Please completely remove the censored songs!

Can you guys please replace the censored songs, they simply sound dumb now with all the muted parts in it might as well take them out and replace them with songs that dont have to be censored. Decided to not even listen to them anymore because of all the silent muted parts in them.

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If the censored songs are not replaced, please remove them completely. I don’t want to listen to crippled music!


Hopefully they experience sufficient backlash to do something. I really enjoy pumping “dreamers - fake it till you make it” and having high removed from it destroys it, it isn’t even remotely related to drugs… Instead of removal, id much prefer age verification to save the songs from this trash censoring. Dont appreciate an E rating interfering with the quality of a game we all purchased, when most of us are of sufficient age not to need censoring (thus not the target audience for this trash change). If we are paying for the game, we should have the option.


You sure about that? Because I’d venture to say their target audience is the younger generation between ages 8-18. Yeah, maybe on here there is a majority of adults, but that should be a given since it’s a online forum, but we also only make up less than 1% of the player base. I just don’t see how you could come to the conclusion that most of us are over the age of needing songs censored when actual kids do play this game for fun.


It’s not even censoring, it’s actually teaching kids that certain words mean drugs.


Is that not a parents job? Im almost 50 and censor all my 10 year olds games, ipads, etc, etc…if people expect others to teach there kids whats good and whats bad, maybe those people should not have had kids…I say, I am an adult and censor your own dam3d kids. :smiley:

It really makes me sad, but instead of listening to these “destroyed” versions of the songs i’d rather not listen to them at all.

What does this mean for the next game? Will they only pick squeaky clean songs? Really bad direction this is leading us into…

Or you could ya know, just turn the music off in game and play your own in an external source.


This would work except 7 months later and there’s still no way to disable the game music blasting when you are near a festival or forzathon event.


This. I tired of the in-game music a long time ago lol. Generally got my classic rock on in the background.

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I made a spotify playlist of the pulse but I ran into two problems;

  1. forza added some instrumentation onto some songs over the originals
  2. I actually miss the radio host

I wish they’d not censor the songs in first place its kinda ridiculous… So I’ve switched to hospital now because no words xD

If you guys don’t wanna listen to crippled music, then we all need Spotify Integration! (For Spotify Premium members only)

Seriously, it’s NOT impossible!

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I think that is not good for those who don’t pay to have Spotify. Spotify integration is good, but having groove support again alongside would be excellent.

You don’t HAVE to pay for Spotify, they have free version that includes commercials…

I know that, but haven’t you heard that Dangerous Driving has Spotify only for Premium members? It is to avoid copyright from adverts.

And seeing that Horizon 4 doesn’t have radio adverts, it would be good for Playground to do the same so there will be no trouble for them.

If you wanna play your music in the game’s background, you HAVE to pay for Spotify Premium. That is how it works, the way I see it.

Yes, but Groove Music is dead, so them coming back is impossible.

Spotify is the only way to go here.

They are unintentionally hilarious though. “I can take a (blank) like a good pair of headphones” sounds worse than the thing you were trying to remove!


It’s comical how hard they censored the songs. None of them have any bad language in them yet words like “beating” are apparently too edgy for this game. LOL

If the songs on here were censored like most other songs on the radio IRL, I’d be perfectly fine with listening to a clean version. The versions of some of the songs that are in-game are wayyyy too censored up until the point that it’s actually annoying. TBH, I’d rather listen to nothing than have the censored version of some of these songs. Just some constructive criticism, hopefully we see it removed or fixed in an update!

There’s no law that says you can’t say flying high. These are somebody censoring what they think is the law, and it isn’t.

Are we going in a plane mommy?

Yes son.

Are we going to be flying high?

Don’t say that!!!

That is just abuse.

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