Rate this game from 1 (bad) to 10 (good) - 4 month review

What do you rate this game on a scale of 1 (bad) to 10 (good) now that 4 months have passed?

Personally I rate it a respectable 6.5 out of 10.

For me very little has changed since launch which is a bit disappointing but not surprising. Strangely however one thing has changed and that is my appreciation for FH5, which is odd because as I mention very little has changed from release. So maybe it’s because I only play FH5 casually now or maybe it’s because I stopped playing FH4 over 4 months ago and have forgotten all about it. Not really sure but I seem to enjoy FH5 more then I did before. How about you?


Nothing changed for me its same 6.5 since beginning


8.5/10 Prior to mid 2021, the Internet infrastructure and pricing were too bad to allow for online play in FH4 or FM7 and earlier so I have only really played online activities in FH5. I like the larger map in FH5 over FH4 but wish it had a little more variety as it can be too point-and-go in Eliminator.

I remember FH4 getting better for offline play when the two expansions dropped and am looking forward to the first expansion in FH5. Right now I spend most of my game time in online mode redoing the Trial or playing Eliminator.

The visuals in FH5 are amazing and gameplay is responsive in both Quality (30fps) and Performance (60 fps) modes.

Sounds like you were their sole beta tester


20/10 for me, I’m loving it. lol


I always wondered what happened to turtleCZ. How you been bud?


If only I knew what you was on about. but neverminded, just get yourself a few Honda civic coupes they make the game worthwhile. lol

turtleCZ was a 1 man army who would counter everyone’s negativity on this forum and rate everything a 20/10.


Good for him, but I can only speak for myself I do enjoy playing the game its fun.

? S7 reward switches to wheelspin after completion

Cant say I’ve noticed, I tend not to repeat straight away usually, when I first log on after taking a break.

I can only give it a 5.5 and its on a downward spiral. It’s a rehash of FH4. I put in many hours into FH4, made prestige level 10 legitimately and amassed well over 40k races. FH5 seems like I’m just doing it all over again from scratch. Same tired events, same rammers and cheaters, same cars as rewards. I used to put in 4 or more hours a day in FH4, I rarely go over an hour in FH5.
I want to like the game, but stupid decisions by PGG and Microsoft are making me hate it more and more each week.




5.5/10. The long list of bugs and questionable decisions by the devs really killed my enjoyment of the game.

  1. It’s buggy, PG have nerfed rewards making everything a grind, constant connection problems, it doesn’t feel like it has soul.

Compared to previous releases in the series, Forza Horizon 5 is below average, there are nothing that is better than the previous Horizon games.

Graphic: 8/10
Graphics in racing games is not that important as you think, it is nice to look at, but when you cruise at 100+ Km/h, you don’t see that many details anyway.

Content: 3/10
FH5 is starving content, in form of career races, race series. In short, it lacks everything other than buying cars. A racing game with almost 600 roads, that only uses about 100 of them at max. The way i see it, for every release of a Horizon title, it gets less and less content. Even FH4 had more races than FH5 and FH2 was the peak for the Horizon series, and FH5 must be a all time low or can it be lower.

Gameplay: 3/10
Grind, collect cars and repeat.

Sound: 4/10
The only mexico in the game is those very few story missions, other voice over in the game is copy and paste from FH4 and even FH3.

Final score: 4,5/10

Forza Horizon 1: 7/10 Awesome start for a series.
Forza Horizon 2: 8/10 Had atmosphere, filled with career races.
Forza Horizon 3: 6/10 Focus was on opening festivals
Forza Horizon 4: 5/10 Copy and paste from FH3, now in England
Forza Horizon 5: 4/10 Same af FH4 but now in mexico

It is like developers of the Horizon series has lost the feeling and what Horizon was about. The map size in FH5 is great, but with almost nothing to do, it is like every other open world games, boring. To much bred and not enough butter.



It’s clinging on by its finger nails from a cliff above some lava with a meteor heading towards it from space.


Sorry to say that, but with all the downgrades to FH4 (brake disc glow for example) and the long carried bugs that are in the game since more than eight years, it is only 3 points from me. All the graphical glitches (no black tires, spinning rims while entering your house animation, black spaces as windows and headlights in your garage thumbnails, still using Xbox360 3D models for some of the cars) are like the devs did this sort of game the first time and it would be a public pre beta testing.

But not the official gold version of a triple A title, that should be the best racing game of all times… the game doesn’t look or feel like the devs have much experience with this kind of game. It feels for me like this was their first try with any kind of a racing game.

FH4 was almost a complete step above - sure there were some bugs too, but at least they had the shift paddles working in the car…

Forza Horizon 5 is the reason I have no fun in racing games any more…

May be it would change with Forza Motorsport 8 where a new game engine should be introduced and the devs will be forced to remodel all of the cars and get rid hopefully of all the optical bugs of the most models…

I know, most of the things I bother about are only peanuts. But I didn’t paid 20 bucks for the game, it was 119 Euros. And for that amount I like to think that the devs care for the details, but they did not. They don’t even care for the player base.


I give it a 6.5. This game has the potential to be an 8 or 9, but poor decisions by the developers have made it drop. I don’t know how you can break so many things in a game. For example, they said they removed bad car drop places, but then made all but 1 or 2 of them in the stunt park unreachable. And the fact that a pinata of a dinosaur riding a car has taken priority over the crashes whenever certain people look at the leaderboards.

However, despite it being a poor copy of FH4, the game is still fun and I eagerly await the first DLC.