Friend, it’s only fair that we put this myth to rest permanently:
Xbox One X will not magically make Forza 7 look better. It’s still the SAME lighting model and detail levels. So if you’re expecting texture detail and filtering to automatically jump from “high” to “ultra”, that’s just not happening. I should also mention that 4K textures does not mean more detail - it is simply a jump in resolution by 4 times (again, not to be confused with filtering, detail or AA).
You’ll be seeing more pixels packed into your screen along with a wider color pallette on the One-X, but it is pretty much limited to that. So let’s not kid ourselves here. This happened between FM3 and 4 as well on the X360 - they introduced more cars, improved car audio (one of the best IMO) and the physics were nearly half a mile better than FM3 - as a result, the tracks looked a bit washed out, detail was lost noticeably in all tracks, but in the end, it was worth it.
Same case with FM7, until and unless every single one of us can play Forza on a $1000+ gaming PC ONLY, we’re not going to see the full fireworks with this many cars and features/content packed into the game. I will continue to play FM6 because despite having more than enough cars, it is a beautiful looking and sounding game. I’ll have to wait till the 3rd to see if FM7 can live up to that, but apparently, impressions and feedback I’m reading on the forum is not encouraging at all.
It has been stated hundreds of times, check out the XBONE specifications, how do you expect to run a game with full 3d trees in the rain at 60fps at 1080p ?? It is really weak hardware, and the main reason I didn`t make the jump from x360 to xbone. Yes for PC users it is sad that you can see some places where they had to reduce in quality, but at the same time be happy that you can run the game on XBone and it is working as a charm. See how much grieving there already is, imagine how it would be if MS would have announced that you need to get XBONEX in order to play the game.
Ofcorse a 500$ console cannot be at the same level with a PC that has a gpu worth 500$… Only if you compare wattage of certain components an XboxOneX will not be close too mid range PCs on the market. I mean just compare HDDs on the bare bone XbONE it is a 5400 Rpm laptop HDD… I have not owned a 5400 RPM HDD even on my worse laptop in the last 12 years… And i keep asking this how can the XBOne run this game on 8gb DDR3 (most likely 1600mhz - not sure about this one) in 60fps at 1080p with 4k textures and 3d trees, dynamic lightning, and RAIN ? To make room for some of this stuff they had to remove other stuff, you can say whatever you want even with the biggest and baddest optimization the main HARDWARE HAS FINITE LIMITATIONS (and low at that). Even with the slight upgrade to the ONE X it`s still sub-par too current PC configurations. That is the reason the game is coming to PC the gap between Xbox - PC in terms of hardware is just too big.
The thing is, even on PC at 4k high/ultra this game is frustrating graphically. Sometimes, it’s breathtakingly stunning. Other times you think you’ve loaded up a PlayStation 1 game. Yes, some trees and trackside objects on a few tracks are THAT bad.
I think this is the point that a bunch of us are arbitrating. I think we’re all saying the mostly the same thing coming from different angles. But the fact is the assets are what they are. Those aren’t going to be changed (very unlikely) and it’s not going to look any better on newer hardware or better hardware. I have a $2,000+ PC that I’m playing the game on (will likely over switch to the X in a month) and it still has the 2D trees on Maple Valley and low quality grass, etc. All the lighting and pixels in the world don’t do it any good if you’ve got lousy assets to start with.
And that’s the frustrating and confusing part for some of us. They knew that a lot of people were going to be playing this on high-end PCs, that’s the reason they released it on that platform. So why would they do that and then not make it available to use alternate and higher visual assets. Seems like a very strange choice. As others have said, PC game developers have been giving flexibility in visual quality for years and years. Seems like Forza could have had a little more optional graphics fidelity between PC, Xbox One X and standard Xbox. But instead they decided to build one set of (underwhelming) 4K assets and hand that out to everyone.
Keep chiming in everybody. That’s the only way that they might see this and actually make the effort to go back and release a high-res texture patch or something. Like Bethesda and others have done with some of their products post launch.
You think maybe they wanted to make sure there is a reason to buy the new console when it comes out?
If the game was every bit as awesome as they promised, then no-one would even consider buying a new box when the one is doing it’s job just as well…
Just a thought.
I thought there was a day one update of something like 30GB? Is that just for the X console upon release? I believe the X console will run Forza with super sampling aliasing so hopefully bye bye jaggies!
The graphics are a huge step back. Just raced Brands Hatch in GT3 RS on Xbox One X. I race hood cam, and when paused can’t begin to describe the step back.
The trees are flat
The curbs are a series of lines
The fence is a series of black jaggy 2d lines
The grass is flat
The hood of the car is a series of jagged edges
There feels no depth to the image
Honestly this feels like Xbox 360. I know side by side it would probably blow that out of the water, but from where we were with FM5 and FM6, this just does not cut it. The demo did not seem to have these problems for me - perhaps that showcased the best environments (rain does seem to improve overall image perception).
Regrettably I wish i’d saved the $100 or gone PC2 route. Can’t recall the last time I regretted a game. So underwhelmed.
I dont think they will add textures pack for us PC users sadly, as much as i would like to belive it, because the game would stop working on Xbone X. So that means they should make a pack especially for us PC users which is sadly to much work just to satisfy pc users. Also they will be busy with the next iteration they wont have time to add trees and such for FM7.
I did not install the PC version, but I was under the impression that the PC version currently includes the 4K textures. And why would any updates for PC have anything to do with the game on the OneX?
I was referring to the 2d trees, 4k textures have no way of fixing the trees, and other stuff people would love to have improved in terms off graphics. And if they do add 3-d trees in FM7 and other missing objects, with no overhead on the Xbone X it will not run at 60fps with 4k.
Gotcha. But I don’t agree about the impact on the OneX. Just about every test and in-depth analysis I’ve read of Forza 7 performance on the OneX has said that there’s about 30% overhead left to work with even when pushing 4K at 60FPS with a full field of 24 cars on screen and dynamic weather.
This was brought up multiple times on this thread, but afaik it`s not entirely correct.
The 30% headroom info came from the early DF X1X videos. It did not refer to Forza 7, but to a Forza 6 prototype using the higher res textures from Forza Apex as well as settings similar to Ultra settings on PC.
There is also a lot of “X1X vs. PC” talk on here, with different opinions about what the new console will or will not add.
If interested, best watch the comparison from DF, its quite detailed.<div class="lazyYT" data-youtube-id="XigqvWomVx4" data-width="480" data-height="270" data-parameters="feature=oembed&wmode=opaque"></div> On to my own opinion (playing on PC) ... I think the graphics on Forza 7 are great. Yes, I notice the reduction of details as well, but to me the skies, lighting and environmental effects easily make up for it. The most noticeable difference to me is the reduction of contrast, which is caused by the cloud shadows. It makes for a more washed-out look, but its probably more realistic than the sharp light/shadow contrast on previous titles.
Tracks which usually have clear skies, e.g. Dubai, look similar to what we`re used to.
I’m in agreement with this. The small track side items that are different I probably won’t be looking at but the overall environmental and lighting change seems to be excellent and much more realistic.
I noticed when I’m driving on track sometimes clouds will move over and it will be a very dark area and then it will get light again. Or, just depending on if there is blockage of the Sun from some other environmental item like a building or the stands. Previously in all the games the tracks had pretty even and bright lighting.
Also the contrast was significantly too high and arcade video game looking previously. I think as we go towards more muted colors we get more towards a realistic look. As a comparison hold your phone out in front of you with a picture from a Forza track and then look at the cars around you you’ll notice that video game brightness and contrast is still overdone, but getting better. I like the look of this new game and think they’re headed in the right direction.
Yes, those quotes about the 30% overhead were from the early FM6/Apex prototype videos and articles … but similar performance has been observed more recently with analyses and reviews after Gamescon with launch-ready game code and current-version OneX hardware. I’ve read multiple interviews and articles from several external game devs who have been even more impressed with the OneX after getting their hands on the dev kits than they were after some early exposure to it. For some reason, some people want to continue to talk disparagingly about the OneX … while the people who actually have access to it (devs, press, bloggers, review sites, etc.) continue to say better and better things about it the more time they spend with it.
I am not sure if this is aimed at me (Idont really think so actually), but I just wanted to tighten the facts about the 30% headroom thing.
The X1X is really impressive hardware, but it`s not like Devs suddenly get to do whatever they want.
As the DF video I linked above shows, Forza 7 on X1X will look very similar to the PC version, which is quite a feat.
Imo the thing that really holds Forza/Turn10 back a bit is the resolution targets they had to meet for years now in order to produce xbox showcase products.
On X1 they had to hit 1080p, this time they had to hit 4k on X1X. At the same time they have to deliver what most people see as current standard, like dynamic weather and night.
Like others already said, something has to give, in this case it`s mostly roadside details (and imo texture quality, which is rather odd).
But we still get one of the best looking racing games, which runs at locked 60fps at the highest possible resolution on each platform and adds dynamic effects.
Adding it all up, I don`t know any racing game with a better framerate/graphics balance, not even on PC.