Forza Motorsport Graphics Downgrade research and comparisons

How about this one? Ugly as hell, taken on Xbox Series X performance RT mode in single player. That fitment is horrible and wheel lit up inside…


It’s your own fault if you look at the in game graphics instead of enjoying these great promo images. :wink:


Pretty much everything asside from the sun will never self shadow on cars. Cars will cast shadows to the ground but not on themselves. It’s not a bias issue afaik and I’ve never seen any optimisation like this before, maybe it’s a ‘forward plus rendering’ thing, idk. This is a prime example of it regardless.

This issue singlehandedly makes night racing look far flatter than it should, though admittedly the same issue is present in promotional material too and isn’t directly related to RTGI

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Thats whats off with the paints after 8.1. No Clear Coat.
Now I can’t unsee it.

Brighter paints will always have less apparent reflections. The ‘diffuse’ colour under direct sunlight will completely drown out reflections that remain a fairly consistent brightness across the car.

FM23s tonemapping and lacklustre paint shaders don’t help, but this is what you’d usually expect a white car to look like in this scenario. Looking closely, the clearcoat reflections are there, but the white base layer is already close to clipping out the camera so it’s hard to see.

Edit: if there is an issue. You’d have to show the shadowed side of a car or a darker paint to prove it.


I agree, but thats a separate issue as they do have clearcoat reflections. The issue is the quality of the base layer, the tonemapping, and the lack of self shadowing.

Update 9 will come out in a few weeks and we still gonna have this…

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There’s a lot of things that’s rough with the game, but it not adjusting LODs if the camera is far away and zoomed in is one of the lesser issues imo.


As Turn 10 does not have the competence to fix this game. give access to modders.
Admit that you are not capable.
Graphically the game is rubbish, any previous FM is better than this.


No thanks, I’d rather the way it is bugs and all than let modders in, look what happened to GTA Online, once they have an in it gets abused and it would completely destroy MP


White plastic photographed under direct sunlight generally doesn’t look that reflective.

There’s no point arguing about this. If you insist there’s no clearcoat then show what the shadowed side of the car looks like.

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That’s not how mods work. Without dedicated modding tools or access to source code, there’s very little that you can actually do. In fact, that’s basically the state the game is currently in.

This isn’t a conversation worth having, at least in this thread imo.

It may not be RTGI, but at least the PC graphical settings aren’t abandoned. If you have the capability to use 200% res scaling, this option is great.

PS: all the images in this blog, and every other update blog, aren’t representative of gameplay. I think Turn 10 probably release more misleading ‘screenshots’ than actual game footage at this point.

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We already have an option to disable TAA. As of recently, sort of.

If it takes 2 minutes for US to edit the files, it shouldn’t be just an option to disable it. There needs be alternatives. If the commnuty does the same job within much less amount of time, then Turn10 must do better.

I do hear DLSS looks much better than TAA on. But then not all of us have an Nvidia gpu.( im on amd)

Even DLAA is a mess. It’s sharper but has way more artifacts. Something is wrong with the inputs it’s getting, or the settings it’s using.

The game now has volumetric clouds on PC.


I thought they already looked like a volumetric technique, just lower quality than what was initially advertised. What makes you think it’s changed?

I could be oblivious tbf

This post was a prime example. The fluffy clouds like this have always looked fine to me. But the higher quality promo footage shows more subtle formations.

On launch, the game had the same cloud tech as Forza Horizon 5. They’ve said in one of the streams that they took that tech.

Interestingly, the pre-release footage had volumetric clouds. But these are 100% volumetric and much higher quality than before. I think I have some shots on my PC, I’ll try to find it so we can compare.

They look good to me

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