Really Turn 10? Really? HUGE Disappointment....All I see in FM6 is FM5 with a DLC pack

When Forza 6 was announced I was super excited and was hoping for some big changes and upgrades to the game as always. Been playing Forza, since Forza One with alot of play time in all of the series. This is the first time I have been very disappointed with the Forza series, ever…

Now before you guys jump all over me and say " You should have read and researched before you purchased" " If you do not like it, do not buy it" BS, I do not want to hear that, I am not a snot nosed 12 year old kid on a rant.

I spent $100 on the Ultimate Edition, terrible waste of money. The $100 I wasted does not break the bank account and quite frankly I do not really care about the $$$, but still, a big big waste in my opinion.

I put some time into Forza 6 today and all I see is Forza 5 with some extra DLC cars and tracks + night racing. Ohhh they also added a new menu layout, WOW! (<–sarcasm). But that’s about it.

Worst of it all for me, I love drag racing, setting cars up and trying to maximize all different combos.

Well, Turn 10 decided they wanted to remove Drag Racing from free play. You can drag in the TEST DRIVE section, however, there is no countdown, cannot restart the race and its a bear to try to tune the car like this. Why remove this one simple feature?? Did you really not have that much room to leave this in the game when ALOT of people would be using this? You know there are going to be a ton of complaints about this.

Now I know this doesn’t take away from the game at all for most since the game is not really geared towards Drag Racing, I totally get it, I understand… But why even bother putting drag racing tracks in the game if you cannot actually drag race??? Complete waste…

I am not completely writing the game off and I will still play it. I guess I was just expecting more aside from adding a few extra cars and a handful of tracks. The night racing is cool. But honestly, between the new tracks, the few extra cars and night racing. Turn 10 could have easily patched Forza 5 and added all this stuff as a DLC.

[Mod Edit - HIeronymus (Incredibly profane and childish suggestion removed)]


Nobody has taken your money, lets make that clear right now. You made the decision to buy, not T10.

Want drag racing then Multiplayer>Private Match> Setup how you like.


[Mod Edit - Hieronymus (Profanity removed)]

I hate to break it to you, but you sound like a ranting 12 year old


Ohh my bad. Thanks Mom!!

I actually wanted them too include a real quarter mile track like Summit Raceway Park with actual trees too practice reaction times on, but that will obviously never happen.
As far as this being 5 with more cars, no.
6 is far better with a wheel than 5.
I am looking forward too Asseto Corsa though.

I agree, that will probably never happen. I would love to see that but I am not getting my hopes up. It would not be hard to implement some basic drag racing features like you mention. Tree, reaction times, 60ft times so you can compare/adjust setups etc. I was completely satisfied with the way the FM5 drag layout was. It was not optimal, but it was enjoyable atleast.

I do not use a wheel. So if 6 works better with a wheel than it does on 5. Then that is a good upgrade for the guys that do use one and may be worth it. I have been contemplating a wheel setup however I game in my Movie theater room. So I would need some sort of seating rig which I can make or buy however with the layout the room is, if I added some sort of gaming/wheel chair setup I would be sitting much closer than I would prefer to my screen plus there a few other reasons why I have not gone that route yet, mainly due to my room layout. Cant really use a table setup with the wheel attached to it since all the seats are theater recliners.

Hilarious! Do you often buy things without doing any research? If so, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Were you seriously expecting FM6 to be a radical departure from FM5?
And to top it all off, you’re still going to play it! As long as there’s people like you around, T10 will never go out of business.


Hilarious? Its a video game. I did not know I needed to spend hours researching if a game I have been playing and enjoying for years was going to be good. I have better things to do with my time then spend hours debating and researching if I want to buy a video game LOL! I watched the trailer, it looked good. I know what type of product Turn 10 puts out which is usually good since I have purchased all of the Forza games in the past. Its not like I was buying a house or a car! lol. I was not expecting a brand new re creation, but damn, nothing has changed except for night driving and a new menu layout and some DLC cars. WOW!!!

From your responses, and the level of saltiness that is layered in your posts, my guess is that you’re complaining about Forza Motorsport 6 essentially being Forza Motorsport 5, with a DLC expansion, simply because they left out drag racing.

Here’s a thought, get over it, pack it up, and move elsewhere. It’s kind of contradicting when you come in here, state that you’re not a 12 year old going on a rant, then go on a rant. ;D


I apologize that my opinion does not agree with your opinion. I guess someone that does not agree with your opinions should be shunned upon and told to leave. My bad! I guess people cannot express their opinions on something without someone jumping down their throat or having a civil conversation and just talk about it. Deep down inside you want to believe this game is way better and way worth it, but in reality you know damn well its the same thing as FM5 but you will not admit it.

My apologies, you forfeited the right to any sort of civil conversaton with the vulgar suggestion I have now removed from your original post. Also, while profanity might make talking fun, it makes writing look childish and it’s also inappropriate on these forums.

While we understand that some such as yourself might not be happy with the game, we happily invite any and all criticism but we do ask that it be provided in a both a meaningful and civil fashion.

Please take some time off to perhaps play a little more of the game and give some more thought as to how you might wish to better share your thoughts in the future.

No, no, please do take the time off.

I insist, in fact, I’ve already scheduled the time off for you.

Have a nice day.


Seriously man, the contradiction that’s in your posts are amusing. Enjoy your game! :smiley:


Sounds like you should have waited a day or two and asked some questions on here before spending your cash.

I’m really happy with the game personally. It’s the best Forza to date in my opinion.


I agree. And to be honest, anyone ever expecting a revolutionary change is playing the wrong title/ genre. Racing sim title updates have been incremental at best since GT2 - Any dev that tries to reinvent the wheel ends up coming across as gimmicky and arcadey. We all buy the next title, knowing full well that its gonna be the same game with new new graphics/physics/tracks/cars.


The jump from GT3 to GT4 was pretty special, but I agree GT to GT2 was a high water mark. I was probably more disappointed with GT2 to GT3 than FM4 to FM5 too … Probably.

FM6 definitely looks to be a net positive step up from FM5, but it hasn’t refilled all of the ground lost between FM4 and FM5. There probably are some valid concerns hidden in the “saltiness” of some the OP’s posts.


Oh, I agree there were definitely times along the journey that I was a pretty stoked racing sim fan -GT2 to GT3 was a huge jump visually, GT4 and the 900deg Logitech racing wheel was a huge jump in immersion, GT4 to the original Forza was a huge jump for customizers with the decals/ custom layouts. FM2 to FM3 was a great jump with the cockpit view, and so on.

I guess my point is, while I agree that its lame when dev cut features that users love, anyone expecting these games to reinvent the wheel is setting themselves up for a huge letdown. You buy cars, you race cars, you win money, then you spend it.

Car physics and handling seems vastly improved to me. That alone makes this purchase well worth it in my opinion.

I mean, I’m upset with some of the design choices too, but geeeeeez.