Crashing and griefing in multiplayer

It looks like we’re set for another 2 years of talking amongst ourselves about the state of Multiplayer; I’ve seen most of these topics come up during Forza Motorsport 6’s lifespan and since no tangible improvements have been made to the Public Hopper system in Forza Motorsport 7 we’re set to repeat ourselves.

So, rather than write something new, here’s a few (relevant) quotes from the past, now available in 4K and HDR :wink:

I was quite vocal on the forums about the negative Public Hopper experience in Forza Motorsport 6 but after seeing that no meaningful improvements have been made in Forza Motorsport 7 I’ve come to accept that this is going to be the way it is. I’ve given up trying to make feature/philosophy suggestions, Forza Motorsport does not consider the “clean racing enthusiast” their target market anymore.

We can’t change this environment and Turn 10 don’t see it as a priority either, so we just have to suck it up and deal with the potential for crashes (both accidental and deliberate) in every race.

If I want a guarantee of clean racing I’ll go play Gran Turismo Sport; I’ve already had plenty of good racing over there so far. I’m not going to get that in the majority of Forza Motorsport 7 races, as many players either lack the skillset or respect required for that kind of experience.

Nowadays most of my Forza Motorsport 7 Hopper races end up with me starting near the front, desperately trying to escape the pack and either winning on my own or having a battle with 1 other car. Pack racing is “dead” in this game for me unless I’m on the Forza Friday livestream with Mechberg and like-minded players.