Honest F7 graphics report..

Then, too be honest, i do not understand why we got these 2-d stuff, and other graphics workarounds, it seems illogical. I`m going to enjoy the game anyway but still you got too wonder :))
Because the way they did with the 4k textures they could have done the same things with the other stuff and simply not include it in the bare bone Xbone and Xbone S.

My best guess is that the compromises made with things like 2D trees and things outside the track was done to keep all the new features in the game and keep the game running at a locked 60FPS on the One and OneS. I truly don’t believe they had anything to do with any kind of performance issues on the OneX.

Well atm FM does have some optimization issues for all platforms and it`s a bit early to say, we will see in the following month how things evolve.

This is completely true. On my ultra high-end gaming PC last night I was having issues with things completely disappearing. On the Yas Marina track in the stands would pop in and pop out. While the fans would still be there floating in the air with no stands under them. I also had part of the track disappearing on the Bernese Alps when I come up over that little Hill. And it happened on every lap. I know my system is completely stable and this is not a video issue.

However I did update video drivers clean up some stuff and reboot the machine and it seemed to go away. I also ran some temperature monitors while playing. my CPU never got above 80 degrees Celsius and my video card never got above 65 degrees Celsius. I did notice on the monitor that the CPU on all four cores did hit 100% a couple of times. I found that quite surprising, obviously they’re really pushing the cpu pretty heavy. My video card seems to be not very taxed at this point however.

That said when I run the Benchmark I had a minimum frame rate of 24 which is pretty surprising considering I’m on an overclocked near 5 gigahertz i7 with an also overclocked 1080ti video card, and running on a pair of striped SSD drives. I should be able to destroy that. Also if I set everything on Max instead of dynamic I can definitely tell I’m dropping below 60 frames, so I just left it on 60 FPS vsync and left all the settings on Dynamic. I can’t tell a visual quality difference and it’s now rock solid. However with my Hardware that shouldn’t be necessary.

I highly doubt the 30% headroom aswel the hardware specifications simply dont support this statement. And im pretty sure the reduction of detail is to make room for 4k 60fps.

These were only taken with an iPad, but my eye sees the same. I don’t dispute the photos above, but look at the junk below. Zoom on the hood, fence or trees. I can take with a better camera so it doesn’t look so dark, but that’s not the point.

Xbox One S / Samsung KS8000 / 4K output, HDR

They had to compromise on a lot of stuff to get the game running at 60 fps native 4k and be able to shoehorn in all the weather effects.
The Xbox One X is not that powerful. It has a mediocre CPU (slightly overclocked version of the original CPU from the 2013 Xbox One), 12 gb of memory to be shared between the CPU and GPU, and 6 tflops of compute performance puts it at the AMD RX 480/580 level, which is squarely a mid range GPU. Of course there is console optimization to consider, but still.

Went back and took a few more comparison shots. All on xbox one s. Perhaps it’s just the lighting but FM6 appears so much more immersive to me.



FM7 no HDR


This is a good comparison and hard to refute your claim. As we know taking pictures with the phone does not really do justice. But it’s quite obvious the reflection on the road and such are different. However you can’t really control time of day and the effects, especially with the new “Dynamic weather” which really isn’t Dynamic I’m finding out. It’s just not a hundred percent baked. But that’s off topic for now.

Also it looks like your HDR is not working correctly as the sky is totally blown out and that shot with the non HDR where you can still actually see some clouds. I had similar problems with the early hdr on Horizon and in some other games that support it. Make sure the firmware on your TV is updated and carefully go through your signal path for all your HDR stuff to make sure. Microsoft’s implementation of hdr on Windows 10 is also not terrific right now. I’m playing with it off because I just didn’t think it made the image look better. I thought it actually made it worse.

All of that said, obviously the version 6 looks much better and more immersive and realistic. I think more of this will start to show in the weeks to follow and we may get some better idea of what’s going on and if things can be made better.

It boggles my mind how at odds the graphics are at times. It looks beautiful whilst horrific at the same time. I played the demo and was instantly sold. Handling. visuals and sound were spot on but the more I play, the more i become divided. Once I took my eyes off those absolutely beautiful sky boxes and lighting/weather effects it became apparent how devoid the tracks themselves are of detail. And not to mention the matte color schemes of ALL the AI cars which makes the game look cell shaded at times. It completely breaks immersion when driving in the rain and all the droplets on the windshield are dancing around but when you look at your hood, it’s completely dry. Remove those pretty sky boxes and you’re left with a game that looks like FM3. It really feels like a different studio built the graphics engine from scratch. I doubt that it will look that much better on the Xbox One X. Hope I’m wrong

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I’ve never been one to be too fussed about graphics but the AI car models really are immersion killers, particularly when you’re out in a storm or some other interesting weather.

They basically look like they’re not really there, completely flat and lifeless. I noticed it first in the demo with the back of the trucks (just a big area of solid grey), but now I’ve played the full game it’s noticeable almost all the time on every track.

Ah, the price that has to be paid for a 4K resolution.

Detail levels, filtering, anti-aliasing, object geometry and polygon count… all these elements will trump resolution any given day. But no… 4K/HDR is the new hot thing. So 4K it is.

I booted up FM3 last night by the way… the track and car detail is absolutely mesmerizing for a last gen console. Just saying. Excellent, consistent car sounds as well. FM4 though… league of its own.

What, don’t you love watching less quality in higher resolution?

It’s awesome!

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you can’t compare the graphics using a still shot like that when forza7 is using a different time of day so there is no sun. Alot of forza 6 lighting and reflections were pre baked, while 7 is dynamic. Thats the biggest reason why there was a bit of a graphical downgrade. In motion, I’ll take the new lighting over static anyday.

When I read the entries I’m under the impression we play different games. And so far I haven’t seen comparison screenshots but pretty bland tv photos of a overcast fm7 versus a moody sunny afternoon shot in FM6.

I try to do some more adequate screenshots on my own later.

It would be really quite simple to implement better AA on the Xbox One X version. It’s not a whole rewrite of the Base code, geez people.

A lot of games have already been improved this way on the PS4 Pro via a patch. Watchdogs 2, Prey, and Horizon Zero Dawn to name just three…

It’s growing on me…I never had sun on brands hatch so it’s hard to compare. But spa or vir at sun set are beautiful.

I run everything as high as it can go and some of the tracks look pretty bad. Maple Valley is awful. It was the track I was really looking forward to seeing in this game and it’s really terrible looking. APEX is way better looking than Forza 7 unfortunately. I wasn’t expecting that. It’s still a great game overall. Just not as impressive as people were led to think.


Game companies need to stop upping the resolutions. Its like a dog chasing its tail. Dumbing down previously good graphics to accommodate higher and higher resolutions just doesnt make any sense. I will never switch to 4K gaming or devices

Absolutely agree on this. Have supported the games through thick and thin but this one has caused a massive upset. I honestly did not see it coming so gotta give it to them for keeping the base console version under wraps. Pay a quick visit to the demo - it looks noticeably better than Dubai in the retail version. Sounds stand out more too.