Allright, i had access to the gift, here is what I have got:
43 free cars
100 super wheelspin
200 000 000 credits
At first you may think it’s big, but when you really think of it, it’s not, let me explain.
I was stuck with the limit of tuning files (yes I was able to get 500 tuning file, the maximum) some month ago, so i decided to keep only the car I like AND that I can drive well, so it decrease to around 330 with around 550 cars at first. I didn’t care If sold or trash legendary because I didn’t see why I should keep cars that I will not drive. But there was cars that I get during the different seasons and through the wheelspin, A lot of those cars are not available anymore or perhaps through the sales rooms but for a very high prices sometimes, so the 200 000 000 will decrease fast if I want to get everything back, and I will need money to prep all the cars.
Before the loss of my save, I got around 150 000 000 credits available but I’ve earned something like 350 000 000 credits who were spent on cars and houses.
You may think that 100 super wheelspin is a lot, but not that much, because at first you will win a lot of those useless clothing and horn first, I’ve already used all the wheelspin and 75% of the prize were clothing and horns, less than half of the cars I won are useless to me and has already been disposed of previously during the several months when I sorted out my cars.
Some of the 43 free cars are of use to me but not that much.
So before the loss I got :
around 330 cars usable to me with a fair amount of cars that you cannot buy in the forza shop.
All those cars was tuned, so I got a lot of money spent on them.
149 000 000 credits available for 350 000 000 credit won in total.
I got around 3700 forzathon points, now it’s 0
I don’t even know how many skill points i’ve spent on my cars in total but there was a few thousand, now it’s 0
I’ve discovered everything (road, board, etc.)
Almost evey clothing (except for those you can win through mixer or sharing decal award or sharing tuning award, and i was level 10 in tuning sharing, thanks cloud sync…).
every horn.
Every race, every events, has been won
every business (taxi, top gear, etc…) at 3 stars
Lego Island fully completed.
Fortune Island fully completed.
9 months playing everyday.
And I think i forgot some.
I’ve lost too much and others have lost much more like FTRxchispy as he explain in the first post. perhaps with a 1000 super wheelspin (yes 1000, think of it, wih all the junk you can win, it’s not that much) I would perhaps do it again,
And in facts, it’s rather infuriating, because I’ve had some much fun with this game, but the bugs, the crashes, the lack of interface for managing your creations (tuning file, decals, race, etc.) and finally the loss of my save were too much for my patience. And thinking that I could lose everything again because some people can’t manage a cloud, nope, enough for me.
I think that I will avoid turn10 and microsoft games for now and ever, I can’t trust them anymore.
I really hope that those of you who have lost their save can get it back, and I really hope that the developers will fix the huge amount of bugs for those who will still play the game (but I think my expectations are too high for that one).
Good luck to you all, have fun (If it’s still possible).
I’m out.