For those of you who've played at E3 (FFB)

Hi Guys,

I’m sure many people here managed to play FH3 at E3 last week. Has the force feedback changed? By changed, I mean, actually works decently. I bought a TX just because of Forza 6 after about 6 years of using a G27 and I’m sorry to say this in a public forum, but the FFB on FM6 was absolute crap. Not going in to much detail about this as I’ve already opened a thread a few months ago in the hardware and peripherals section, but I think most of the people who’ve used a wheel on FM6 understand. It was slightly better on FH2, but nothing which special which actually let me enjoy the game as I should.

I’ve seen slaptrain’s video and he said that the force feedback is much more strong now and the wheel actually tries to counter steer. So to all of you who had an opportunity to try it, has it been improved?


I wasn’t at E3. I watched Inside Sim Racing’s video about FH3 and he said that the FFB is the same as FM6, which in his opinion was better than FH2.

Then SlapTrains video said it was a definite improvement. To him fm6 ffb is worse than fh2. Sorta mixed opinions. :confused:

I do understand what you mean, and for this reason i’m gonna wait until i’ve tried the demo. If the ffb is as worse as FM6, i’m not going to buy FH3.
I really like what i’m seeing so far from the E3 trailer and demos, but a better ffb than FM6 is a must.

Im not trying to be mean or rude, but no offense, to be honest not buying FH3 cause the FFB isn’t good is a pretty dumb reason lol. I use a controller and wish I had a steering wheel, im not going to not buy FH3 or any Forza game cause I don’t have a steering wheel, I play the game and deal with what I have or was giving with till I get a steering some day if I actually decide to lol. One of my friends said the heck with it one day on Forza 4 and raced with a Rock Band Guitar lol, take it he hit just about every wall possible lol. I take what we are givin at the time being until it is fixed and am happy with it.

At this moment and in the near future there are so many good race games with very good physics and ffb it would be stupid to buy a game with bad physics or ffb.
FH3 isn’t a sim and it don’t need sim physics or ffb, but at least they have to feel natural. I don’t know what happened to the ffb in FM6 but they are really not good, even FH2 was beter with a weel.

Your argument makes no sense. To put it in your perspective he purchased a wheel to play racing games. This is a racing game, not a fps or something like that and the wheel support it not great. Flip this around. You like first person shooters. You purchased a new gun to use with first person shooter games, but the gun you just spent 100’s on doesnt work well with the game in the genre you purchased it for. Why should i go back to a controller when their are other games i can spend my time using my newly purchased gun. He is not saying this needs to be the only control for the game, he is however saying it should be implemented well if it is supported. You saying you dont own a wheel and are not buying it because its a racing game and you dont have one is like 180 flip from what hes saying.

Ok, so now you do go out and pony up for the wheel, you would like it to work well wouldnt you?


I never said go back to a controller lol. I mean is just man up with it and deal with the FFB until it is fixed. I understand that if it doesn’t work like it should but it works somewhat for now until they fix it if they do at all, Im not making an argument at all, just making a statement, but then again everyone here on the forums has a different opinion on stuff, for me if I didn’t own a wheel and the FFB wasn’t as good as I thought it would be but it still worked to a point I wouldn’t abandon the game for that reason, its like if the vibration in the controller didn’t work like I wanted it to but still worked to a point I would still buy the game and enjoy what I was givin till that one issue was fixed. They can fix FFB easily as other games have with updates after release. Nothing in this world is perfect and never will be.

I bought the game in december last year and played it for about 20 hours and i stopped playing it because the bad ffb.
A week ago i start playing FM6 again, but they didn’t fix anything. There’s a BIG thread about it on the FM6 section on this forum, but they don’t even answer the questions about it.

Turn10 doesn’t really listen to what the people here on the forums want or say about their game. Playground games put stuff in FH3 that we have asked for for years before playground games started making Horizon Series.
They took out cars that I liked in Forza Horizon and never used again since then like the Shelby 1000, Gumpert Apollo, 2012 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR-X, and also body kits from forza 4 that we don’t have any more that I wish we still had and tracks I wish we still had, but im not going to not play because they don’t have these things.
If you want a car to drive a certain way. Go buy the car and tune it. Professional drivers who still complain that the handling is off on their Multi million dollar race car is off just a smidge that the crew built the way they asked. Nothing is perfect in this world and never will be people will buy a $5,000 steering wheel for the xbox one if there ever was one and it wouldn’t be perfect to some people cause it doesn’t work the way they wanted.

Your argument is equally as stupid… Why would he pony up for a wheel knowing about FFB issues, and then still complain about it? Seriously, I am confused by your argument. Did he spend hundreds on a gun, knowing it didn’t work as well as it should in the current game, and then EXPECT the devs to fix it simply because he bought it?

Did he knowingly go out and buy a wheel for Forza 6 knowing there was an FFB issue? Or worse, did he buy the wheel without researching it and then get pissed that it wasn’t up to his standards? Your argument makes absolutely no sense because TC should have been well aware of what he was getting into.

I agree with this and also every wheel has a different FFB strength system to get the edge over other steering wheels with FFB. Some wheels don’t even have FFB at all. Like the $600 Fanatec steering wheel has FFB but it isn’t perfect. It doesn’t matter how much the wheel costs and people will complain about the FFB they are giving from the game and the $100 to $1,000 steering wheels. And honestly they didn’t have to add wheel support to the game at all for the wheel users. People should just be happy with what they are given at the time being till they fix the issue or would you rather them delay the game just to fix a issue that’s just for wheel users for like 3 to 6 months till its released next year?

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Not to wonder off to eat from the topic but…

I downloaded fh2 demo this morning because if never played a horizon game with a ffb wheel. OMG, I hope it’s just because its the demo! I couldn’t stay on the road for nothing and ffb was horrid. I had all assist off and all the car wanted to do is spin out. There was no counter steering in the world that could help. Note: I’m no beast driver on fm6 but have multiple top 10% laps.

Is it ALOT different with the game vs demo? Just curious…I see people using wheels on fh2 and making it look like a walk in the park.

Cars handle different on a race track than on public roads. What car were you using in the demo?

For me, after I tweaked the settings in the control panel with the Thrustmaster tx forza 6 started to feel glorious. I maxed out the force feedback on both control pannel and game and It feels 10 times better. Yes forza horizon 2 had more weight to the wheel but I feel like forza 6’s force feedback feels a lot more realistic then horizon 2. The only thing I can ask of them to improve is…

  1. More wieght like in FH2
  2. More countersteer then F6
  3. Fix the pulling to the left glitch. Seriously it feels like me wheel is having a stroke when it happens.

Evan, you are placeboing yourself. Changing things in the thrustmaster control panel has no effect on console it is a pc specific changes.


You can change the force feefback on the control pannel which does carry over to the xbox one… maybe that’s the only thing that carries over but it still made a huge difference… or maybe I’m imagining things but either way it feels better since I did stuff :slight_smile:

To me if you want it fixed to where you would play the game and not just say that FFB is horrible and not buy any more of their games. Fight to get it fixed instead of quit and then from now on you will be known as a quitter. If you want it fixed that bad, start a petition and have people sign it then email it to playground games or turn10. Im sure they would look into actually fixing it for the wheel users that hate the FFB or they should make an option in the settings menu of the game that lets you change the strength of the FFB to where you want it or go and buy a wheel that allows you to adjust the FFB strength from the wheel. Problem solved.

So many people go out an buy a wheel not knowing the forzas ffb system is lackluster. Even if they have heard that they dont understand what it means. I bought a wheel to play forza. Until i played pcars and other sims i didnt realize how poor the ffb is implemented. It has been well reported for going on 2+ games that the ffb is not good to the developers, so this isnt some new revelation. You cant blame a person for buying a wheel and wanting to increase their immersion into the game because the developers have done a poor job with it. The developers wanted to call forza a sim, so for people to get the most simulated way of racing, they purchased a steering wheel, which is listed as compatible with the game/system. It is not as though t10 said, we dont support wheels and then people came on the forums and started complaining because the wheel they got working doesnt work well.

Also, just because forza may be the primary game they want to play on a wheel doesnt mean it is the only game.

Reaper I do agree, noone is ever going to be 100% happy with ffb, because no matter what its not like sitting in the seat of the actual car driving, but there are plenty of others who have admirable ffb and you applaud the effort they put into their ffb system. Forza is not one of those series, in forza its more like "well we have 95% of the game done, are we forgetting anything? Oh darn, we need to come up with a ffb system… eh this will do… atleast it uhhhhh works.

So for the poster above to say he is not buying the game unless the ffb is completely revamped is an acceptable reaction. He bought a wheel for racing games, this one doesnt work well with it, he is showing his displeasure by not purchasing the game. This is the only thing that developers/major corporations really care about. Is it going to put t10/playground games out of business, absolutely not, but he is letting his purchase (or lacktherof) speak on his behalf. To go along with this i am another person who will not be purchasing this due to how it reacts with a wheel. As i said i purchased a wheel hoping to play forza with it. Forza is now the only racing game i dont play on a wheel.


I honestly don’t see what’s so bad about forza’s FFB. Yes improvements can be made but I really can’t see everyone’s grudge with it.