Overall about 8/10 for the game

A few months in and overall I really like the game. I do the dailies happily, usually with enjoyment; the refined stunts are generally a good thing. Lots of decent things from previous games. I don’t really play competitively as I’m not very good, really worried that I’ll get a storm of reports for ramming when it’s just that I’m not good.

Back to the game, many complaints I see are a little technical. For example, whether the PI is right for a car doesn’t really alter much about playing the game at all. I’d say a discussion around this is fine. Other examples sometimes give rise to a tone that can seems off and unnecessary. Fundamentally doesn’t alter whether the game functions as an enjoyable thing.

The one real issue is bugs and in a sense it’s not the bugs directly, though they can be annoying. It’s the attitude and unfathomable reasoning that often shows so very clearly - but this is not a Forza Horizon problem, it’s a gaming industry problem. Virtually all developers are the same (not Re-Logic) and I just cannot understand why. “Your game’s bug means the ten enjoyable hours I spent doing XXX is now lost and to make further progress I have to unnecessarily do the stuff again” is so very often met with “Yeah but so what?” and widely-reported, sometimes game-breaking issues are flatly ignored.

But many bugs DO get acknowledged and addressed. New stuff DOES get added and it generally works fine. I turn up in the game, do what I want to do, and it’s fun, I wanted to remind myself of that and, maybe, others too.