2D trees in maple valley



2D trees on every track!!! Very lazy… ):


Is this true? This is sad if so.


I made a comment about this a long while ago when Digital Foundry was doing the unveil for the Scorpio and using 4k Forza as it’s demo. While the Scorpio is powerful much of what was happening didn’t make a lot of sense because it’s not THAT powerful to do what was being said. I knew sacrifices had to be made somewhere to get the on track visuals and now we see where they were made.

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I think 1440p 60FPS with better graphics would have been best for the Xbox One X, but I guess plastering 4K everywhere sells systems better.

I wonder is this the last FM title on the Xbox One or will there be one more? I feel like a 3 year dev cyle for the next FM would help really polish the game instead of the usual 2 years.


I was quick to notice the 2D trees. What a bummer! The trees looked so amazing in F5 and F6.


Like said in other thread, interesting to see how One X’s version look and runs.

What do you expect the base model Xbox to be able to do? It was under powered when it launched four years ago. With 24 cars, dynamic weather and all sorts of other things going on, to hit 60fps, there has to be cut backs in the graphics.

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if youve got time to stare at trees in a racing game then youre playing it wrong.


Not a valid excuse, especially if other tracks don’t have 2D trees right next to the track.


On any other track I’d agree, but the trees in Maple Valley are pretty integral to the design.


I think i would like to argue this often used argument: “if you pay attention to the terrain quality trackside while driving you do something wrong”.
Of course you are not focusing on the trackside terrain and vegetation when driving but that does not mean that your view is limited to the area of the actual track/road. You do see more, for example on straights, if i dont play competitive e-sports, every now and then i look around, i look at a tree, i look at the hills in the distance, i look at the sun rays. When you take a hairpin and you are sort of slow, then you maybe even get how the terrain on the other side of the barrier looks like although you focus the apex. And it adds to the immersion alone to know that you are driving in a game where the visual quality of all elements is on a top level. Of course i dont expect the track side bushes to have the same level of detail as a curb, but its also not completely irrelevant either. When the different areas of the game are too much apart from each other quality wise, then it impacts the game’s coherence for you and ultimately how you perceive it. I think that PCars2 is a good example for that. Track surface, curb detail and cars look great, but i find that the quality of everything else on their tracks is too far away from that quality and because of that i have always a slight feeling of: the game is not finished. Its not a coherent unit, it feels more like stitching together parts of different quality.
And on some tracks the trees in FM look also sub par, but i guess thats just the matter of resources.
I am sure developers could recreate Endor style foliage, but then we would have the game run at 10 fps.


honestly ? just lol guys. doesnt have anything to do with the X1X, neither were the trees better in FM5 or 6… they are using the 2D model trees already since the 5 installment. Same goes for the bumper car AI. Adding stuff all the time, but not making stuff better that was already there… its such a paradox thing to do.

Its just logical if you are on a schedule to push out every two years a “new” game.
They spent most of the time between 5 and 6 doing 200+ cars and 12+ tracks,
They spent most of the time between 6 and 7 doing 4k textures, 300+ cars and adding clouds and adapting a more forza horizon 3 color palette.
Of course there is no time to completely replace old assets. I wish they would though.
But 3d trees can not be used in tree walls, it just eats up too much resources. You can have them only placed where there are only a few of them, like on Long Beach or so

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