These leaderboards are still so broken. They are literally going relativistic speeds
and the stupidity is that some people on this forum will defend the cheat scores by saying ludicrous things like “oh it’s a glitch or a bug that the game has so they haven’t really cheated”…
I gave up setting PB’s on leaderboards a long time ago. PGG does not take it seriously and nor does it outright ban the people cheating.
The vast majority are modded accounts and the vast majority are from the PC realm (i’ll await the usual outrage that i dare accuse the PC realm of cheating).
Personally i think that individuals who have to cheat on any game are sad, lonely and obviously not intelligent enough to do it correctly.
It’s not a bug or a glitch. It’s a rimac with a unimog livery. You can basically do it with any car and your leaderboard times will count. It’s just the spirit of horizon. Now be good little players and send out those thanks for nutin’ messages!
4 of them are clearly modded accounts as they are prestige level 10, level 2999. I doubt there’s very few legit players at this level. I play a lot and I’m on prestige level 6.
I really do not understand why PGG is not looking into players with these levels automatically. It should be so easy to find out whether these levels are legit or not. Just look at the player history. Is it extensive enough too explain the prestige level or not? Every intern could do that… And surely a Microsoft-owned AAA studio could write a little routine to check for that automatically…
It should be in PGG’s own interest since many of these accounts are probably hacked and sold illegitimately. For example, there are regularly videos by a certain Cactus guy on YT. PGG should be aware of that…
It can only be 2 reasons, 1 they do not care about cheaters. 2 they dont have the skills to fix it. I would guess it’s 1. And if it’s 2 they can’t ban people for it bec they cant prove they cheated even if the level and scores are impossible.
Of course they will ban cheaters. They ban for much less. If, for example, a player started playing 2 weeks ago, did not even finish 100 races and has already maxed out levels, that’s proof enough for cheating…
Also very interesting: 4 of the 5 max level players on the image above have the premium edition (symbol behind name). Why would anybody spend all that money for a premium edition and use cheats on it??? I mean PGG would probably never find out if they cheated to get some credits or wheelspins. But having prestige level 10, level 2999 is very eye-catching and immediately raises suspicion. Thus, my assumption that these are probably modded accounts bought from some shady internet page…
Problem is they could potentially blag their way out of it because there are at least 2 people who are legitimately that rank, 1 of which was a regular on here for a while.
Yes they ban people for much less but that dont mean they ban cheaters, if they did they would not dominate scores and i almost always see people that are max lvl. What i dont see alot of is offensive paints bec those get banned quick.
Btw how do you know that they ban cheaters ?
How hard can it be to ban the Xbox name off the leaderboards haha it seems like such a simple fix. Seriously what is taking priority over this?
I am absolutely convinced that cheaters reported to support are getting banned when there is good evidence. Whether their times are getting deleted or PGG chases them down on their own is a completely different matter…
I am playing the Eliminator almost every night for 1-2 hours and I have reported quite a lot of cheaters with video evidence. I never encountered these people again after my tickets were closed (1-3 working days)… I had instances where I ran into the same cheater twice a night or on consecutive days, but never after a ticket was closed. The Eliminator community is quite small. You regularly run into people you recognize from previous rounds and days…
Yeah i dont know if they get banned or not but from what I seen and how they handled it, like deleting highscores that was legit, and that I constantly see them online would indicate that they are not getting banned, unless if they get reported and given proof from us the customers rather than any kind of inhouse anticheat setup. But we are already unpaid bugfinders so why not add cheatpatrol too
The fh5 community is small overall i think, i do alot of online drifting and its almost always the same people there 2.
[nerd comment]
it’s actually about 1.5 times the speed of light in a vacuum (which is about 670 million mph; the sun’s light takes a bit over 8 minutes to reach us)
the issue with going that fast is not the speed as such, it’s that relativity suggests it is impossible to accelerate past the speed of light - if you’re already moving faster then it’s fine
There are four ways I know of to exceed the speed of light. Three SiFi movies and the Forza leaderboards. Maybe a few more movies if you separate out the titles. I was just generalizing those.
At this point i dont want my money back “we’ve gone to far” just fix the game stop adding new anything. If they took 2 months im sure they can fix most issues/bugs, overhaul some game modes, and make the player base happy. But it will never happen cause most players just want NEW and they want it yesterday.
Ive come to terms with ill be playing a broken game till i decide to stop playing it
@not_2_good1708 , Correction, you’ll (we’ll, those who haven’t stopped already) be playing a broken game until PGG and T10 stop producing broken games.
Its easy to fix the problem with the cheaters. I really wish someone from PGG would actually tell us why they wont. Interestingly, the leaderboards on FM don’t have hacked times. There have been and still are sponsored events with real world prizes. Car companies and others sponsor these events and I doubt they would even consider it if the leaderboards weren’t legit.
In their live streams, PGG avoid the topic cheaters like the plague. It’s amost like they are not allowed to use the words “cheat” or “cheater”. For example, Torben talked twice about cleaning up the leaderboards. But he only used terms like “glitched times” and “illegitimate times”…
Plus, since October there is a kind of anti-cheat in place. But PGG never talked or wrote about that at all…
How would you know? There might not be totally unrealistic times, but maybe people increased their power by only a few percent to get an advantage. Nobody could tell the difference. That’s what SP4 did in his last YouTube video in an FM7 tournament for $250. And he would have gotten away with it…