Stability - Game may hang on applying upgrades and does not save career mode progress (1608827)

Same here. This is very dispointed and keeps bugging me almost for every play time. I need to comple a series with almost finishing 2x events.

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I donā€™t find it funny at all.
In the patch notes you refer to improving the stability of the game, after patch 1.0 things seem to get worse, serious online problems and infinite loads


getting a bit sick of having to do 2 races then quit game to load back in and only the first race has saved have to do the second race again the do the third race for the second race to save then quit to do the thrid race again


Try to make what happened to us with this pic, There are two major issues :
A, Can not load next series event data when you finish all the races and ready to next series. FM23 does unlock the next series. Well it says loading event data from server and then says remote data not yet avaliable. no matter how many times you try, it just the same result. this is a dead loop. So player can not move forward. the only option is to quit the game ?

B, Once you quit and restart the game, you will find that your last races are not recorded, so the series you finished just now is open now, the next series is locked. What you can do is to repeat the races.

Well, A and B together makes another dead loop. Once the issues happen, it will keep you just repeat the last races.

You guys can see there is a number ā€œ4ā€ on power tours, which should the time that I won the first series.
BTW, I did complete some series, but it hapens to me very often. Looking forward T10 to figure out the root cause and get it fixed to be a normal race game.


I painted my car between races yesterday and now I was able to continue. It was only 1 time, so not sure if itā€™s a good workaround. Still shouldnā€™t be necessary though.

(Sorry for broken english, i hope yā€™all understand)

This is what I do to minimalize the saving progress issue on my PC

  1. Disable IPv6 connection through Windows Setting
  2. Always restart the game after changing the graphic setting (i am not sure, but its make the performance run better)
  3. Always do Practice (dont skip)
  4. If you start the race, wait for car can be fully controlled. Dont press anything when car cant be fully controlled yet. In ā€œ3, 2, 1, Goā€ press the button after the ā€œGoā€ screen

To make sure you can save the game, always use photo mode so as not to waste your time

This mostly work for me, but not 100% fix.

In my case, fuel and tyre setting not the problem. I can still save the progress even with edited fuel and tyre setting

But in my game, crashing is the issue. Every 2 race, the game just crash in the middle of race.
Anyone can help this?


Being a Saturday night and nothing to do, I thought Iā€™d give it 1 more go. After 3 weeks and paying big money for this crap, I still canā€™t use it. Microsoft refuses to give refunds. Microsoft can go to hell.


Itā€™s sad that they are doing just NOTHING. One of the biggest crap games Iā€™ve played and it could be such a good game.

The update routine is even worse than COD!


When I complete a playlist of races in the forza Motorsport career mode, it does not save. If I exit them game for whatever reason, the next time I load in all my progress is gone. I still have the trophy on the left side saying Iā€™ve completed x amount of playlists but the playlists themselves only have 1 or 2 races completed, the car levels are also still where they were when the career playlists were finished. Most recently this happened today, October 21 when competing the second playlist in the featured career section. This has also happened in the past with the regular career section. This has been happening before and after the most recent update.
Forza support team has suggested restarting the specified tours with newly purchased cars that were not previously owned. I tried this, it has not worked.
Would love some helpful advice/solutions.

The problem remains after version 1.494.4196.0.
Fix it!


I did another race, went back to the main menu, repainted my car (adjusted it a bit), tried to save and it froze during saving the paintā€¦ Quit, went back into the game and my progress was gone again!!

I think Iā€™ll set the game aside for now until a fix is released. Thereā€™s no point wasting hours and redoing races.


Happens to me as well. After Suzuka in Builders Sport, when upgrading for Mugello to P1 800, game hangs when upgrading and career progress is lost when quitting, but car lvl and credits remain.


We all need to mail dog p00p into them

Yesterday the Progress in my career was gone with no crash of the Game. Just shut down the system as usual and today i got to start at Race 1 again.

Now i just finished the Track Exotics. After this i went to the Car Shop und tried to buy a new Car. Game got Frozen and all my Progress is gone again. What does the Update change? I have to say nothing at all.

I really love the driving, but this is so disappointing.
Please fix it!!!


Still happening for me on PC, I can get past two races now but havenā€™t seen more than four in a row, and Iā€™ve even had this kick in as early as first race upon boot.

I do notice car levels and credits are retained / never lost, so those are saved locally to your PC and sync up fine.

This means that all career progression is purely cloud save, this seems highly unnecessary? Always online is really ruining things for people.


Had this happen about 4 times in less than 2 hours of play, but yesterday it happened when I bought a new car. On the loading screen where it says ā€˜AQUIRING etc.ā€™, just like the tuning screen, it hung and I had to alt/del. Seems like itā€™s getting worse, so iā€™m uninstalling for now, this is a horrible experience.


Stillā€¦ save troubles after patchā€¦

I do two last race in the careers Track exotics (maple valley and Indianapolis) I try to do test a car after that in Free play and I cannot launch any raceā€¦ just black screenā€¦ so I restart the game and surprise I lost my two raceā€¦

Great Hotfix doesnā€™t fix anything for me :triumph:

Guyā€™s this game is a messā€¦ itā€™s normal ple hate more and more so frustratingā€¦


Same for me.
I have done open tour class b for many times, but the progress is not saved.
After completing the tour I just got a green medal and can not start an other tour ā€œcontent is not loadedā€ nor can buy a new car, then the game freeze in saving screen.


Got my refund approved from the store. It says 2 weeks after purchase not possible but still go through with it cos mine was approved despite this.
Shame on Turn10 for the silence in getting this game breaking bug fixed.


FM23 can save the credits, car level porperly. just lost the builder cup race progress , and fail to load the next series event data time to time.

One more finding:
Once your win the series races, if there is a golden cup at the right down corner, then you may good to go next series; If it is green metal icon, It will fail, and if you buy another car, it may hang there, you have to force quit the program later on.