I’m having issues with the game freezing. It will occasionally happen while in menus, such as when going to modify a car and it will freeze for up to a second, then start responding again.
The main issue is it happening during races. When in single player races the game will occasionally freeze for anywhere from a fraction of a second, to one or two seconds, then continue. It is not stuttering, or frame drops, the frame rate stay consistent, immediately stop, then when it resumes at the original frame rate.
I hate using the phrase, but it is making multiplayer unplayable. It has happened in every multiplayer match I’ve done so far, with one it only happened twice, with another it was at least once a lap with sometimes multiple times per lap. When it happens, it freezes just like in single player, but then after unfreezing it then has to resync with the server, so another second or two of the game going slowly until everything is synced up again.
I have tried rebooting, running with nothing else in the background, running with the system priority set higher, setting all the graphics settings to auto, setting all the graphics settings to off or low, re-installing, and re-installing on a different drive. I have updated all of my drivers, nothing is overclocked, and can’t think of anything else to try.
I am also having issues with the disappearing track as mentioned in another thread, or other assets such as the fences being drawn in the distance and disappearing as they get close, or the stands not being drawn with the fans sitting/standing in mid-air. It seems like any time the game is going to freeze during a race, the disappearing assets happens earlier, although the game freezing doesn’t happen immediately after the assets finally get drawn, it could be 30-60 second later when it freezes.
Windows 10 Home
Intel Core i7-13700k
Nvidia 4800
Samsung 980 PRO NVMe m.2 SSD