This is not necessarily true because I had the same problem as the OP recently, as detailed in the above thread, and I ran the game offline and my save was intact. I subsequently quit, restarted and it then successfully synced. I don’t know if the OP will be as fortunate, I hope so.
Yes it is true that the sync can take a long long time and may sit on zero for most of that time before even starting to slowly creep up. It’s been like this for years, somehow a trillion dollar company can’t do better than this, or doesn’t care to.
When I used the accelerator to synchronize archives at noon today, I accidentally clicked local sync to cause the game progress to be 0. Now when I enter the game, I have to restart the game from 0.、
How can I recover the lost progress? I have been playing FH4 for a long time on the same PC
Please help me, I don’t want to start from scratch.
I have game on PC that I used to launch when I just need to prepare tune, cleanup garage … I don’t do it at the moment because every launch triggers sync on PC and then next time I go to xbox, sync on Xbox, 2 syncs, 2 risks to loose all progress… not playing that wheel spin.
Be happy, now you have share codes to download back your own tunes and liveries. Possibly it is the purpose of those new feature. little bottleneck that you cannot modify those but who cares, detail …
Happened to me 2 days ago when the Focus PO was announced for 15 mins. I hopped on and it said I had to sync!! Luckily it worked and all my save files were in the cloud and syced good (after about 20 minutes)… But if it ever happens i’ll be done with the game with the amount of hours/cars etc I have which I wont be getting back from wheel spins and credits alone.
Fortunately I have only needed to submit a couple of tickets and both times I received an answer within 24 hours (one time it was only a couple of hours).
following the loss of my progress and after requesting support.
I would like to know if my support request has been processed and if I could collect my cars.
Sorry for your progress loss but they don’t rollback, when sync failed, your profile is reset period. All you can get is some CR, wheelspin and a good word to tell you not to do that again because, no doubt you did it on purpose … ( that’s sarcasm if needed to indicate ). At that point, most people leave saying they are done with it.
I cross fingers I won’t be part of the list some day.
I read a lot of topics on the topic of people, my brothers didn’t happily play the game forza horizon 4, their synchronization hung, and that’s it.
The end of the game, there is nothing more, I’m the developers, everyone who could help us didn’t give a damn about us! Anyway, those who played a lot for us tried to make a “dream garage” as they say, it all went away in an instant, and nobody wants to help and prove nothing, rare cars, big money, roulette, it all lost how and I, the player, will lose interest in this game, if those who need help do not connect to this problem, you should find an alternative, we should not suffer because of you, your servers are very bad, and you know this, but don’t want to solve this problem all because you just make money !!! I want “Ben Tucker-Fell” to see this topic along with my ticket, as well as all the people who were perfect for creating the game!
my ticket for which for 4 days there is no answer! moderators what are you doing there?null