to 100/110, and leave v-sync on and u would get same results.
Im playing with 100 fps, that is right below stutter point for me [32:9 1440p is quite taxing], when playing with 120 fps i got stutters in specific places.
That is the thing, I had to reduce it to 75 FPS to get rid of the stuttering. Now I can just let it go up freely to 110 FPS without any stuttering and that only because I turned off V-Sync.
I am not CPU limited I never was, it was always V-Sync that caused all this stuttering for me. If I buy a new GPU I can run a permanent 110 FPS, because I am 100% GPU limited atm.
even if u are not CPU limited, this game is just poorly optimalized, and CPU render drops in specific places.
I read somewhere that the game doesn’t take advantage of the x3d cache at all, that all that matters is raw high CPU frequency.
Somebody replaced his regular 5800x with a 5800x3d and the game even ran worse for him. It’s somebody here in the forum I can’t remember who it was.
its possible, since my CPU is not working as good as in other games like cp2077
My raw CPU frequency only goes up to 4,425 GHZ on all 16 cores, but that seems to be enough. The game only uses 16 of 32 threads, I am not sure if it only uses the actual cores or 8 cores and 8 threads. Well it doesn’t matter, the game runs for me and that is all that matters.
If only the DLSS wouldn’t produce such horrible jaggies/aliasing effects and TAA ghosting behind the car. Then I could get a few more FPS. But it would look horrible.
well theres enough raw power, its just game optimalization problems. i can even run 150fps [rt off] normally, but there are places where fps drops even to 95. for no reason.
You get them in Rivals too, these drops?
in every game mode, in specific places like mugelo starting line
Well I still have a old RTX 3080 and R9 5950x, I can’t test it with very high FPS if I get drops or not. I only get like 75-110. And the 110 only on the way up to the corkscrew on Laguna Seca and other very easy on the GPU places in the game.
I usually have something between 85-90 average.
i got drops from 120 to ~100 on laguna seca after corkscrew XD
Yeah driving up there takes lot of pressure of the GPU then if you drive down bam it gets hammered again.