I cannot believe how badly they “cheaped” out with the 360 version. My first and biggest complain has to do with the car list. When they released the car list week by week nowhere did it mention that those cars were for the XBOX ONE version only. This (in my eyes) is false advertising. I bought the game specifically because I loved the car list. Now that I’m playing it over 20 cars are not in the game. Something needs to be done, you cant advertise a game and leave everything out that you advertised. The 360 version is also missing engine swaps, drivetrain swap, and tuning! C’mon what a let down. I advise anyone who did not buy this game yet; WAIT FOR “THE CREW” to come out. In the mean time ill go play Forza Horizon 1 considering its a much better game!
He’s mad because Turn 10/Playground/Sumo put little effort into explaining the features and content of the Xbox 360 version, resulting in many people believing that when not told otherwise, the two versions would be identical; for example the car list.
Rubbish, it was quite clear that the xbox 360 version would be completely different, considering it is built on a different game engine, and by a different development team.
It was never hidden, and was mentioned on every preview I ever read.
This. While I’m glad that it seems the focus is shifted towards X1 territory, it does suck to hear that last-gen had to take a hit for it. Then again, I’d rather that than another game ultimately not living up to its full potential because full last-gen support had to be accounted for.
Different, yes. Build on a different (H1) engine and different development team, yes. But the differences being mentioned? Not really… There was one paragraph mentioning that the 360 would have a different car list, but it was for the 360 users to guess which cars would make it in or not. Yes, weather, drivatars, instant online, car meets were mentioned as a X1 exclusive. But there is absolutely nothing being said on DLC, VIP, Day One stuff, Tier Rewards, missing wheel spin, no online free-roam lobbies. 360 owners still don’t know officially if there is going to be DLC, VIP and Tier Rewards. And for people to find this out after they bought the game is not right to do so. Especially since many of these features were in H1. Not cool.
Uhm, the game is out now for 3 days and there is still no review available for the 360 version. Because I have to wait till tomorrow for release, I can read and watch some gameplay and comments from other players. But those players had absolutely no idea what game they were getting, thanks to the lack of information giving out. A demo or giving out review copy’s for the 360 would have been helpful. But yeah, probably also a lot of cancelled pre-orders as a result! lol.
I’m still getting it, saw some guy playing it with wheel and al assist off. He was just having a good time and seems to enjoy himself. So that’s good enough for me. But I still would like to know if there is going to be any DLC, because after all the missing stuff in the beginning, it would be very painful to see the X1 getting nice new DLC cars…(Jag F-Type, Alfa 4C ??)
Every preview you read? There was only one preview for the 360 released. Yes, we knew it would be different, but so different no one expected. No wonder they didn’t release more then one news item. If they would have been fully open, a lot of people would have never bought it.
Also why i think they withheld offering a trial version for 360. If there had been a trial i would have not bought this game! The first Horizon is still one of my favorite games, but 2 years later #2 is just that a #2!
Pretty much, yup, even in Xbox one previews they made mention of it, just the fact that they were being developed by completely different developers should have rung alarm bells.
As disappointed as I was that some cars weren’t in the 360 version I knew that there weren’t going to be identical, and if you really read those car post they did mention that the 360 wouldn’t have the exact same car list as the Xbox One version, I just wish they add a way to use Horizon 1 vinyl groups in Horizon 2 just to save time from having to make some of the really detailed vinyls I made.
Must have missed this article here, the Car Reveal article, which every week with the exception of the final reveal always mentioned that the two platforms would have different car lists, or the myriad discussions about it on these forums and in the news articles. It was always stated, whether clearly or in fine print, that the car list would be different.
I understand that you may be mad, but do a little research before spending your hard earned money. Second, if you have an Xbox One and a game comes out for both consoles, why would you possible buy the Xbox 360 version???
I never once saw where it said they would have different Cars in game. I don’t have the Xbox One; I assumed (unfortunately) that not only Forza but that all games that did come out for the 360 as well as the ONE would have the same features just different graphics which is obviously understandable. I’m just highly disappointed with this game; it just has a “we put not effort” into it feel. Last night I believe I discovered that there will be NO DLC for the 360 version either!?? The Xbox one has DLC available already the 360 doesn’t. I don’t know if the DLC is delayed for the 360 or just not happening as well; which is another disappointment; considering with Forza Horizon 1 I bought almost every DLC car available.
Yeah, like they were going to let last-gen consoles have the same features as the next-gen console. IF they did that, what would be the point in buying the next-gen console, other that graphics. Did you honestly think that they were going to do that? Pretty sure The Crew will probably be the same story. If they make a game on both the next-gen and last-gen consoles, almost every time, the next-gen console game is going to be better. Not trying to be mean or anything, but that would be bad move on Turn 10s part if they did that.
I was SO looking forward to getting H2 on 360 that I pre ordered wayyyy in advance. everything looked awesome, cars environment, multiplayer… Everything. So you can imagine my surprise when I opened the case to get the card for my pre order bonus cars and only saw the game disc and an empty case staring back at me.
What the Hell guys? Where is the tuning? We were promised tuning. Give us our EFFING TUNING!!
Words can’t describe how pissed I am about this. Lack of tuning made H1 unbearable to play for me.
You guys know that this would be a simple fix to allow us to augment our equipment and adjust settings.
Flip it on craigslist for $40 and call it a day if it’s that bad to you. I feel your pain but nothing you can do, sadly. They posted it wouldn’t have tuning before release, and said no weather. But I don’t recall anything about the cars. But then again, I don’t pay attention to ps3/xbox360 anymore since I got the new systems
On a side note be happy you at least have it on your console. They could of did what they did with Forza 5, and the 360 owners would of moaned. Seems either route they take, people moan. Glad I don’t make games! /sweats.