The graphics in X360 for Forza Horizon looks crap. It looks worse than Forza Horizon 1. I hope they make a update and enhance the graphics! I can’t afford a XOne right now… Mostly X360 users right now can’t afford XOne. Please T10! Please!
The graphics, even in person, are worse. But you get 500 events, 200+ cars, and more than 2x more drivable space. You can’t have it all. And anyways graphics aren’t everything. Not to me at least. Gameplay is what matters.
It’s not just the graphics, the gameplay is completely different. It’s slower, the cut cars, the no DLC, the poor, low quality engine audio (BIG DEAL FOR ME), the physics (also a BIG DEAL) and overall the whole package just looks like “why did they even bother” kinda job, no offense to sumo but wow…
I’m able to get both the X1 and FH2 for about £140 due to mass exhanging i’ve been doing this week, which makes me rather happy and a lot more excited to play it now I know i’m getting an X1 and getting it for X1 :D.
Not only are the upload qualities reduced, but who knows what happened before it was even uploaded. That doesn’t mean the real thing is guaranteed to look light years better, only that YT should always be taken with a grain of salt.
and yet you keep bring up the graphics. No one said physics and gameplay would be like xbox one. the game should play exactly like horizon 1 because it’s built right from that. Of course damage, models, physics are going to be much different. You judging based on the tail end of a video and if you look at the newer vids the graphics look much different
Yes, there is something really strange going on. In one video the game looks worse then Horizon 1 and the next it looks way better then Horizon 1.
What I do like is the speedometer and such, I like it better and there also seem to be more details on the cars. But the enviroment, I don’t know, it seems to be changing a lot in quality when you drive around. Going by the videos released, it doesn’t look consistant at all.