505MPH come on........ really!!

Was doing some speed traps against friends list. Decided to see who the global leader was on one of the cameras. Found some lvl1 band had gone 505MPH in a vett!! Please don’t tell me hackers and moders are going to ruin this game already…

Hackers and modders are trying to ruin also this game.


Hope not bud but I’ve always had a problem with leader board cheats because unlike hackers and wreckers Turn 10\Microsoft do nothing about them. I’ve been reporting them for months without any acknowledgement that the problem even exists I will recommend as I’ve always done and that is if you find a leader board cheat block them and report them not once but every day maybe then somebody will get off their butt and do something about it. Plus if every decent gamer blocks them hopefully they will end up banished to lobbies full of other cheaters and wrecker where they should be.

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You’ll probably see like the first 50 people on the list are modders lol easy to tell; just like H1.

In the Agera bucket list challenge on the Demo, I hit 395mph as i nailed a traffic car’s rear bumper at 200mph right before the finish line, so hopefully its just glitches like this and not mods etc.


On 360, I assume? Hackers/modders are awful at games which is why they have to cheat. It’s also why I avoid multiplayer as much as I possibly can in all games. It’s very sad that a lot companies are now forcing multiplayer down our throats when they know the 5 million issues that come with it.

I have a 151 streak combo that earned me 100,000+ skill points, and it was in the Willy’s… I don’t recall ever doing anything amazing in it… then again… I was trying to keep it on the road.

109,000 is my best skill streak so far, on the 2nd road trip iirc

Youtube Video

I honestly doubt it is from cheating, the game has issues…

I passed more than one speed trap with a speed well under 100mph and set a trap speed of over 150mph.

There may be cheaters, but I doubt it and would place the blame on the devs. Hell, even if it was a cheater I still blame the devs… If they can cheat it is broken.

I swear one type when I was just riding around my car all of a sudden took off going way faster than it’s top spped so fast in fact I was shocked and had no way to control it, like I was going faster than the game could keep up or something but my dumb self never looked at the speed before I crashed and flipped out…