Let’s review and discuss FH5 1 year post release. Comment below with your thoughts.
Rate this game overall from 1 (low) to 5 (high):
Rate the quality of this game from 1 (low) to 5 (high):
Has this game changed much since launch?
Are you happy with the overall state of the game?
Do you still enjoy playing this game?
How many hours per week do you play?
Do you believe Playground Games listens to player feedback?
Why do you play this game (pick 1 or more)?
- Accolades / Badges / Hall of Fame
- Car Collection
- Car Liveries / Designs
- Car Tuning & Customization
- Clubs
- Cruising Around
- Drags
- Drifting
- Eliminator
- Event Lab
- Festival Playlist
- Horizon Arcade
- Horizon Adventure
- Horizon Open
- Horizon Tour
- Hot Wheels Expansion
- Leaderboards
- Rivals
- Super7
- Other
Do you like the car list?
Do you enjoy the Festival Playlist?
How challenging is this game?
Do you wish this game was more challenging?
What Forza Horizon titles have you played?
Are you looking forward to the second expansion?
Are you looking forward to FH6 (unannounced)?
What Forza Motorsport titles have you played?
- FM7
- FM6
- FM5
- FM4
- FM3
- FM2
- FM1
Are you looking forward to Forza Motorsport 8 (due to release early 2023)?
In regards to the “Is the game difficult?” question, I think the better way to phrase that question is “Is the game fair?”, which I don’t think it is. I was on the Pro difficulty in Horizon 4, but the Drivatars are so broken in Horizon 5 that Highly Skilled is the now new Pro.
Inconsistent would sum it up for me, out of the many things I could use I’ll just take Tour as an example.
At launch (good) - Enjoyable, with the same loop every hour you knew what was coming and could plan appropriately.
Bad - But no S2 Tour available despite them putting an accolade in there for it themselves.
Post update (good) - Even better with how many different events they added + they sorted out the lack of S2.
Bad - D class only received additional Buggies Tours + no street ones were added.
But honestly if I was to go through everything and do pros + cons for it this post would be like a Harry Potter novel.
Certain things I’ve liked, some I’ve appreciated the intent even if it hasn’t turned out perfect but too many things have just been downright poor, I think I was being quite kind with my 4 for rating the game + 3 for it’s actual quality.
For most games they’d be pretty decent scores from me, but from 2012-mid 2018 I never ever thought I’d be giving a FH game anything but top marks.
The questions about difficulty aren’t so easy for me to answer.
In the sense of progression, starting with a crummy car and having to work to build up my garage over time? YES, I sorely wish it was more difficult.
In the sense of having to compete against the horrible cheating drivatars, no! The last thing I want is for them to be more difficult!
Where the weekly festive playlist is concerned when I am forced to run through an annoying checklist of garbage just to unlock the latest car being recycled from a previous title, no. I don’t want to be inconvenienced any longer than absolutely necessary, just give me the car so I can be disappointed with it then let me get on with my life.
I also do not want a game to be more difficult if it means I am then required to min/max, glitch, cheat, or download broken tunes to have a hope of winning.
Ultimately I had to say no, I do not want FH5 to be more difficult because I darn well know what it would be like if it were. More broken, more annoying, more off-putting.
I’ve updated the question from “Is this game difficult?” to "Is this game difficult (while being fair)?'. The purpose of the question is to determine whether players feel challenged, but as you say challenged fairly.
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I’ve enjoyed this year of FH5. I’m coming at this from a different place than most on here as it’s my first Forza and my most played games weren’t racing games. I am playing less now though, it happened before in the lead up to the Hot Wheels expansion where I feel I’ve seen all of the game and for me expansion 2 is needed.
Some of my answers - is the game difficult? I remember when it was really difficult, where I couldn’t imagine winning the playlist championships. Now they are much easier.
I also gave high marks but as stated I have much less to compare to. I did have a go at FH4 and I prefer 5. Why? 
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Probably a better survey than the official one from PGG and Turn 10.
And will probably have just as big if not bigger impact on FH5 and future games. None!
Too late to ask if you play same/more/less than before/other versions I guess.
Kind of, but the how many hours do you play poll will give a good indication of how much time players currently spend.
“What Forza Motorsport titles have you played?” and “Choose 5” forced me to leave off one (and, I’m sure, would force some to leave off two).
EDIT: Also, I had to choose Other for reasons to play to cover a basic thing: Racing
The AI is really broken. I played unbeatable in FH4 and the races were the right balance of challenging but still fun. In FH5, unbeatable is literally what it says on the tin. The first two AI absolutely run away and you will never catch them.
Think of it this way - the front two AI are in Red Bulls and the rest of the grid gets put in a Haas. That’s how unbalanced it is.
If Forza Horizon 4 was a copy and pasted FH3 just with a new map it would’ve been great but this is where the decline started. If it’s not broke don’t fix it didn’t seem to register with them and then FH5 became if it’s w0k€ it’s fixed.
Games and politics dont mix. This E rating for EVERYONE!!! is annoying, just build a game that the real players loved and add to it not change it.
Age ratings really don’t matter just ask rockstar games 18+ and still smashed all sales records (you really think every player was over 18?!?)
Go back to fh1 for progression as no one wants to start at the top it instantly ruins the game and everything else FH3 (apart from adjustable exhaust sounds and physics I like fh5 physics the only things right with it )
Even map size isn’t really an issue as long as we can utilise it as the fh5 might be bigger but wow it’s boring.
Fixed. I’ve recreated that poll.
Racing falls under Horizon Open. But if you meant head to heads then yes this is not specified because multi choice polls are limited to 20 options max.
Does it? I thought Horizon Open was a multiplayer thing. I just like to pop in and do whatever events catch my fancy. Never noticed it being called “Horizon Open.” They should put up banners that I would still ignore and be like “Huh? It have name?”
Horizon Open is indeed online racing/drifting. Horizon Adventures on the other hand covers the single player races against drivatars. Anyway just use “Other” for anything I may have missed.
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I thought things were getting better until last week. we got the worst update yet, which was heavily teased and promoted, rivals and leaderboards took a nosedive, and the entire economy crashed. the arc of the entire game kinda rests on the next expansion. a nice holiday gift would be the return of every feature and car from FH4, which we should have had a year ago anyway.
I know, right? I think their poll would be something like that:
How do you feel about the game?
There’s one thing that confused me about these poll results, though. We all noticed that FH5 is worse than FH4 that was worse than FH3. I see that a lot of us aren’t exactly satisfied with where this series is going … so why are there so many people looking forward to FH6?