Game freezes after applying upgrades, progress lost (after update 1.1)

Continuing the discussion from Game is crashing too much:

I’m using an Xbox X/S and like someone mentioned above mine also keeps on the loading or saving screen and will not move on. Only thing to do is close the game and reopen. When the game reloads at least the last completed race is showing that you have not done it. Yet car level is correct and up from the missing race. It started off just when trying to apply upgrades only. Sense it has happened in 2 different load/save screens one being after completing practice. After resetting the game that practice wasn’t complete obviously but also the previous race was also absent. I’ve had to redo 10 plus races already[quote=“opencamswrx, post:36, topic:626513, full:true”]
Happening nearly every session. But always happens in the menu or while loading never during a race.

Series X
Performance RT

Yeah it’s unstable. I just lost progress over 20 mins of hard work and time spent taking flawless racing lines to win a race. Now I’m back at the same track, it wants me to do the race again!!

Absolutely unacceptable standards by a AAA developer!!!


I’m having issues with the game freezing. It will occasionally happen while in menus, such as when going to modify a car and it will freeze for up to a second, then start responding again.

The main issue is it happening during races. When in single player races the game will occasionally freeze for anywhere from a fraction of a second, to one or two seconds, then continue. It is not stuttering, or frame drops, the frame rate stay consistent, immediately stop, then when it resumes at the original frame rate.

I hate using the phrase, but it is making multiplayer unplayable. It has happened in every multiplayer match I’ve done so far, with one it only happened twice, with another it was at least once a lap with sometimes multiple times per lap. When it happens, it freezes just like in single player, but then after unfreezing it then has to resync with the server, so another second or two of the game going slowly until everything is synced up again.

I have tried rebooting, running with nothing else in the background, running with the system priority set higher, setting all the graphics settings to auto, setting all the graphics settings to off or low, re-installing, and re-installing on a different drive. I have updated all of my drivers, nothing is overclocked, and can’t think of anything else to try.

I am also having issues with the disappearing track as mentioned in another thread, or other assets such as the fences being drawn in the distance and disappearing as they get close, or the stands not being drawn with the fans sitting/standing in mid-air. It seems like any time the game is going to freeze during a race, the disappearing assets happens earlier, although the game freezing doesn’t happen immediately after the assets finally get drawn, it could be 30-60 second later when it freezes.

Windows 10 Home
Intel Core i7-13700k
Nvidia 4800
Samsung 980 PRO NVMe m.2 SSD

Same here. It is frustrating. I even deleted the game. Downloaded it again. Still happening. Keeps on saying updating event schedule failed. In career mode. Did the first few races. Opend the next event. Go there. Need to buy other car. Do that. Game freez. Restart the game. Now the even that i have unlocked is locked again. And i need to race the previous event race again. My credits does keep on increasing


In order to help demonstrate the issue I went and recorded the issue during a practice session for a multiplayer race.

One of the big freezes happens from 1:39-1:45. There were a couple micro freezes that happened as well. I also recorded the race itself, with both micro freezes and long freezes. If it would help I can upload that video as well.


This is totally unacceptable, I’ve lost progress and had to redo lots of races and my car keeps the exp making it over the intended level for the races.


Same problem here, in my Xbox series X. I’m about to uninstall the game definetely, or at least wait one or two months to restart racing. Around 10 races that I’ve needed to redo now.
Just happened again. I was in the last race of the iconic muscle serie, the game freezed in the saving screen. After several minutes, I closer the game and reopened it. I’m now on the third (of 5) race again.
It’s absolutely frustrating to lose around 30min of gameplay.
The money and car points are kept, but I simply can’t advance in the campaign.

Performance mode.
In every test of network the xbox indicated that I was online and with good speed.


Still stuck applying upgrades in career mode on xbox series x even after the update. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. I have opened a ticket on this again.

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Mine froze after choosing and buying the dodge challenger in builders cup, stuck on ‘adding car to library’ or words to that effect. also after update.


Me too,also have problem after updated

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Continuing the discussion from Loading/saving freeze:

Anche a me succede la stessa! È la decima volta che faccio la gara in carriera e dopo averla finita si blocca e devo rifarla! Non è possibile che un gioco improntato sulla carriera debba avere così tanti problemi anche dopo aggiornamenti!! Vergogna

After the update on Xbox series x not only nothing was fixed but in fact things got worse! When, in career mode, you go from free practice to the race, the game freezes and infinite loading starts, when you go from one race to another, infinite loading starts, when you purchase a car or an upgrade, infinite loading starts, free events do not they start for nothing after you have set them up a black screen appears and that’s it and if you press the A button again the window pops up asking you if you want to confirm the options. not to mention that every time it freezes after you forcefully exit the game you lose the latest progress made. the same goes for replays that aren’t saved and if you try they just load endlessly. please urgently fix these bugs (especially the infinite loading) otherwise it is impossible to play.

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Having the same problem. Still no fixes?

I’m having the same problem, to load, apply or modify a setting, after a race in career mode, to buy or change a car + crash at the car show, in multiplayer after having done practice and qualifying, after a race…

Je rencontre le même problème, pour charger, appliquer ou modifier un réglage, après une course en mode carrière, pour acheter ou changer de voiture + des crash à répétitions au salon auto, en multi après avoir fais essais et qualification, après une course…

Progression on XBOX series X in career mode, standard edition, still not properly saving progress and regularly loose last 2 - 3 races completed. Recent update does not appear to have adequately resolved this issue.

Same issue here. On Xbox Series X and when i tried cloud gaming on Xbox One X.

Have tried exiting the game after a race, not adjusting fuel, not adding upgrades. Cannot get past 3 races. Without crashing at the save screen or coming back later and all progression is gone.
Weirdly it saves Car and Drive XP but not career progression.

Not worth playing until this is fixed. Raced the same races over and over again.
I have the urge to play, but it’s kinda pointless.


Yep, I had one day where I managed to get a few races done, then when I went back to start my next series, the final race of the series I had completed wasn’t done again.
So I finished it, then bought a car for the next series, the game crashed on purchase, gave me the infinite loading screen, then when I went back in, that final race wasn’t completed again. :roll_eyes:

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That’s because the game is in absolute shambles and we the consumer who put our hard earned dollars into buying this 6 year produced 7urd got screwed and lied to. Chris arisaki or whatever lies to every single one of us every live stream there’s no way anyone can say he thought whole heartedly that this game was ready to go and thought it was the best produced game the franchise has ever seen.


Same here on Series X.
I race the open class event four times cause my progress allways wiped away.
Yesterday I try the Free Race, tune up my Ferrari F50 and after that I do the complete Class A event. Worked fine, but than comes the S Class event. I buyed a car, ended up in a endless loading screen and a crash. After the restart the complete Class A event was wiped again.
And this morning the complete monthly event was also gone.
It`s starting to get really ugly here.

That allways happens when you buy a car or while tuning it.
Six years of development and all the Microsoft money. Plus the recycling and minus so many race tracks…This game is a bad joke.