Found a workaround for career progress not saving after gracefully closing the game

PLEASE NOTE: This workaround does not work and/or apply to career progress not saving after getting stuck on an infinite loading screen (such as buying a new car, or upgrading a car). This only works if you are able to normally close the game without any sort of crash, but you relaunch the game and career progress did not save.

This has worked for me every time I’ve done it. After playing career, tuning cars, painting cars, or generally doing whatever and you are finished playing for the time being, before closing the game, do the following:

  1. Go into Multiplayer from the Race menu.
  2. Select one of the Featured Multiplayer lobbies.
  3. Pick whatever open race is available and select your car.
  4. Once you are loaded into the lobby where you can start practice or qualify, select Exit.
  5. Back at the main menu, close the game as you normally would.

As I said, every time I’ve done this and reopened the game, all my progress has saved. I believe entering the multiplayer race and leaving forces the game to save your single player content progress.

The only time this has not worked for me is if at step 1/2 you get the retrieving schedule loading screen where it cannot retrieve the schedule. When that has happened and I have to close the game to fix that, I’ve had progress not save.

As long as I’ve been able to get into a lobby, it has always saved my single player progress.

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My workaround is to not bother and simply complain on forum and rate game poorly until they fix said game.


I want to add that I have now completed the entire Builders Cup using this method. Once I figured out this workaround, I no longer had to repeatedly redo races for a series. I was able to do the last two tours completely without having to redo any races for any of the series.

It works but doesn’t work consistently (game cannot retrieve the schedule most of the time).

What I end up doing is taking a photo each time I start a race (not pratice). If the photo can’t be saved, I would just relaunch the game until it does.

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