Stability - Game may hang on applying upgrades and does not save career mode progress (1608827)

Since FM23 launched, I’ve spent more time in these forums, than i have on the track.

Rating: 0/10

Turn10, pull your head out of the sand and communicate with your fan base and fix this game please.


Just went through this twice tonight. Been threw it a few other times. Win race. Add upgrades. Apply. Gets stuck. Alt-F4. Win race again afetr applying upgrades before same race. Apply new upgrades. Back to alt-f4.

Windows 11. Core i5 9400F w/ 32 GB Ram and RTX 2080 Super.


The issues happen to me on both PC and XSX. When raised the ticket on this, I also provided videos on PC to them. Personal, I would be glad to verify if any release to fix the issues.

T10 team should have enough information/feedback, Just did not read any plan from them yet.


Recently, I’ve been able to make slow but steady progress in the career by playing in short sessions. I complete only one race at a time and exit the game right after that. The issue didn’t occur again… for now.

It’s a very poor solution (if any) but better than none.

Releasing the game with issues like this is unacceptable.


Can’t deal with this having to do the same race sometimes 3 times just because I tried upgrading or buying car. I’m guessing to client is having issues communicating with the servers.

Giving this game a rest until this is fixed.


ome more serious bugs @ Devs

- The game doesnt save properly.

The game barely saves after you have completed races. This has happened numerous times to myself and hundreds of others, where you’ve completed races and it doesnt save. Its gotten too the point where I have to paint my car or add on a car modification just to make sure the game saves. This makes me reluctant to keep playing the game as I’m literally wasting my time.

  • I recommend making a Auto Save feature after every race before progressing onto the next Practice and Race to avoid this.

- Loading screen stuck on "Applying Upgrades in-between races.

Sometimes when you add car modifications in-between races, the screen gets stuck on the “Appling Upgrades” loading screen and wont move, forcing you to quit and also redo the last race and practice you just did.

FM7 was also ridiculously buggy when released and personally I would rather wait another few months for issues like these to be fixed before game launch. The team who looks after Quality Assurance before the game is released needs to do more thorough and lengthy testing before Turn 10 releases games. Hopefully these bugs are fixed soon as it seems quite pointless playing a game where you constantly have to worry about your progress not saving properly.

Drop a like to get this boosted and fixed, also drop a comment if you’ve had the same issue


Shame here, it’s really frustrating, trying every day and still stuck, won’t load or let me play Premium Performance level. You won’t think that they had almost 6 years to perfect this game


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Yep. Happens all the time. Practically makes career mode unplayable.


Have been playing OK until the pass few days, even the car upgrade is successful, the career series progress never got saved. This make the career mode totally not playable. I have played the same race 6 times and finally decided to give up. Feel like a fool for playing $100 for a game which I work like a QA for the game.


Happened 3 times to me so far. I do think the game saves the upgrades you made but deletes the race progress.

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It could be felt like you doing QA job, if they fix the issues that we all are struggling with
But they just don’t give a sh*t about this


I am stuck at loading screens after exiting multiplayer or trying to go to next race 99% of the time. After that nothing really works, upgrading cars will get stuck at loading/saving changes etc. I can only restart game to fix this.

I am on Xbox X with perfect network. No issues with any other game, single or multiplayer.

It’s because game was released in trash state


Game doesn’t save progress I’ve lost about 4 hours of gameplay due to this now I’m back on the 2nd race of career and have to redo everything and still doesn’t save

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I’ve just tried the same trick in hopes that I can progress but unfortunately it did not work

It’s imposible to play carrer.
Do you now when, but soon or later lose sever conection, crash and lose the progress.
Totally disappointed.
The most strange is that credits and car progress don’t lose.
I will back to the game when they can solve it


Same problem on Series X. I’m getting tired


the bug is still there, I can’t progress in the career !!!


Same over here, I cannot progress further due to this bug :pensive: