Same issue here, after completing 2nd last race in series and tuning car for last race it just infinitely loads causing me to restart, loose progress and try again. After doing it twice I’m calling it a day until fixed.
I also wrote directly to turn10 and they advised me to do this (as in the image) and it seems to work for now
Platform: Xbox seriesX, Xcloud, playing local on phone screen
Version after update 1.0 version: 1.494.4196.0**
PLATFORM: XCloud,XSX,locally on phone playing on XSX
Ive got multiple times lost progress with upgrading my car and infinite loading screen while on my xbox, or playing locally on my phone screen and other time on xcloud.
PLATFORM: XCloud,XSX,locally on phone playing on XSX
But another one that is new for my since upgrade 1.0, ive lost progress since i finished my career and exited career and went into my cars and selected an different car and infinite loading screen again and needed to restart. and lost almost full event of career.
Also i had an problem with the cloud save, and lost again multiple races in career when loading on my xbox but didnt worked so i tried to remove saved game on xbox and download again but still lost progress. (In cloud i did finished career event and went back to menu and then quit) somehow my career races didnt saved.
Also the infinite loading screens here also and lost progress. (Different then the Xcloud above)
I’ve also had the lost progress issue but not through the infinite loading screen just at the end of the series o don’t receive a trophy and then have to repeat the last 2 races
Exact thing is happening to me. I am stuck at the laguna seca builders cup race. Cant move ahead from that whenever i upgrade my car after race finish. Its agonising. The multiplayer then crashes mid race. On frikkin Xbox Series X, the platform on which it is supposed to play bloody flawlessly. Such a buggy crappy game.
I’m on PC same problem for me too when I race in career and I improve my car or I buy a car it’s an unlimited loading screen. I hope they will fix this bug, it’s really annoying
Xbox Series S
Similar issue here.
Freeze used to happen when I upgrade a car before the next race.
I would get a loading screen where I can’t get out of.
Going to Xbox Home and shutting down the game is only option.
Coming back in game, losing at least 1 race of save game.
Today I have lost about 20-30min of racing.
I finished the Super Sedan cup and wanted to enter the next race, but it wasn’t able to load the series giving me some error that it couldn’t load the data from the servers (offline cup series…?!)
I decided to paint and test the 911 Carrera S but as I went to search a design for it, the game froze in the loading screen.
Re-loading the game put me back at Hakone (4th of the 5 races) in the Super Sedan series, which I just completed.
My internet connection is stable and active, so no reason why the save sync shouldn’t be working. I didn’t pay attention to it but did not seem to see any active save syncing somewhere.
Car level is indeed upgrading and staying there after reboot.
Driver level is resetting after reboot.
After the hotfix update game still gets stuck after applying upgrades. When only solution is to quit the game, restart and losing your progress. Should be fixed but certainly is not.
Playing on a Series S, could reproduce after adjusting fuel, finishing race, after race applying upgrades where it got stuck. Happens in Modern Tour Premium Performance.
Exactly the same issues as at this closed task: Stability - Game may hang on applying upgrades and does not save career mode progress (1608827) - #932 by BobGT3000
Yup, exact same on PC/Steam again. Issue is most definitely NOT fixed
XSX has same problem. Still saving issues. Please fix this. Do something folks!
I think the only thing they addressed was the loading screens bug.
Edit: still happening. Only thing the hotfix has done is test our patience further
Premium Performance - all career progress lost whenever I exit the game and reload it.
Upgrading also sometimes crashes the game which means you have to quit the game.
But progress is only lost for the races where I have changed the fuel amount or tyres for my car for the races which are wiped!
Would like to be able to change my tyres and fuel loads for career races without knowing that I was going to lose all my career progress at the end…
@T10ManteoMax just FYI
Here is another ticket for endless loading issue
The latest hotfix supposed to repair it, but it didn’t
XSX same. Wasting almost 50h for this game and u cant even make progress. When was relase? 3 weeks ago? It should be fixed next day! It’s a joke. U cant even tune ur car in online session because u will get stuck too…
BEFORE YOU POST do the following and use this template. This helps the team skip ahead from having to ask the same basic questions.
- Quit your game and restart your device to see if that fixes the issue before posting. This solves many issues!
- Game crashing or account issues: submit a ticket directly to
- Bug reports only here - use Suggestions Hub to request changes or new content.
- No duplicate topics - search existing topics and upvote them. Read the Known Issues list.
- One issue per topic.
- No vague titles - use a simple, clear description of the issue in your title.
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- Help close the loop by replying again if you’ve resolved the issue or have found a workaround.
Bug Info: (when finish a buildercup and auto downgrade the recent car to stock, it show a message that the car is still in the buildercup- when you abort this message and go back, then there is a infinite loading loop)
Platform: (Series X)
Edition: (Premium,)
Account: (solo account)
PC GPU: (-)
Peripheral: (-)
Settings: (-)
Xbox Settings: (none)
Attempted fixes: (rebooted, reinstalled, set settings to default)
Content Update: Was this happening prior to the most recent content update and after the update
Just finished Builders Cup Enthusiast Tour Lexus LFA special and went into Power Tour Iconic Muscle to grab Camaro. Well, bug still persists - progress was lost. I dared myself and changed the fuel load on race before, I like the risks. It’s all linked - car tuning before the race, tire and fuel load, buying new car. Patch did not fix it. Shame, I very much like the game. Will need to put it away until it’s playable.
Xbox Series X
I was happy to read that the 1.1 hotfix was avaible and installed. Right after doing the first race…. Again stuck… 3th time i’m doing this same race with 4 laps each over and over again….
Its really anoying and it makes me angry too. Whenever I accomplishe a race, I load the next race - quit the race and then restart it immediately just to be sure I dont get stuck on the loading screen.
This way of working ensures me that the previous race will be saved.
Release whas October 10, but still not playable ever since…
The problem is perhaps even worse. I can’t finish races. Infinity saving upgrades…
Series X…
Nothing has changed in 1.1, what did they fix…
T-10 is too lazy.
They are too slow to respond.
MS is too licking their customers.
Is it really time to file a class action lawsuit?
@T10ManteoMax do you read anything on here? Some of us queried in the prior thread if it was appropriate to assume the patch would close it off, and you simply closed it off with your fingers in your ears.
Its just downright disappointing the lack of communication here, and closing off the thread that CLEARLY covered a broad spectrum of issues centered around the same root cause (Cloud saves) just smacks of ignorance, especially when the hotfix mentioned doesn’t actually fit 90% of the threads complaints.
This issue is still happening, it is tied to Cloud saves, this is why always online gaming is a cancer, I have played since FM1 and have never had such a rocky start to a Forza game.
Note: I hope this isn’t considered abuse, I don’t want to shame you, community manager is a trying job, I’m just a frustrated fan boy who wants to enjoy the game to its full potential.