Lost progress / save? - see official Support (post #1)

Please keep in mind that this is a one-time convenience. ==> Severely looks like if that was a gentle move from them after you did something wrong … I have no word for this kind of condescending replies.

As the start of the game, after I shared about some bug, I was gifted 5M, the guy seemed to make me the gift ever, like once in a lifetime, … at that time I had already more than a hundred … I would have like to be able to give him 50 and tell him “Stop wasting my time and get it fix kid!”

It’s one thing to consider just CR and star level, it is another when it is about rivals, tuning and, top of it, liveries.

But is it indeed surprising from this team ? “After all, it’s just a game” will, no doubt, come out of the mouth or keyboard of any of those guys having to deal with this subject.

What is for sure is that this issue was in FH3, should say is, and nothing was done about it, same with FH4 which leads to the conclusion, they absolutely don’t care period.

I have my idea about how frustrating and raging it can be, I know it can happen to me the next time I start the xbox, I know that writing this could possibly cause it to happen (let’s be honest, they play gods there) . Many won’t write about it because they know they are capable of it. I write it because no-one should expect anything from people that have absolutely zero understanding and zero will to understand how important it can be for a player. If they had, we would be already paying for secured saves etc.


Allright, i had access to the gift, here is what I have got:

43 free cars
100 super wheelspin
200 000 000 credits

At first you may think it’s big, but when you really think of it, it’s not, let me explain.

I was stuck with the limit of tuning files (yes I was able to get 500 tuning file, the maximum) some month ago, so i decided to keep only the car I like AND that I can drive well, so it decrease to around 330 with around 550 cars at first. I didn’t care If sold or trash legendary because I didn’t see why I should keep cars that I will not drive. But there was cars that I get during the different seasons and through the wheelspin, A lot of those cars are not available anymore or perhaps through the sales rooms but for a very high prices sometimes, so the 200 000 000 will decrease fast if I want to get everything back, and I will need money to prep all the cars.

Before the loss of my save, I got around 150 000 000 credits available but I’ve earned something like 350 000 000 credits who were spent on cars and houses.

You may think that 100 super wheelspin is a lot, but not that much, because at first you will win a lot of those useless clothing and horn first, I’ve already used all the wheelspin and 75% of the prize were clothing and horns, less than half of the cars I won are useless to me and has already been disposed of previously during the several months when I sorted out my cars.

Some of the 43 free cars are of use to me but not that much.

So before the loss I got :
around 330 cars usable to me with a fair amount of cars that you cannot buy in the forza shop.
All those cars was tuned, so I got a lot of money spent on them.
149 000 000 credits available for 350 000 000 credit won in total.
I got around 3700 forzathon points, now it’s 0
I don’t even know how many skill points i’ve spent on my cars in total but there was a few thousand, now it’s 0
I’ve discovered everything (road, board, etc.)
Almost evey clothing (except for those you can win through mixer or sharing decal award or sharing tuning award, and i was level 10 in tuning sharing, thanks cloud sync…).
every horn.
Every race, every events, has been won
every business (taxi, top gear, etc…) at 3 stars
Lego Island fully completed.
Fortune Island fully completed.
9 months playing everyday.
And I think i forgot some.

I’ve lost too much and others have lost much more like FTRxchispy as he explain in the first post. perhaps with a 1000 super wheelspin (yes 1000, think of it, wih all the junk you can win, it’s not that much) I would perhaps do it again,

And in facts, it’s rather infuriating, because I’ve had some much fun with this game, but the bugs, the crashes, the lack of interface for managing your creations (tuning file, decals, race, etc.) and finally the loss of my save were too much for my patience. And thinking that I could lose everything again because some people can’t manage a cloud, nope, enough for me.

I think that I will avoid turn10 and microsoft games for now and ever, I can’t trust them anymore.

I really hope that those of you who have lost their save can get it back, and I really hope that the developers will fix the huge amount of bugs for those who will still play the game (but I think my expectations are too high for that one).

Good luck to you all, have fun (If it’s still possible).

I’m out.


I have just received the same canned message that GodAcala received. here is copy/paste from the email -

Feb 5, 4:11 PM PST


Unfortunately, we are unable to restore any lost progress. I have gone ahead and sent some gifts. Once you unlock online mode, you can retrieve these by going to Horizon Life> Message Center> Gifts. Please keep in mind that this is a one-time convenience.

You got to be kidding me , microsoft and turn10 cannot manage a cloud ! I will not play this game again and i am uninstalling as i speak since i lost completely everything i worked so hard since the release of this game in 2018. Turn10 and microsoft game studios will never see a dollar from me. Not worth it to start from zero , 0 , nada again.

Turn10 you can keep the gifts i will not be playing this game ever again and for your information Turn10 , IT WAS NOT MY FAULT so this statement made on the email sent by you guys really made me very angry "

“”“” Please keep in mind that this is a one-time convenience. “”“”"

FTRxChispy signing out !

I’m out too , never again Turn10 , never …


You never cancel a sync, I thought that was common knowledge.

How long does it take to uninstall? Just curious why you seem to be “exploring Britain”

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This has just happened to my friend too, he was synchronizing his game, it went through 96%, get stuck there then a screen of cloud error just appeared saying retry or play offline, he choose retry then the sync started back, only to found himself at the start of a new game. That’s ridiculous. A serious amount of people is experiencing this bug right now and are losing hours and maybe weeks of playtime just because of a Microsoft/Turn10/PGG error. Wish they’ll find a fix soon because they’ll lose a serious amount of player!

Oh and btw, it’s really a syncing error because when u start a game your savegame is not even 1Mo. My friend’s savegame is at 136,7Mo but from beginning. Non-sense! Fix That!


I have got the exact same issue which I have failed in synchronizing the game and it gives me a completely brand new game with zero progress.
I have submitted a ticket and today is the fourth day that I am not getting any reply.
I know I have to wait for support and I am patient, but 4 days without any reply is it a bit too much?
I feel like Forza doesn’t concern my feeling at all.
Of all the effort put in a game and all of a sudden reset to zero progress. Does Forza know how anxious I am now?
Not to mention there is a lot of players with same issue here, if Forza thinks they are too busy handling us, they can simply hotfix it by adding a warning message about ‘You are going to wipe out your entire progress. Continue?’. But they didn’t, they let it continue to happen, and they ignore us here.
You should be ashamed of making great games but having poor customer services, at least for me it is a customer service without empathy at all, just stay in line until god knows when!


They cannot restore anything, but only give you compensation.


always the same song of people who think they know, he waited 3 hours. Most of people who faced it knew about this requirement and waited as long as they could. it’s just like updating your phone, when updating rom is stuck at 1% for 3 days … you sure can continue to wait and you will always find some to tell you that you should have waited more but no point here

Don’t consider yourself more clever because you know and you won’t cancel, you don’t need to cancel for loosing your profile, just a simple disconnection from servers while a simple daily sync and your profile is gone, that’s it, period.


you read the post so that you know what is upcoming, few damned wheel spins that, for a start from 0 profile will give you what, 60% of clothes and horns and stuff…

You are right, they could have prevented this just by making a copy before the sync start so that if it fails, the backup just replaces the corrupted version. that is as simple as that, it’s a few Mb of temporary space just used during the sync and they did not do.

The top of it is the insult like message that tells you like you did bad and in their very kindness they offer you some damned wheelspins for all the progress you have lost …

All that to say, I understand and know what can occur everytime I start the game.


And another one with the same issue.

I had this on PC, where I was a forced sync without any obvious reason.
(Took ages by the way, what the hell is going on there?)

Lost anything since Dec 2018
Around 720 cars, nearly almost each except for some PO cars,

10000 Forazthon points, 580 mill credits
all the fun I had during this time.

I did not miss a single week since I started.
Now all is gone.

I have also a local backup from before the stupid sync, it was but there is not option to upload it.

As there are so many affected during the last couple of days, doesn’t that sound as if they changed something on their side?
Looks to me like too much coincidence…

So what do we learn from it?
Clouds are risky if not implemented properly? Let me guess, is it Azure in this case?

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Did you try copying your local backup into the original location and then loading the game to see if it uses the old save? As someone who is keeping a local backup on PC myself I’m curious if that would work. Can you play offline, use the old save, save it, then upload it later when you go online again?

Uh oh… I just started the game and got the message ‘an unknown error occurred, please try again later’. Then I tried again and it’s doing a sync with the ironic message ‘we should be done soon’.

I’ve got a bad feeling about this…

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The progress bar filled up but it hasn’t worked, I now have this:

So what should I do now?

edit - after reading above that retrying it can result in a wiped save, I chose play offline and my save still works, for now. Who knows what will happen when I next start the game?

edit 2 - well I have restarted the game because there isn’t much you can do offline after all. It is now syncing again. I wonder if it will work this time?

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The second try and syncing appears to have worked, game has started online and my save appears fine.

With nearly 2,000 hours played, this is a relief.

But Phil Spencer should fix this. He was bragging recently about how good the cloud is.



Yes, I did.
It then started to sync without any progress.
I killed it then after an hour, still at 0%, via Task Manager, as there are no other options.

Now FH4 starts and hangs right at the loading screen, after you pressed a button for the first time.

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How would I go about doing that? i lost my sync also and would like to restore it

It just happened again for me, said it couldn’t load due to ‘unknown error’ and now it is syncing again (or trying to), currently stuck at 0%. I hope it works again like the other day.

edit - after half an hour it got to 100% and then said unable to sync, same as the other day.

Starting offline, then quitting and restarting, causes another sync which completes in 20 seconds and it works. But it shouldn’t be misbehaving like this.

If you have to ask then you probably didn’t make a backup, because if you had made one then you would know where you copied the folder from already and would know how and where to copy it back to. I mean, I could give you the exact location but it won’t help you if the game has already overwritten it with a fresh save.

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yesterday that happened to me as well. im really sad about losing all that progress and rare cars. no wheelspins and credits will cover the loss of such progress.
these guys are unable to create a proper cloud save. so many games using cloud saves and never happened anything like that.
im unnistaling the game tbh.


Hi. I need to start by saying that i loved to play the game for the last 2 months paying my subscription of the game pass. I have invited around 8 friends to play wich had loved to play it too , i am ranked around 20 x1 star and have around 25 million credits dollars plus a garage with great cars tuned. A couple of days ago i started the game and the error 47 appeared followed by the error 45. I ve even re installed the windows.
Iam running windows 10 64 bits 8600 k rtx 2080 32gb. Upon restart the game wanted to do the sync again and i let it sync again but this time it was stuck at 0 progress while doing the sync , yesterday i ve stsrtwd offline then it kept at 0 progress. Did all progress until level 20 like ive read in a post by nitro glitter . I’am so hoped that its possible to
recover the lost progress ?
Please help , i do not want to start all over again.
I have already submitted 2 tickets for help at forza support but so far no one has replied from the forza support to my answers or giving me any help or contact me , it says open ticket. I would appreciate any help or guidance on how to sync my saved game data from 8/2/2020 with the cloud. Thank you all. I hope we found a solution not only for me but for all the people who has the same wich sadly are so manny.

I had this similar problem on Friday the 7th around 7pm EST.
Launched the game, saw the XBox sync window pop up. Same message “this may take some time” …or similar.
The sync window didn’t make it past 0% for about 5 minutes so I closed the game window with a right click.
Re-launched the game and everything was fine.
I have seen this XBox sync window maybe twice now, in my 14 months of playing.