Stability - Game may hang on applying upgrades and does not save career mode progress (1608827)

Same issue here too…

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Same issue… cant make progress in career… just end up having to do the same races over and over…


$120 game.

15 days, 807 replies, 582 votes.

Not a single post by a T10 employee.


Thanks God I’m not the only one with this. Tired of running same race 3… 4 times to accomplish something. This topic needs a priority. In a few days nobody will be playing career anymore. Here is Xbox series X platform with Logitech G923. I’m available to provide more info if needed. Feel free to contact me.


@T10ManteoMax any news about another patch with another fix for this issue?
I hate the way T10 communicate with their game players and fans
People bought game for full price and tell T10 about this issue every hour since October 5, but there is no single response from studio


My game doesn’t save any progress apart from car level and car upgrades. This is crazy I can’t play builder cup of the featured cup. I’ve payed the premium add-on and the only thing left to do is online or rivals. So frustrating.

(Gaming on a series X)


Under ‘you’ in my message above i mean the entire studio, not this man himself
Sure, he only can give us only allowed info, but the way of communication from T10 is terrible

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They just should test their game before release
Or they don’t have any QAs?


Nothing is getting me past the rainy Road America. :smiling_face_with_tear:
Adjusting nothing, no restarts. Just crashes. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I was thinking Toyota Production System and Lean. :slightly_smiling_face:

What we noticed:

  1. When we race cross series , FM23 will try to fetch the event data from the server, and it will fail to do that. FM23 tells us on that and says try again later.
    What normal game will do ? Keep the progress recorded and sync with server side, then try to load the event data later on or in the background.
    The best would be load all career event data to the local instead of fetch it from the server, as that career mod is almost fixed track, why store those fixed racing server side ?

  2. At that morment , looks we are locked out from the server. Can be back to main menu, but some time can not even buy car.

  3. Now if we restart the FM23, it can start as normal, but the last races result will be lost, It totally forget to record the progress.

There must be something wrong there… as we can restart the game and connect succuss to the remote server. Why FM23 fails to fetch the event data minutes ago and lost the progress ?

BTW, I open a ticket on this , and T10 mark it as solved ! T10 team, what you do and how you test it, do you guys check with customer before you mark the ticket as solved ?


Same issue on XBOX-X
Save credits and care progress but not carrer progress
I’m block on two carrers every time lose the progress.

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Same problem… to finish a carrer you have to do several times the same race…

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Well, here an update.
I finishend the event, had to do one race again due to a crash, caused by going through the menu’s to rivals.
But doing one race at the time is the safest option. Also the following thing I noticed when a crash occurs:

  • Progress is not saved
  • Driver level is not saved
  • Earned credits are saved
  • Car level is saved.

It seems that the highlighted events are sensitive for crashes. Anyway it is a big stability issue, and I don’t think it is related to upgrading / tuning but is is a online issue, and somehow it looks that since FM4 online is always a kind of Waterloo for these series.

So please T10, do your homework and fix these game breaking issues!


+1 to this problem.
Happened thrice and I am fed up! Not going to play again until this is fixed, my time has value and losing progress is a joke!

Platform: Xbox Series X.
Location: Italy
After completed a race, getting to the next, and upgrading the car, stuck at “Applying upgrade…”


Well, after 3 weeks of trying and not being able to get passed 1 series ( even though Xbox says I have), I have given up. I can’t be bothered playing this worthless game anymore, Turn 10 and Microsoft has lost me as customer. Considering that no one are willing to refund my hard earn cash, I will never buy another game from Turn 10 or a Microsoft developed game again.


This is still not fixed. It just happened again.

I won the first race of the Super Saloons. I selected Exit and it should have auto-saved when I went back to the main menu.

The next race I upgraded my car and it freezes.

I go back to my Xbox dashboard, quit the game thinking the 1st race is still saved because of the auto-save, but when I booted the game back up, that progress was gone!

Perhaps, if I paint my car, it will save the progress?


What is the purpose of this platform,

Everyone is reporting bugs/problems and after 800+ reports on the same issue from players and no feedback from turn10/forza,

Not even sorry people we are aware and working on it.

Absolutely useless…?


We have a serious problems with the stability since the first day 5th, has been 15!!! days, one patch with no solution.
We paid 100€ for be a testers??
This is an AAA game? I think only for the price.
Not a single word by Turn 10 for a in game compensation, money and cars, that is nothing for Turn 10, but no.
TURN 10, TURN RIGHT and solve the problems,
Tells us, what happens, why we don’t have a solution?
Tell us, why don’t care about your costumers, why we don’t have a compensation?


I am very disappointed. Same Problem.

I had no the time to race 3 or more times the same race until the game saved my progress. For me it is unplayable.

T10 Patch your game!!!