Spa-Francorchamps look terrible

What version of Spa is this? Has any member of Turn10 visited Spa once? This looks like a 90’s version. :face_vomiting: :unamused:
Track surface at the (new) start is wrong.

Grandstands are not up to date.

The chalet is gone and need to be replaced with a massive grandstand

Where is the shortcut version of this corner?

No banner above the track:

And a lot of the fences are not accurate to the new ones they have for a lot years now. And this is around the track, not only in this spot.

Please give us a decent version cause this is realy bad.


interesting. never been there. I guess is wasn’t just re-built from the ground up then.


Nope absolutely not.

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Thats the new Raytracing future tech that lets them go back in time.
Their new #fromthegroundup engine is something else


It does, and so does every other track. Just go back to FM5, 6 and 7. Tracks look vastly better in those games. The tarmac textures are horrendous in this iteration! And there’s visual glitches, texture corruption, LOD popping all over the place. There’s no escaping it, lol


The Spa-Francorchamps track is by far the worst looking track for sure. GTR from 20 years ago looked even better on PC back then. The mentioned changes were finished last year after 2 years of renovations.

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it was reused from the ground up.


I haven’t done this track in the game yet but I’ve seen plenty of pictures and video. If everything was rebuilt from the ground up why on earth did they not update the track to what it looks like now? They are apparently adding the reprofiled version of Yas Marina but Spa, arguably the second most famous race track in the world (behind the Ring), one that was very publicly updated in the real world, a couple of years ago now, didn’t get updated? I can’t wrap my mind around this decision… But considering the new fantasy tracks they gave us look phoned in from a layout perspective, I shouldn’t be surprised.
For reference, this was me in June. Eau Rouge/Radillon looks wildly different now, they also added an alternate turn for T9.


True but if they scanned the track in 2021 they would still see many of the things the OP is complaining about. Here’s another video of me but from 2019 and there are still several differences. My guess is they refreshed Spa, not rebuilt it. I usually don’t buy into caring about T10 reusing old models from previous games because generally speaking, who cares, but in this case it makes it quite obvious that that’s likely what they did here. They say new tracks will come, perhaps that list includes an updated version of Spa. I will add though that I appreciate that these things take time to build (hence Nordschliefe not being ready) and to your point, they likely would have scanned this prior to COVID, which would mean the old version of the track. HOWEVER, the start/finish line hasn’t had the sign shown here in quite some time. It’s a been a fully digital banner for some time now.

I agree but those details do matter if you use the game to try and learn a track for real-world track an you use something as a braking point that is no longer there then you’re having to refigure some things out. But yeah, most of the complaints I’m seeing about the game in general are pretty dumb. The complaint here though begs the question, for a game that was rebuilt and redesigned from the ground up as they claim, it makes you wonder what is actually rebuilt and what was not ya know?

I’m massively disappointed they never updated this track. Spa is one of my favourite circuits and I was so happy to see it in the release but I didn’t want it looking like this :c


Game is visually inconsistent, I couldn’t believe they put in Hakone trailer part where you can clearly see seamless texture repeated over and over again. Like there wasn’t second pass over the texture with other textures and brushes.


to me thats not an excuse, you can easily buy that part of a scan from somebody else.
15 years old iRacing did a complete overhaul of the Zandvoort track for their latest season with the banked corners and all, and you’d think Turn10 has the bigger budget.

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Also depends on what they licensed, what version of the track is included.

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This is my absolute favorite circuit and it’s a shame to see it so outdated. I seriously hope they update it.

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I’m sure when they say, built from the ground up, they use the scannes used to generate the tracks on FM7. Just send the tickets and after some time the track might be updated.

The ugliest version.

So I attempted to match up your lap and the pictures that you took to see the differences back to back. I have to say… Not great.








This makes it a little easier to compare the two directly, I think. I believe that you are right about it not being a very faithful recreation. For some reason, they have decided to use trees to kind of block our views. I’ve noticed that on a lot of tracks, and they noted it on the Digital Foundry video that this is odd because usually foliage is high load stuff.

I’m not coming down one way or the other, but thought it would make it easier for others to see.

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One theory (which Digital Foundry also discussed in their follow-up video) was that the blocking was for performance reasons.

When you block half the track from view, you no longer need to visually load or render that part of the circuit until you drive there, and thus can improve performance.

It’s something that was done in previous titles too on various tracks.

Considering the performance I’m getting on PC, I shudder to think of what it may have been like without the “tree tunnels”.