Forza Motorsport Graphics Downgrade research and comparisons

I don’t buy that but whatever.

I did some looking into what Ray Tracing Horizon 5 uses, guess what ??? It uses surfel gi, NOT RTGI. SO it looks like the golden child doesn’t actually run Ray Tracing in it’s best form but a weaker version afterall, that is how they managed to pull it off. In this game I want RTGI my 3090 can handle it…maybe.

Forza horizon uses probe based GI. Where’d you get surfels from?

FH5 uses raytracing to reflect a cars own bodywork and then falls back to cubemaps. That’s all. It’s extremely lightweight, runs on the lowest end RTX GPUs, and is an objective improvement to the image, if a subtle one.

This is a good opportunity to explore how terribly raytracing has been handled in FM8, and is only there as a buzzword rather than for the visual benefit it could have had, and did have in the trailers, or the smaller but still positive effect it has in FH5

FM8 uses raytracing to reflect cars and the environment within an extremely small proximity, then falls back on cubemaps. This is much less impressive than what was promised but more technically impressive than FH5 and harder to run.
The problem is that FM8 uses TAA which isn’t set up properly, so the raytraced reflections get smeared to a horrible blur. Reflections look much sharper with RT disabled as a result which makes raytracing a very poor option, even without the performance penalty.

The only benefit raytracing gives to FM8 is RTAO, however it’s not detailed enough to emphasize fine details in a cars bodywork, such as the shading between panels. Not great when it also removes the baked AO that would usually shade those areas correctly.
It’s still a net improvement over disabling it, but modded rasterised AO (like is used in FH5) has shown that its an unnecessary performance hit for a very minor visual improvement over an option that turn 10 has conveniently made unavailable in the menus.

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Hello there,

i looked through this thread and i have the same feeling as the most here. The graphics are by far, not as good as promoted.

RTGI is something that is missing. BUT… it can already be activated if you want. You need to edit some ini-files.
I already did this shortly after release (and added some more color through editing the ini-files).

But the problem mit RTGI is, that the game gets a little bit less stable. I got a gamecrash every 30-60 minutes of gaming. The performance got a hit of about 20-30%.
The imagequalitity did not increase dramaticly but it was visible. The cars look much more “3d” as self-shadowing was now done. The cars didnt look like a wrong “thing” in some kind of light anymore.

For the 2D wheels… you can edit some ini-settings and you get animated 3D-Wheels at any speed they are rotating.

I dont know if all those things still work after all those Patches since November 2023… perhaps i test it this evening :slight_smile:

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So after reading all of that you say you haven’t played the game since last November :joy:

Is there anything in the ini files that makes the game more stable as that’s what I’m after!

Also be careful modifying files as unlocking “things” that they have planned for future updates might upset them :wink:

I think last time i played was 4-5 month ago. But it will try if those ini-tweaks still work this evening.

Stable? I never had problems with stability. I only had the “not visible tarmac” bug sometimes… that was very “funny”… not :smiley:

/edit: The ini-settings are already there. You only put a 1 instead of a 0 or add the RTGI line to the ini for the global graphics preset. Its not like you change the whole ini-file.

You can find the ini-files here:
Forza Motorsport\Content\media\pcfamily\renderscenarios

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Been having this for months now, can’t exit back to the main menu after anything w/o it freezing up and crashing so if you can fix that, excellent, plus you will be employed full time

im sorry but this looks not like a “ini-problem” :wink:
First silly question - but you tried to delete the whole game and install it new? (i think you have… but i have to ask as a IT Sysadmin… :smiley: )
Second silly question - anything overclocked or running undervoltage?

Nope it started the second the 8.1 hotfix dropped on May 16

It’s widespread across all platforms and systems, it’s a them not us issue, but we get lumped with the issues and they say it’s fixed and close the troubleshooting thread

Each update brings fear and uncertainty

Incredible film, agreed. They sure don’t make movies like they used to in the 90s. Also, Douglas is among my all time favourites.

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Do you have any games running in Quick Resume while playing Forza? Do you leave Forza in Quick Resume?

Do you do a full shutdown and cold boot of your console between sessions?

So i got some screenshots:

Nativ (Ultra) vs Modded (Visualtarget)
(only copied every file from visual target to ultra)

Look here - i made a comparison. FPS in the upper middle… its a big fps hit


Looks better but not 50 FPS hit better.

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yeah its RTGI on… that the biggest hit in performance.

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But does it even look that much better with RTGI on? I haven’t seen the gameplay but I assume the tech is not really optimised and properly implemented?

it does look visible better but not as good as in the promo-screenshots. But the whole picture looks more natural as the light bounces correctly. The paint on the cars reflect more, the lightning on the cars look much better as there are shadows now where it was missing.

The most visible difference is at daylight. At nights the difference is not as big.
The problem is… the game is not stable anymore as soon as you activate RTGI. Sometimes you can play one hour… sometimes the game crashes randomly after 5 minutes.

And i think this is one of the reasons why RTGI is still not offical available in the game… they are not able to get the game stable with RTGI.

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On PC, sold my X still in box as I wasn’t using it, now I look back and think maybe I should have kept it cause FM8 ain’t optimised very well for the computer’s even if you have double, triple or 30x the power of the box

Correct. Games like FM, FH, and Flight Simulator 2020 will never be as well optimised on PC as they are on Xbox - no matter how expensive your rig, you’re going to have a nightmare optimising things and getting it to run or look the way you want.

Just not worth the trouble. These games primarily target Xbox users, whether anybody wants to admit it or not is another thing.

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FH5 runs like a dream with everything maxxed out, don’t play it anymore cause Mexico has been done.

MS Flight Sim 2020 runs a charm, it’s just FM8 that’s a headache tho I’ve got it running (when it decides to stay running) quite well averaging 80 odd FPS and I’ll give Turn10 some kudos for working on the FPS side of things since launch, was about 62 FPS back then.

There’s just something about FM8 that’s really off putting and I chalk that up as an over the top sort of copy protection running. Got nothing wrong with companies wanting to protect thier ip but when it affects the paying customer (see old Denuvo) it’s not cool. Why for let’s say 10 percent of the sales that might be lost implement a system that has the potential to affect the entire base?

See the things I’m saying have no basis or grounds but this is the only thing that leads me to this conclusion, A: Because the game just feels off like it’s running an overlay system and B: because noone from Turn10 will participate in discussions on the Official forum, sure TTMM will under certain circumstances but I don’t expect him to

It’s a so called all new from the ground up game so how about Chris E or Dan G or anyone else at Turn10 to make a change and start posting here, show the Forza community that We are heard. I don’t expect half of the posts to be answered but just a few here and there would be a Great Start!


I have to intervene…
The performance of the game is fine now. Yes its not as good optimised as Forza Horizon 5 but it still runs good even on not highend-hardware. At release, it ran like crap but they did a good job optimising it to the actual state.
I was able to run the game with a 8700k and a 3080 without any problems in 3440x1440 with Details set to very high (some ultra… not all) (RT was off!!). I got around 60-80fps. Thats fine for such a medicore system.

Now with my new system (13600k with 4080) i got 120-130fps in 3440x1440 with everything on Ultra and RT on. With the old settings from my old system, i get around 150-180fps. If that is not enough, i dont know what enough is :wink: