Savegame - Impossible to retrieve the savegame error code E:0-19

Hi guys

Seems to have a big issue for me today (I play firday without any problem)
whenever I click start on splashscreen , I have this error :Unable to retrieve the savegame , error code E:0-19
I don’t know what to do , I try to relaunche the game , restart pc etc etc…
My windows 11 is uptodate , drivers uptodate etc etc…
any solutions ?

just reinstalled the entire game and the problem is solved , but it s weird.
I hope I wont’t get it again


I would suggest making a regular copy of this folder as it contains your save profile



Yes, the same problem, I’ve already reinstalled the game and prayed to the dark gods, nothing helped, thanks Microsoft, the game version from their store.


I also got the Problem…

Any fixes?


Same Here :confused:

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Same problem here, I am playing the from the Xbox PC App with Game Pass

Same problem, I dont know what to do

Same Problem here. What the hell should I do? I dont want all my stuff removed…

I fixed it with logout and login in xbox app on PC. I have many troubles with my account and my best friend too.

i have tried everything, even reinstalling the game and it still dont work, this is the 3rd day with the problem

Same problem, I was playing just fine last night and this morning without changing anything in my PC it wont start.