Error Code E:0-19 on Microsoft Store Version

Bug Info: Load of save data failed, only able to go back to the title screen and “try again” yet it just throws me the same error back.

Platform: Windows PC, Microsoft Store
Edition: Deluxe edition with car packs.
Account: Main account, Snowciel111#8320 on Xbox
PC GPU: Geforce RTX 2060 w/ latest updated graphics drivers
Peripheral: Xbox Series Elite 2 Controller with latest updates

Attempted fixes: Rebooted PC, signed in and out w/ multiple accounts and cleared caches.

Content Update: None.

Uploading: Captura de tela 2024-03-09 105727.png…
estou tendo

problemas na conecção com o servidor, eventos semanais reserva, como resolver me ajudem por favor!

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muito obrigado pela ajuda amigo, vou contatar o suporte forza! tomara que eu nao perca meu perfil de anos no jogo, seria muito tragico!
mais uma vez Obrigado pela ajuda!

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You could probably fix your issue just by restarting the game and waiting a bit, I think the Microsoft Servers are having problems.

It might take a day or two though since I was having issues yesterday and kept getting disconnected from races.

É provável que consigas resolver o teu problema reiniciando o jogo e esperando um pouco, penso que os servidores da Microsoft estão com problemas.

Mas pode demorar um ou dois dias, pois ontem tive problemas e estava sempre a ser desligado das corridas.

Translated with DeepL


Mine isn’t working too


I restarted my pc, and it seems to work again.


I too had this problem and restarting my PC thankfully solved it.

Microsoft, Turn10, and Playground Games are certainly pulling out all the stops to do best-in-class QA and achieve the ultimate in customer satisfaction. It’s very clear that they want us to enjoy their software to its fullest with as little hassle as possible and get the highest value imaginable for the negligible amount of money we give them for those amazing, near perfect products. I am more committed than ever to stay a Microsoft customer and have no thoughts whatsoever to consider alternatives, absolutely none. Everyone I know is also very, very happy with Microsoft and are not at all considering alternatives either. /s

(Was the /s superfluous?)


Same here
I did the events last Thursday and didn’t enter the game again

Earlier today (Brazil) I went to take a look at the auction and this error appeared.

I’ve restarted the computer and nothing so far.

And it’s only on Forza Horizon 5, as Motorsport and other Gamepass games are up and running on PC


When I start the Game I always get the Error E: 0-19 on the title Screen. I just bought the game and want to play. Can someone help me ?

There is already a topic in the troubleshooting hub.

I would start with the quick troubleshooting steps firts. Log out of the xbox/-ms acoount and log back in, verify your file integrety, if that doesn’t help reinstall, open a support ticket,… pray to the forza gods,…

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thanks for the reply, I didnt find the topic sadly. I will try reinstall but if it doesnt work how would i open a support ticket?

The existing topic is linked in my post,…
As for opening tickets, look into the top bar and click on support.

Sing in and click on create a ticket.

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Thank you, I will try everything.

Having the same issue myself today on PC, also only with FH5, not other Forza games.

edit - restarting the PC has fixed it.