“she’ll make point five past lightspeed”
FH trailblazers should be measured in parsecs, maybe?
“she’ll make point five past lightspeed”
FH trailblazers should be measured in parsecs, maybe?
Yeah exactly those are the hardest ones to prove with absolute certainty which is the point I think you should have to get to before issuing bans, purely because anything less would result inevitably in some completely innocent players getting it in the neck.
If anyone checks the A class Apex leaderboards in the rally DLC you’ll notice an auto user in an '04 Impreza near the top of every track including holding the WR on at least one, I know being a quick auto user myself his times aren’t possible in that car, the turbo lag in auto from not being able to choose when you shift limits you in all of the Subaru’s/Mitsubishi’s, and if he has the anti-lag installed he simply won’t have enough PI left to get the handling up to what’s required for those tracks.
But could it be proved definitively 100%? No, his times aren’t that far from everyone else’s that they’re an instant red flag, and even if myself or the best auto driver I know @anonyyymous7804 (not sure if that is him but any regular here will know who I mean) were to get an '04 Impreza and test it ourselves and inevitably fail to get near the same times someone could easily argue that it’s a tune or skill issue why we weren’t able to match that guy’s times, and we wouldn’t be able to shoot down that defence with anything watertight + factual.
Yes, that’s my point. Only anti-cheat could detect such kind of cheating without any doubt - and probably only while it is happening and not afterwards. Or the game engine needs to be changed in such a way that cheat engines have no access to such exploits. Looks to me like they are making use of the same system that allows us to use boosts or change gravity in EventLabs. If they would only change the access to these parameters, the mod engines would not work anymore…
There are ways to prevent cheating now in FH5, but is PGG willing to invest time in that…?
could be; the only time I have unambiguously seen cheating in Forza was in Horizon 4 when a stationary car took off vertically and I doubt any coding is different given the number of copy-and-paste issues in Horizon 5
I got the cheater; it was infected/survival and the car landed on top of me when it came down
An “always on” connection is fine with me - IF it prevents cheating. I only hate that requirement if it’s e.g. some single player RPG or adventure game without any leaderboards.
I don’t know about speed traps etc, but isn’t there already an online requirement for Rivals already? That wouldn’t be a big change. Just do not allow leaderboards to record new records in offline mode…
Lucky you! I have seen cheating a lot in the Eliminator where players had so much boost/speed that a small hill sent them actually flying across the map. There was also the infamous “teleport to finish” cheat. And in Monthly Rivals I usually see the fastest people obviously using increased gravity to get through corners like they are on rails…
yeah, I see a lot of complaints about Eliminator - I don’t doubt anyone but I have never experienced anything like the things that get mentioned (played 150/200 times for my 4 wins)
only the bugs at launch; invisible opponents winning stuff
and the game hates me, it always makes trees grow in front of me in Eliminator
and rocks
I said it before. very recently in fact, PGG do not give a toss about cheating only player count. Most online games have some sort of anticheat implemented. FH5 probably has but it serves no purpose.
Ya know what would be nice? IF THEY WOYLD JUST FIX THE STUPID GAME!
Game is broken - won’t fix by design!
Have you done the math to figure out the hours it would take to reach those levels? I started and ran over possible reality fast. 2 legit prestige 10 my (blahh)
There are 2 players i know of with Eliminator wins in the thousands,one has/had a 50% win rate. That alone would give them enough points to get most of the way (if they’ve played their way through most of the game too)
Of course there are legit maxed out players
I reported few of those max level players in FH4 that had less then 3 days of play time. They were still there after ticket closed. Didn’t bother with any more reports, as it is pointless.
Yesterday random max level parked beside me in FH5 … 60 days of playtime and not even half of achievements done … idk
Only thing I don’t get, why go with hacked max level in any online game, to me its like putting a big neon sign on yourself … look hacker/hacked account user.
Does go with that search for intelligent life, that first needs a proof of existing on Earth though.
I also don’t get the point of it in this game. Credits very quickly become meaningless in this game. If you can just snap your fingers and get everything in the game, you’re robbing yourself of one of the few intact core experiences in the game. There’s not much left to do after that.
I mean, is it an ego thing? If so I find it odd, since no-one is impressed with a hacked account.
Cheaters. One of the many reasons why I generally prefer single-player or friends only experiences. Unfortunately, PGG up and forgot about that aspect of the game.
2 more aspects:
The instant gratification. No patience, everything needs to be available at the snap of the fingers. These are probably some smartphone generation kids with an attention span shorter than a tweet…
The high of doing something “illegal”, of “outsmarting” all the rest of us. They got the knowledge and the skills and are so far above us. They think…
PGG should determine the maximum realistic achievable speed for each class, and then delete anything above that. I don’t think any car in FH5 can go over 500MPH with any tuning, so say 600MPH as a safety net. The rest - gone.
The same goes for the infamous “Hall of Fame”. Last time I checked, the “leader” had over 8 million accolade points. And how many are actually available? 1.3, 1.4 million…? PGG could just do the math and delete everybody who cheated or glitched more accolade points. It’s really not rocket science. All you need is the willingness to do it…
Those people on the leaderboards could very likely be developers or testers who got the scores larking about. And if it is, there’s no way they’re going to wipe out those scores.
True, all I’m saying is if they are set by them, they surely won’t cut them.
Absolutely no way…
Enough said…?
You haven’t read the game credits have you? There’s more to say. You’ve never worked around engineering/programming type people have you?