Forza Motorsport Graphics Downgrade research and comparisons

A comparison would be nice. I’ve seen a few people talk about this so I don’t doubt that your right, I’d just like to see the difference.

As for horizon 5, that wouldn’t make sense. Horizon interpolates between real photos of skies and clouds. Motorsport generates it’s own procedurally. It should be completely different, and the way clouds move if you look closely proves as much.

Both volumetric in pre-release footage.

These are mine shots, pre-update. None of them are volumetric.

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I’ll try to do exact comparison later tonight.

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These are different lighting conditions, and prerelease to the current update are far too different to use as a comparison. If you could math the conditions in the current update to your other screenshots, that’d be really helpful.

OK, no rush at all.

Here are more shots. I’ve tested across several tracks. The clouds are noticeably different. The game still uses old clouds in some older career stuff but new series are usually with the new clouds.

Here’s the best I could do for a quick comparison:

Update 9.0

Screenshot taken after launch

The lighting also changed with the new clouds. I’ve found a bunch of old screenshots so I’ll try to compare those with the new ones tomorrow but I think it’s pretty clear this is a big change.


Yeah, I think I see it now. That is a pretty significant improvement. Thanks for the screenshots.

Edit: I’m still not convinced the clouds weren’t volumetric at launch, but they’re certainly of a much, much higher quality now.

those are for sure no volumetric clouds.

Ok after playing more I think they made a lot of improvements to the visual presentation.

I’ve noticed:

  • Improved tarmac reflections during the rain.
  • Rain races during the day look darker.
  • Lighting in general seems better.
  • Shadows look darker.
  • I even noticed some light bounce around Yas Marina ??? Are they slowly implementing RTGI?

edit: PC version, with everything maxed out.
edit 2: typos

TAA looking much better with update 9.0 on Series X Perf mode

Regarding the clouds. There are a couple of issues I’ve noticed. Screenshot below.

Generally, clouds don’t look as they should when they cover the sun. Something to add to your list for fixes Turn 10.

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Going to need more detail here. Asside from RTGI I have no reason to believe you’re wrong, but you may be making some pretty large assumptions.

How so, are they sharper and higher resolution? I assume they’re still screenspace right?

Again, how so? From what I’ve seen, the colour grading got improved (though still has issues) so there’s more colour and contrast but the lighting tech is pretty much the same. Some examples or explanations could be useful to determine if it’s better art direction, better colour grading, or actually better tech.

I can guarantee this is not the case. RTGI is either on, or it’s not. The surfel GI that already exists may have received some improvements maybe? You’d notice an immediate performance hit and a vastly different image if it was RTGI. Assuming things that look good = RT is a big contributor to confusion over how RT actually works.

Sharper, less artifact prone, or what? Without specific details, it could be dismissed as plasibo.

Microsoft employ coders on a binding 18 month contract where they cannot work in the industry for 6 months after contract.
If you work for microsoft 18 months and one day, you get medical and benefits.

They have created an employment model that means no-one stays on a project long enough to perform optimally. The geeks at Turn 10 are there for a resume boost. Not for love of motorsport.

One environment artist has exposed this after his NDA expired. He made the Grand Oak scenery. Then lost his team leader, and was expected to take up the slack.
Notice the copy/paste in other track environments, and then look at the beautiful and unique scenery around the track (his waterfall is beautiful), then look at the copypasta that came when he was told to do 2 jobs at once.


Here is the clearest example that they improved the saturation-brightness-contrast of the game and also the sky lol.


I haven’t looked into this thread since a while, but yes I think the clouds have a bit higher resolution now. I complained a few months ago about it, I am happy they do something about it.

They certainly have the most incomplete patch notes out of any game I’ve ever played. So many stealth changes lol


GTA Online has the most stealth changes believe me.

I haven’t had the pleasure to play that so I’ll take your word for it.

Still with all the criticism T10 has gotten since launch, you’d think they wouldn’t underplay their efforts to improve the game. And yet….

Because acknowledging the addition of features would require acknowledging the previous lack of said feature, possibly after it had already been promised.

Anything to pretend everything is business as usual.

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