Sadly it looks like the inclusion of dynamic weather and some other changes have caused T10 to have to notably reduce the overall graphic fidelity of F7. We have seen posts of: a lot of the details on the semi-truck simply removed, Maple Valley with 2-D trees (really guys), grass track-side with no variation or texture, etc. These changes were likely necessary to hit 1080/60fps on the Xbox One and 4k/60fps on X1X. The X1X and any moderately built PC would have been able to handle 1080/60 with all the goodies, but the desire to market 4k/60fps and the necessity to push dynamic weather have caused us to really loose out.
Sure, when you’re racing you might not notice a few missing exhaust clamps or flat boring grass. But the photo folks are definitely missing out, and replays etc. will be not as enjoyable. For a game that has always touted itself as one of the most amazing looking video games (for any genre), this is disappointing. It does look like the models in Forza Vista are still being help up to the near photo-realistic quality. But, it really is a bummer that the in-game graphic quality has taken a notable hit.
For 95% (random ballpark number) of the people that buy this game, they will never notice, or care. But for those of us that have played for years and are racing aficionados and Forza fans, this is quite a let down. I have not spoke at all negatively on anything Forza leading up to this new version, deciding to support T10 and see what they provide in a final product. But I really felt the need to voice my opinion on this topic. I will still play this game for 1000’s of hours and enjoy myself immensely for the tiny financial investment. Heck I even built a new driving setup with the Fanatec Clubsport v2.5 wheelbase and brand new Alcantara Forza P1 wheel. But I hate to see the series dumbed down to the marketing team’s leadership.
I’m struggling to see the resemblance between the post and title.
I just wanted to express my thoughts to the many posts related to the graphics drop-off.
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses
And all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty
Together again.
If you still don’t see it, let me know… I’ll spell it out. BTW it’s just a joke. Can’t believe how wound up people are getting about a $60 video game. #itsjustagame
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Just a note, to anyone playing it right now, it’s a $100 game. That’s 66% more. For 4 days. And it’s bad.
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Yup, you don’t get it either.
Please explain. I can’t wait to be enlightened.
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Your tone (word choice) comes across a bit rude. The part you don’t get, is that referring to Humpty Dumpty is a joke! But since I said I would, here we go…
The Forza series is Humpty Dumpty.
The wall, is the top of the heap of racing games.
The great fall is the fact that everyone keeps whining about how the game is now junk (not me - I think it is still a terrific and a worthwhile value)
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men is the fact T10 has more resources than any other developer
Not putting Humpty Dumpty back together is the fact (other people are saying) T10 has not fixed the ‘broken’ Forza series
You have been enlightened. Go forth with your new knowledge and save the universe.
I’m playing on PC with a GTX0180. It looks amazing compared to F6 on Xbone. I wonder what it will look like on the scorpio hardware.
i get what ur saying. also ive noticed the game is way easier to play too… it feels even more arcadish than any other forza. the fineness that you needed to be fast in fm6 is not needed in fm7.
The game itself is fine. Your hardware is not. If you want the best in graphical fidelity you are going to have to either throw down for Xbox One X or a strong PC to push 4K without issue. The first generation Xbox One has to give a little in order to get new details in there. For me coming from many years of gaming where I would have never imagined graphics like this would ever be possible, it’s plenty good enough. For you it might not be. Just finished a long race on Sebring that started in night and then slowly morphed through dawn over several laps. That for me is was awesome.
Aside from foliage, I think the graphics over all have been increased form FM6.