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Rate this game from 1 (bad) to 10 (good) based on your experience to date.
Simply post a number and nothing else.
No, they took away ranked online and gave me Piñatas’ to pop.
3 max
The negatives:
Few good things FH5 does better compared to previous FH games:
PS: Another observation is why do clouds move like there is a Category 7 hurricane in the sky? This exaggerated fast cloud movement takes away the realism. Cloud speed should be half of what it is.
I like and totally agree to all your points
Lol, some of you people are cra cra!.
It’s a solid 8 all day long, maybe even a 9.
Bug fixes = 9
Lancia + Bug fixes = Phattest dub.
This is the thread where we find out just how many accounts turtleCZ is running
Not so smart are we Mr Playground Games CEO. I setup this thread as a trap to find out your true identity.
Autobots roll out!
in short: 5/10 (current state)
longer version: I’m here for journey, not a 1-day trip. With the second option score would be lower by 1 or 2 points.
But I’m pretty sure I will stay here for longer, so I hope they will fix most of the bugs + add back missing online content ASAP. IMO it has potential for 8 (depends on added back content and expansions). It would be nice to get some anti-cheat and clean leaderboards.
TBF, even with current state I’m still having fun, but it feels like game was released too early.
My score doesn’t include graphics, just gameplay. All I can say that it makes my PC work harder (loading + driving at higher speeds) and doesn’t look better (compared to FH4 with similar settings) too justify that.
There’s something in the game which is much more demanding than FH4, though I have yet to work out what it is. The game also pushes the Series X way harder than FH4 ever did…FH4, after 10 hours, the air being pushed out of the fan would be barely a bit warm; after 10 hours of FH5 and I start to worry about the console’s lifespan as the air is hot (and that’s only in the 30fps Graphics mode…dread to think what would happen in 60fps Performance Mode!)
The IGN reveiw was 10/10… wonder how many units were sold just on that. i never belived in payed reveiws before , starting to wonder now.