Just when u think lobbies can't get any worse

I think we’re going round in circles when it comes to making online racing a cleaner experience.

There are a number of things that can help remedy the situation, some of which we can do ourselves, and some of which rely on Turn 10 taking some initiative:

  • (Player) Report persistent troublemakers via Xbox Live’s features and policies.
  • (Player) Vote to Kick a problem player while in a lobby with them.
  • (Player) Leave a lobby and find another one which may hopefully be cleaner.
  • (Player) Start using the League Hoppers.
  • (Player) Race privately with friends.
  • (Player) Get involved with Racing Clubs and other people who organise private races & championships.
  • (Player) Educate yourself and others on the fundamentals of clean racing.
  • (Turn 10) Improve the effectiveness of Vote to Kick in lobbies.
  • (Turn 10) Have grids sorted by some form of performance metric rather than random assignment, such as Fastest Lap, Previous Result etc.
  • (Turn 10) Have some sort of system in place that rewards clean racers and punishes dirty racers.
  • (Turn 10) Have some in-game features that can help educate more players on the fundamentals of clean racing, such as loading screen tips, tutorial videos etc.
  • (Turn 10) Have a subpage on Forzamotorsport.net which gives tips on how to have an enjoyable Multiplayer experience.
  • (Turn 10) Open up League Hoppers to be active for longer time periods.

That’s just a small summary, I’m sure there are more things that both we and Turn 10 can do to help make racing more enjoyable for everyone but until something changes there’s not really much point in talking about the same things over and over.

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