Game progress not saving after closing the game

Bug Info: Progress isn’t being saved after Open B class, second race in career mode, untill it all worked since the release
Platform: Windows PC
Edition: GamePass
Account: solo account
PC GPU: GTX 108 drivers updated 10th novemeber 2023
Peripheral: keyboard
Settings: Automatic/medium
Xbox Settings: None
Attempted fixes: Rebooted, some potential fixes found online and here Found a workaround for career progress not saving after gracefully closing the game
Content Update: it started today

Om xbox series x career progress not saving and having to do same races over and over again. Horrible
About to give up on the game

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I have the same issue, play hours and hours hoping to progress then, time to log off no progress saved. Also sometimes after modding a car, the applying screen just hangs and i need to restart the entire game again.
Im teally loosing All hope now, really contemplating deletingvthe game, it more frustrating to play it at this point.

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Same issue on x box. Progress is not saved at career „built for sport“. Have to start it again and again and can continue to the next level „super sedans“. It just sticks at this level.
I am loosing interest in this game and I am really annoyed I bought all the extras in advance to the release of the game.

same issue on series X.

one of my career say i received 7 trophies but i still need to complete the second series of that career because of the progress saving bug.

Having the same issue on PC.

Even when the game is not crashing, but being exited normally. About 1 out of 3 times - progress isn’t saved.

Premium Edition, Microsoft Store, Single Account, Only Device, C: Drive


Does this issue still persist after recent updates? What kind of progress is not being saved?

We are closing out this issue. The developers have noted this issue as Issue not occurring anymore or Unable to reproduce.

If you are still experiencing this issue you can create a new topic. Please link this topic in the new topic for reference and provide video/screenshots to help the investigation.

At the time of the closing this topic had 11 votes.