Eliminator still feels like an abandonware early access game

Most of us are aware that this mode is still a hot mess. But maybe that adds charm to the mode, because I obviously still play it but man does it need a lot of work. Some of my grievances:

  • Insanely unbalanced cars: The fact that a level 2 car easily outperforms a level 9 car on a straight open field is just another proof that nobody bothered to playtest this. The devs did say they’ll reshuffle the cars, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on them holding their promises.

  • Bugged car drops: Car drops can spawn you stuck in scenery, on roofs, stuck between buildings and usually you can’t reset your car position. And if you can, it’ll respawn you stuck in scenery. Again. Here’s an image of how the game reset my car position after it spawned it stuck in scenery. This happened multiple times with car drops in the arena. Yes, I could report it to support. But I think they won’t even look at it and just mark it as solved.

  • Disappearing and reappearing players which was a problem since this mode got introduced in FH4. The fact that this is still present for years in a mode where the main objective is to find other players and eliminate them is just baffling.

  • Cheaters. Devs probably won’t do anything about this until it’s too late. It’s something that plagues horizon open in general. ‘Hey, player numbers are dwindling. Should we do anything about it? Nah, let’s just put more of it in the Horizon Playlist’. You have to boost player numbers for the shareholders somehow, right?

  • Inconsistent destruction physics which were a problem with FH since ever. You can blast through a large tree with a tiny car, but some smaller trees are indestructible? Large stone walls are destructible but a thin fence is indestructible? Indestructible small wooden sheds, invisible walls and so on…

Notifications in the middle of the screen. Again something that was a problem since the mode got introduced and it would be noticed and fixed within minutes of playtesting.

Most of these issues are something that shouldn’t ever be in a full priced game that was out for months. In it’s essence, it’s a fun mode and with a bit of work it could be great but in it’s current state it’s just bad. It really feels like some early access asset flip thrown on Steam.


I stopped playing Eliminator months ago, once I understood I’d never win, its unbalanced, and people cheat every round - I chose to just walk away.

and no, there is no point in sending in a ticket, they have one robot ape running the tickets, and you already know how that goes → report → instantly marked solved → no actual communication rendered…


i cant disagree with any of your OP bullets, but the feeling i get when winning is unparalleled. even after 200 wins, the rush i get in that final race is unlike anything ive experienced in any game before, so i am endlessly addicted and play every single night.

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I call bluff on your level 9 and raise it to a level 10

Forza Horizon 5 the Eliminator, level 2 vs level 10 - YouTube


Same and neither of us cheats yet we both have hundreds of victories to our name

Cheating is not that common as you say otherwise i wouldn’t have 223 wins by now. I have seen 15-20 cheaters in like 1000 played games.

Also this, that and beating a cheater and then taunting them about it gives great satisfaction

I’m on 61 wins from just over 1000 games played and seen cheating only a couple of times.

I am in my fifties and win … oh wait you are talking about wins and not age. My bad.

200 wins in 1000 games is super impressive. Well done. What’s your #1 tip for winning?

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I win 1/5 games i play which is good but i think there are people who win more than that like 1/4 or even 1/3. I think there was someone on Youtube with winning percentage over 50%.

Generally what i was doing is trying to get to as many as possible final races even with useless cars just to see how they work and where they usually send, what to avoid and what route to follow. Once i got familiar i was able to win some sessions i had a good car. Some sessions are possible to be won even with level 6 cars and in very rare cases even with lower than that.

i mean those are good tips, but not tips that get you that kind of winning percentage haha

yours differs than my strategy tho. i only worry about entering the final race with a 9 or above. imo, its just too risky and not worth it to camp out waiting for the final in a 5-8, as i will likely get out run by the faster super cars. unless its a jungle destination, which yes, any car can win in that case

I’m glad that some people win all the time, I’ve played eliminator since day 1 and have never won once.

I’ve come 2nd, 3rd, 4th…etc… but always some flying car or a guy that is spawned right next to end point.

It’s simply not worth my time, effort, frustration anymore, especially in a game where other modes are fun and can be won by everyone.

Eliminator is just too difficult, for me.

what level cars did you have when coming in 2nd and 3rd?

imo , like i said you really need that lvl10 car if you are solely focused on winning it. yes there is a ton of luck involved in that final race, but i would guess that 90% of my wins have come in a 9 or 10 car, simply cause their speed is such an advantage in a all out sprint

Yes, i forced recently myself to do more h2h because sadly several of the final races are impossible to be won without at least a level 9 and sometimes even level 9 cannot win.

Here is an example of having to do something i don’t like in order to win against faster cars


you mean the take down of the 10 into median? that was a great maneuver imo. you had the awareness to look behind you and slow him a bit.

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Yes, once someone did that to me and so learnt it the difficult way.

I’m anxious to go back to it but I dont care to deal with the RWD cars. I have won 923 of the 1105 finals I played but the number would be higher if not for the aforementioned RWD cars.

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what the. youve won 923 eliminators?! screenshot now lol

That is a well deserved win, all gloves are off for the final showdown

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