We Have Polls Now! One About How Much You're Enjoying the Game

  • I love this game!
  • I like this game.
  • Neutral
  • I don’t really like this game.
  • I hate this game.

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I like this game.

It’s got it’s faults but generally it’s ok, I’m not playing it as much as the previous one though.


The game is let down by the playlist PR stunts generally being too easy. Most weeks I just load up the car, find a tune and knock it out on the first attempt. Gone are the Horizon 4 days where in most cases you needed an X class tune and often had to have multiple attempts.

The game is further let down by the cheating going on and leaderboards filled with impossible results.

That said, I still like playing the game.

Stop trying to get the developers to make the game harder. What might be easy for you is not the same for others, especially casual players. If you want to make it tougher, instead of finding someone else’s tune, make your own. Try doing it with a lower class or a car that is not a jumper in the case of danger signs, or agile and grippy in the case of speed zones. Try getting three stars in a C class instead of an X. Challenges are what you make of them. I can always find a way to make a PR stunt tricky, just use your imagination. Try three starring all the jumps in a Mercedes Tankpol truck, lol.


I don’t really like game, it’s less a game and more of an open world sandbox, and has a significant number of new/repeat issues and feature regressions from earlier Horizon games.

However, I hate the direction the franchise has gone with the FOMO time limited cars and casino/mobile trash game inspired wheelspins. The franchise isn’t really even about cars anymore, it feels like an abusive, grindy collectathon more than anything else now.

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Playlist is still a massive downgrade. I admit I do like them trying to spice things up with swapping the event types around and such, but it all means nothing when all of the rewards are just autoshow cars i could buy ten of instantly and it not even make a remote dent on my credits

I like the game. I do wish there was more focus on fixing some of the issues. There is a lot of effort put into content delivery and new cars, but there are issues. The newer E class Mercedes for instance. One of my favorite cars in existence, but the misalignment of the gauges behind the steering wheel is horrible. The tail lights (brake lights really) on the 911 speedster cannot be seen. The removable tops on cars like the corvettes don’t come off, and my biggest complaint is the inherent speed gain through corners using an e-brake and sliding. That is just not faster in any situation than holding grip in a racing line. Everytime I play a trial the pc drivatars are way faster than everybody else on acceleration and the other players that essentially drift corners are quicker than I am holding the line and pushing the limits of grip. That would never work in Motorsport, so a long way of saying why don’t we have the same physics in a game that is produced by the same company?

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The AI. Seriously? Out of control.


“Why yes, I do like the current state of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It really couldn’t be done any better”

Has been since FM1. And they say they are going to fix it in FM8. The AI in FM8 is worse than the AI here in some respects and better in some respects. But overall it’s a wash. Comeonnowdudes! 13 different versions of the same AI and they just now in FM8 realize they need to make changes? Gimmeabreakdudes!

I’ve grown tired of the mind numbing grind of season after season of the same old thing with different names. FM8 is the same, a grind fest but at least it’s something sort of newish. Kind of like a sideways grade of FM7, not yet an upgrade, just a different version of FM7. FM8 is boring, FH5 is boring. But on a scale of 1:10, FM8 is a 8, FH5 is a 9, watcing paint dry is a 10. :thinking: or a 7.