[Poll] Which ESRB or PEGI rating should the next Forza Horizon be?

I thought it would be interesting to see what the community thinks about this. Forza Horizon 1 is the only one that was PEGI 12. Forza Horizon 2-5 have been rated PEGI 3 since.

Should the next Forza Horizon (if it comes) continue this way? Or go in a different direction?

Which PEGI rating should the next Forza Horizon be?
  • PEGI 3
  • PEGI 7
  • PEGI 12
  • PEGI 16
  • PEGI 18
0 voters

Info about ESRB and PEGI ratings:

I donā€™t know man.

For me it can stay in PEGI 3. After all it is a racing/car game without story. I canā€™t really see where it can upset someone to give it higher group.
sidenote: I donā€™t listen to in-game music (even when it plays), so I donā€™t care if songs are censored or not.
So unless we get full blown story mode with swearing/nudity/drugs/etc., I donā€™t really see a point in ā€œgoing upā€.

Or maybe Iā€™m missing something with these categories?

PS. When it was announced that FH5 will be in Mexico. One of my first thoughts was ā€œare we going to have drug smuggling missions or something like that?ā€.
sorry to all Mexican people, but that is one of first that comes to my mind when I think about Mexico :pray:


Since this is a kind of simulation of real life and it supports reckless driving in a real looking world it should be atleast pegi 12.


Thereā€™s nothing ā€œreal lookingā€ about the fact that the spectators are walled off absolutely everywhere, not just close to racetracks.

It should be pegi 3. My brother watches me, sooā€¦

Also I would not want a game that was rated that way. It is much better the way it is now.

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Why? They censor the most miniscule things. Like from keywords to look up tunes and liveries to random words in songs (there are topics about that too).


It is not about word censoring (although I highly disagree with the usage of foul language), it is about the suggestive content. I donā€™t believe in that. It is inappropriate and should not be included in ā€œfunā€. The devs did best removing that.

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The map looks artificial because a lot of real world props and buildings are missing:

  • No traffic lights, even in Guanajuato. Donā€™t know if thatā€™s realistic, never been there
  • Not a single gas station in sight. NFS Heat and Unbound have dozens scattered across the map
  • Mall?
  • Cities??
  • Only 2 highways that are disconnected from eachother
  • Where are the parking lots and garages?
  • No pedestrians
  • And so onā€¦

To me it makes the map feel like a maquette rather than a real piece of Mexico.

I made a topic for that one.

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This. And they actively promote it (various smash ā€œchallengesā€ and ā€œcollectiblesā€ etc.). And they like to be edgy in choice of music and other tie ins with associations with stuff that would get any of us banned.

Just be honest and rate it appropriately. If you want a squeaky clean kids game then do it. If you want something more mature then do that. Stop trying to be all things to everyone and failing across the spectrum.

ā€¦not that I care one whit really. Iā€™m done with the franchise. FH5 is the last Iā€™m involving myself with for a lot of reasons including the above. Iā€™m almost done with FH5 for that matter but the money is spent so Iā€™ll suck what I can out of it.

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Apparently some of that keyword/tune stuff is bound up in the Xbox system. So itā€™s likely out of PGGā€™s hands (and potentially would still be censored even if the game was targeted at mature audiences).

Some of the censored words are comical, like ā€œplayaā€ (because of its colloquial usage as a substitute for ā€œplayerā€ā€¦ even though it means beach in Spanish and is in the name of courses).

In the ā€œimprovementsā€ category, ā€œqueenā€ used to be censored in both title and description, but that got unbanned at some point. I had to go back and rename my Queen crest vinyl group.

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ā€œPlayaā€ is banned? Sheesh. I dont think ive been able to share a tune with ā€œRacing V12ā€ in the title. No ā€œv1.01ā€ either. Cant figure those out.

Donā€™t hate the ā€œbeachā€, hate the game. :laughing:



Whatā€™s the PEGI rating for ā€œgarbageā€ ?

Donā€™t mind me, just another day of the usual game idiocy. I think I should start a swear jar. Every time this game pushes me to curse it I drop a dollar in the jar and when I hit the price of the next game I want itā€™s good by and good riddance Forza. Since I wrapped up the Super Size Me FOMO 40 point menu again :roll_eyes: this week I guess thereā€™s one more week of FH5 for me. Two weeks if they manage to surprise me and offer a relatively bug free chore list.

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Can someone from ā€œPEGI 12 votersā€ explain why they are voting for that category? I really donā€™t know if Iā€™m missing something or what. What is the benefit of PEGI 12? What would be possible change?

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I think opinion of this highly depends on the age of the user. A lot of older members seem to be more adverse to strong language, where as I started swearing like a sailor at 14, and that was only 9 years ago for me.

Personally, I think whatever the PEGI equivalent of Rated T for Teen would suffice enough. In other words, dialogue and language are limited to what they can say on American Network television. No need to enter HBO territory.

As for why, language in a motorsport enviroment is pretty realistic. You donā€™t hear Max Verstappen or even team principals like Toto Wolff shying away from using language while on live television in heated situations. I mean, if the professionals have a hard time keeping it in, do you real expects twenty-somethings at a car and music festival to watch their language? I know most people here has at least lived through Woodstock and Summer of Love, and probably has a rough understanding of Burning Man and Coachella to know that a Goodwood for twenty-year-olds would not be as sophisticated as the Festival of Speed or the Revival.

Also, a higher age rating would actually be beneficial to a lot of Horizonā€™s presentation faults. Right now, in Horizon 5, street races donā€™t feel illegal (which pretty much negates the point of their existence), characters are overly polite (which complete removes the sense of competition), and the music (though still mostly terrible) is made even worse by the excessive censorship of words that arenā€™t even swears. Thereā€™s more I could say, but that would make this already long post even longer.

Do I expect a really raunchy episode of Saturday Night Live that has decided to through caution to the wind and ignore the FCC and everything they stand for? No. But I would like songs that donā€™t have the word bathroom stall censored, street races to feel like actual street races, and competition that it isnā€™t afraid to rough you up vocally every now and then.

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I voted 12 mainly for this. Itā€™s the same as the NFS games and they donā€™t seem to have this problem. It would make the game and dialogue more ā€˜normalā€™ instead of babying us around. Just look at the answer to ā€œWhat does Horizon mean to you?ā€ OMGā€¦ Itā€™s like heā€™s trying to win a beauty pageant. I just want the characters to speak like normal people. The PEGI 3 rating doesnā€™t allow for that. And weā€™ll have music without unnecessarily censored words. As if it would hurt children in any way and they donā€™t even listen THAT carefully to songs anyway.

Also we could have some actual street racing. Itā€™s so hypocrite now. Yes itā€™s a street race, itā€™s supposed to be illegal, there is traffic, but nothing in the slightest that indicates any illegality whatsoever to pass the PEGI 3 rating. Then why even call it a street race? The PEGI 3 rating is holding the game back imo. It can be so much more!


Forza is for Everyone. We donā€™t need a PEGI 7 or a 12, 16, 18. PGG is doing a great job. Forza need to be PEGI 3. Microsoft is selling more Forza games if they are PEGI 3.

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Is your mother not going to buy you Horizon 6 for Christmas if itā€™s not a Pegi 3?