Lost progress / save? - see official Support (post #1)

Threads about lost saves and progress will be merged into this one.

If you have an error message about your profile, or have lost your gamesave data, this is a support issue that should go through the Forza Support site. Read the the Official Support thread pinned above and the articles linked below and use the Submit a Ticket link for the team to investigate.

Forza Horizon 4 Save Data Issues

FAQ: I’ve lost all my progress, what do I do?

If you’re having issues logging in to Forza Support, wait a day or two and try again, or contact Xbox Support about your profile.

keyword search: save gamesave savegame progress profile data lost reset deleted gone sync cloud restore backup

My game was having problems launching it always gave me error it’s taking too long to launch I deleted the game reinstalled it and it would still have me the error . Than I accidently deleted my savegame from everywhere instead of locally , have I lost all my progress is there no way of getting it back ?

I installed the game on my notebook.
And old data on my PC is lost
Can I retrieve my old data?
I tried to delete and then reinstall.
The game allowed me to start over.
I have 200 car and 4 million
Please help


Hey Guys!

my 2 year old savegame (almost every car, 150 mio$) is gone after synchronization isses. Can’t find it local or in the savegame cloud. When I start the game I always get into the tutorial.

Do you know any possibilities to rescue / rebuild / restore an older savegame?

Thank you.

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Drop a ticket to support. The best they’ll be able to do is gift you some money cars to help you carry on as best you can.
This kind of thing is more common than they let on. Which is why I ran the CRS for 5 years with others on these forums. Until “new features” made it unworkable.
Good luck buddy!

I have been playing this game since it came out in 2018 and enjoying it for such a long time , i am ranked at 164 x4 stars and have around $250,000,000 million dollars plus a full garage with all the rare cars tuned. A couple of days ago my primary gaming PC needed some maintenance because everything is water cooled ( cpu and gpu ) on that PC , it was time to clean up all the water blocks and change tubing. I installed the game on my secondary back up gaming PC and it went online with my microsoft account , it did the sync flawlessly and off i went to play FH4 but after a few minutes i started having the dreaded crash to desktop bug and also the game locked on me twice needed to do hard restart. Upon restart the game wanted to do the sync again and i let it sync again but this time it was stuck at 0 progress while doing the sync for 3+ hours it did not sync , it kept at 0 progress. Seen that something was wrong with the syncing i cancel the sync because it was not moving from 0 percent after 3+ hours. I uninstalled the game and re-install the game again , to my surprise it started from the beginning with 0 cars and 0 money like if i was a new player again. I lost all my progress that i work so hard since 2018. I uninstalled the game from my secondary rig thinking that the game was smart enough and would see my saved file of my primary PC. After i finished maintenance on my primary PC and it was up and running again i went to play some FH4 like i have always done since 2018 and to my surprise the game on this PC also started from the beginning , the game was not syncing to my saved game data and i lost all my progress.

How can i recover the lost progress ? i have been playing FH4 on this same PC for such a long time and i guess all the game saves are in windows somewhere but the cloud is not syncing with my saved game data on my PC. Please help , i do not want to start all over again. I have already submitted a ticket for help at forza support but so far no one has replied from the forza support to my answers or giving me any help or contact me , it says open ticket. I would appreciate any help or guidance on how to sync my saved game data with the cloud. Thank you in advanced , FTRxChispy.


I’ve got a problem similar to yours yesterday, I’ve played the game yesterday morning flawlessly but when i wanted to play in the evening, the game was trying to synchronize to the server.
As the synchronisation percentage didn’t budge i canceled it.

After some research, i have found that this process can be very long (I still wonder why) so i tried it again leaving the synchronization alone, it last for about 20-25 minutes before saying to me that the synchronization had failed, but now I am just like you, back to the start, I have played for almost a year losing about 149 000 000 credits, all forzathon points, skills point spent on car or not and even more all the 330 cars or so all tuned with rare cars and all my progression ine the game (i was almost at my third star).

I submit a ticket yesterday with no answer so far, what worries me is that one forza support site they say that if they can’t get your save you will be given credits, but i don’t care about credits, that will not give me back all i have lost, not all the forzathon point, no the skills point and more important, not all the cars that cannot be bought in the shop, only found through the wheelspin or the seasonal event and thinking that i’ve spent almost 6 month fine tuning all my car!

it seems that we are not alone in this case there is another topic on this forum : https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst160605_Savegame-gone.aspx with the same problem.

I really hope hope that the support will find a solution or at least make it up for it because the credit base solution (we will give you credit) is unacceptable.


last resort https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/requests/new

Honestly, they have a very poor politics in terms of customer care. Most people who get in your situation “simply” lost everything and left the game. That is when you discover the truth on how they consider their customers …


OP already submitted a ticket.

AFAIK there is no way to get a lost save back. I hope it never happens to me.


Ok, so after reading this and also https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst137486_Savegame-location-of-FH4.aspx
why can’t just reupload local saves or send them to support and do the sync?

I did backup my save folder, but after reading this, was I just wasting time and drive space?


Apparently it’s an Xbox fault, so Microsoft’s fault. You would think that the default data would trigger a request to the user…

Delete Save Data Y/N

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^ good question, I also back-up my local save on PC but by the sounds of it, the game will ignore an older save in favour of the new one, and not give you the chance to choose.

The radio silence on this long-standing issue is disappointing (polite way of putting it). This has happened to a lot of people and could happen to any of us, any time.


Thank you guys for trying to help , appreciate it. It was not my fault the the cloud system of microsoft failed to sync and i was forced to abort and cancel the sync after 3+ hours waiting at 0 , zero , nada progress , their fault not mine . A quick google revealed wayyyy too many players with this same problem :frowning: so my hopes to get back my game saved is almost gone. I will not start from the beginning all over again so my time and money is wasted if they cannot get my game exactly the way it was before this catastrophic error of microsoft cloud sync.

Turn10 and microsoft better not try to make the players seen that it is their fault , it is absolutely their fault ( microsoft and Turn10 ) because their system failed to sync. I wonder how many more days / weeks i have to wait for a response from forza support ??? They are very slow responding to the tickets :frowning: . Microsoft and Turn10 better fix this problems players are having with the cloud sync system , otherwise i foresee a massive amount of players not buying Forza games ever again.

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Same problem as you an many , many other players :frowning:

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I have the same problem as you as well as many , many other players. let me know if the customer support at forza helped you and what was the outcome please.

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I just got a reply to my ticket, no backup of my save found, here is the answer :

  • Hello,

Unfortunately, we are unable to restore any lost progress. I have gone ahead and sent some gifts. Once you unlock online mode, you can retrieve these by going to Horizon Life> Message Center> Gifts. Please keep in mind that this is a one-time convenience. -

I don’t even know what kind of kind gifts they sent to me, but i don’t get my hope too high, If they really want to make it up for the loss, they really must give a HUUUUUUGE gift fot the loss of time, crédits, cars, etc.

I will try to go through the boring prologue to access the gifts (yes you must finish the prologue first to have acces to all the game options and the gift) and i will keep you informed.

One thing I didn’t like though, is this sentence : “Please keep in mind that this is a one-time convenience.” Why? Is it my fault now if turn10 and microsoft are not capable of delivering a game without so much bug? They make it sound like it was my fault! Seriously?!

I really do hope that they can retrieve your old save, FTRxchispy, because for me i think i will simply quit and totally forget this game as well as turn10 and microsoft games, as I said If they can’t make it up suitably, i will never buy anymore any of their games ever.

Even If I were capable to get back all that I have lost I don’t like the idea a damocles sword above my head, I will always think that i can lose everything again.


It is very tone deaf of them to call it a ‘convenience’ when you’ve had the worst inconvenience the game could possibly inflict on you.

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Nobody has ever had a save restored by ‘support’.