I’m not arguing that FM5 is better than FM6. FM6 is clearly “better” especially regarding the amount of cars and tracks. But the thing is, the core game is the same as FM5. The graphics are nearly the same, the physics are nearly the same, even the same bugs in FM5 are in FM6 like certain cars handling like a complete dog**** or manual with clutch stalling on start (the indy cars and and a few LMP1 cars).
I remember playing FM5 for the first time, and I was blown away at it besides the lack of content and some bugs, because the core gameplay was solid and it kept me playing till Forza 6 launched. Perhaps I had too high expectations for FM6, but after a while I couldn’t really get into it. It was the same case for me with Gran Turismo 6, I played the hell out of Gran Turismo 5 and when Gran Turismo 6 launched it was just too similar and I started to lose interest. Perhaps I have burned myself out in both cases.
Things I did like better in FM5 was the career, yes the FM6 linear career is fun, but once you finish it and you want to go and do other series, you have to play through the whole 4-6 races or your progress gets erased for that series, you can’t jump back and forth like in FM5.
I also liked the orchestra in race music in FM5 better than FM6’s soundtrack. Wouldn’t really be a problem if Xbox would release background music finally, a feature that was available at launch on the 360 but I digress.
I’ve played all of them, from 1-6 and all the Horizon ones. Forza 4 was the very first one I played though. I absolutely loved it. That is a big reason why I got the Xbox One, to play Forza 5. But I’m not comparing Forza 4 to 5/6, I’m comparing 5 to 6. And yes, Forza 5 did have better graphics and physics to Forza 4 though, so yes I was blown away with 5.
I took a 2 month break from forza 6 and came back and love it again. Yes it has flaws but every game does. I enjoy it all over again. Take a break and come bavk when ur ready.
Yes, of course. Especially Forza 5’s damage system was a lot of fun: Having race contact, so gentle you didn’t even notice something happened always meant your car had serious engine and steering damage. I just want to forget what 5 did to my heart. Only good thing about it was the drivers hands didn’t have Parkinson’s Desease, yet.
Same story here. For me, Forza 6 is more like Forza Motorsport 5.1, ok 5.2 or at best 5.3.
I’ve played the whole career mode in FM 5 and bought every car (because I’m a collector) and I’m not willing to do the same in FM 6 because the game is almost same like FM 5 and I’ve spent hundreds of hours on it. It was the same when I played Gran Turismo 5 and started GT 6 afterwards.
Turn 10 advertised their “awesome” weather system and day 'n nite races in game, but it’s a joke. I can’t have a challenging night race while it’s raining. No! It’s only night OR rain.
If you choose rainy race, all the puddles are at the same places looking exactly same, no matter how many times you play. You could even draw a puddle map for all the tracks.
Also a day and night cycle , like the weather should be changing fluently, like you start race in the afternoon and after few minutes of driving it’s getting dark and then suddenly it starts to rain, you have to adjust your driving to the new circumstances. Looking at Forza Horizon 2 it’s a step back in FM 6.
Car list: Ok, 500 cars are a lot, but I still have the feeling that many cars are missing, which should be included. Forza 4 had over 500 cars, but they’ve had more variety in my opinion.
Track choice is ok, but there should be more than just the standard ones. Like in Gran Turismo, there should be a straight forward track, so you can test your car settings and upgrades. Ok, there are some Top Gear test tracks, but they are way to short, to test top car speed or acceleration.
I really would love FM 6, but at this state for me it’s just FM 5.2. This game could have been so much better according to Turn 10 potential abilities to create racing games (looking at Forza Horizon 2).
Oh I forgot, there are rally cars and upgrades in this game, but there are no offroad tracks. That’s ridiculous.
Oh wow… that’s really nitpicking a lot, isn’t it? ^^
There are other games to cater to one’s tastes if one does not feel satisfied from playing Forza alone. Ancient martial arts master voice
If they unlock their entire treasure chest in one game, there isn’t much point in release a game every 2 years, is there?
It does a few things better than F5, and then there were a few steps back, but so what? The game is what it is, and it will never truly be enough for anyone (myself included).
I say enjoy it for what it is… cos’ it is one heckuva car game, there’s no denying it.
To date, I had…“had” never purchased DLC, until recently - just a month back broke the spell for the very first time. Got the FM5 car pass, 100% worth it and VIP for FM6 just for those cars, and again, I have no regrets.
You know what? People were complaining that Forza 4 was Forza 3.5 when it got released. The thing we have to keep in mind is Forza is not a racing sim for purists… wish it were, but it isn’t. Second, it’s a an accessible game that’s marketed to appeal to the masses. And if T10 reveal all their cards in one or two games, they cannot keep the profit stream going.
I know this is going a little off-topic but if they truly innovate, which they sure as heck won’t, they’ll have little else to do with future Forza games. I’m sure it’s a deliberate practice to unleash improvements in small doses. It’s been like that for many games, not just Forza.
Being said though, Forza 6 certainly did not wow me the way the F3-4 transition did, or the F4-5 transition. I guess the team is probably under immense pressure to really perform with FM7.
The chest was already open back in FM4. A big title game should try to one up the previous release, not regress and stubbornly or blindly keep the same failures.
The base game in FM6 is almost identical to that in FM5 yes. Surely we got a lot of extra cars and tracks, wet and dark races, but purely from An innovation
point of view, I have to agree that FM6 is a very poor game.
Innovation would be : (some examples)
REAL racing with qualifications, marshalls with blue/yellow/red flags, safety cars, …
integration of singleplayer and multiplayer
proper career mode with racing calender similar to Project Cars
dynamic day/night and weather system which really influence pit strategies.
just delete the rewind option from the game please, it’s just pathetic and so far away from the simulator this game wants to be.
Forza does have its pro’s as well though like the many different cars and I love ForzaVista a lot as well. But it feels to me the devs are laying back in their sofa’s just doing the absolute minimum with this game, release a new title every 2 years which looks about the same as the previous itteration and add some DLC in the form of car packs and a new track once in a while. Where is the spirit? Where is the motivation to do something extraordinary? Stop playing it safe devs, show some innovative initiative!
Forza Motorsport 6 is a good game and for now I’m still playing every night, but I’m already winding things down after only 5 months. It was at this point in Forza Motorsport 4’s life cycle that I was starting to increase my involvement with the game, joining competitive racing leagues, exploring the painting community, making myself more knowledgeable about tuning and game physics etc.
I played Forza Motorsport 4 for 3 years and by the end still hadn’t felt that I had experienced everything. 5 months into Forza Motorsport 6 and I’m already thinking about what other games I’ll move on to. Many of the community and multiplayer features of Forza Motorsport 4 kept me interested, and with them stripped down or removed completely from Forza Motorsport 6 there’s not much left to tie me into the game for the long haul. Even Gran Turismo 6 has lasted longer for me (18 months), despite the key issues that that title had with features.
…and now I’m pretty much done. Since Rocket league came out I’ve barely touched Forza Motorsport 6 at all, it’s missing that “hook” that keeps me playing for years unfortunately. I’ve had hundreds of hours of enjoyment with the game but it’s no Forza Motorsport 4, the spark is gone. I’ll try out the last month of Car Pass DLC and join the occasional live stream, but right now I’m not feeling the desire to join Leagues & Hoppers, and I’d rather not get back into organised competition again.
Strangely, I agree with you, but I don’t know why. All I know is that I completed the career in FM5 and went back and finished all the extra races. But with FM6 I’m having trouble finding the motivation to finish career. It doesn’t make sense. FM6 is a much better game than FM5. The menu system is a vast improvement and there are more tracks and cars. Maybe I’m changing…my interests and such…
I do know that I would enjoy the game more and would be fully immersed in it if it had all teh features of FM4. Not trying to make a complaint here, but read this from the Turn 10 website regarding the additions to FM2… “Forza Motorsport 2 was released in May of 2007, pushing the boundaries of User Generated Content (UGC) with a robust livery editor and online Auction House, giving casual players new options for expressing their creativity on and off the track. With new online tools, the Forza community thrived as painters, tuners, seller, and racers shared their creations via Forzamotorsport.net”
What changed? Why did they feel these were essential parts of the game so that all types of players would enjoy the game but then remove them and refuse to reinstate them? I get that there were problems with some of these features but, goodness grief, use that collective intelligence and fix the problems. No wonder the game’s sales have dropped like a rock after FM4.
FM6 needs to have more force feedback on the controller. If you run the same track on F5 there is so much more feedback. Sometimes in 6 there is none at all where in 5 there is . Have it set to the highest feedback settings on a brand new controller in 6. It’s the game not me.