Did lobbies get better?

I have had great lobbies since update, room has 3-6 fast drivers

B4 update I could go all day without seeing a fast driver

My home is a class

Is it just me , luck?? Or did they start grouping us somehow?

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I believe the last update had something to do with it. I think they made it where it pits you against people more like your skill (somehow). I have also noticed this. It was rare that I would not finish first unless I got wrecked, but the last few days I am usually only the second or third fastest in the room. Its a lot more fun.

It’s the best update ever!!!

Yep, the last update was definitely a good one. Inviting people to private lobbies is working better too. My one friend yesterday could not join the party chat (but was able to join the game), but I think that is a xbox issue rather than forza.

you can only invite 7 people. for more than that have someone else invite them. unless you just have 1 friend like me that has no idea how to join.

Yes the updates have improved the matchmaking lobbies like you guys have said. I just mainly like it cuz slow drivers are usually dirty (not all) and now i finally get paired up with other fast racers. It alot easier to see where i lack on certain tracks and where my strengths are.

I agree BIG TIME!!!

Last night was a perfect example racing with ERS Johnson and at least 6 others! At one time we had nearly 14 fast drivers in one lobby and resulted in some of the most competitive online racing I have ever experienced in all the years of FM! Since I only race Forza online this is a HUGE improvement!

Bravo T10! And Bravo to the ERS Team for such a great night! Johnson and his crew are all class acts in my book!


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Yeah ARN SCOTTO1 last night was an absolute blast. Ive never had to race so hard to get to a podium. One race i could win and the next race i would be fighting with 4 other cars for 6th place. That was a really hard lobby

Yeah, I think fixing the level 256 deal for online pairs you with more high level players provided your level is high too. Most wreckers are noob level. The lobby I was in yesterday was filled with high level players with like one 180 something being the lowest.

Man I am still around level 80, was paired with folks near level 400-500!

I thought they would be a lot faster.

Level does not and has never meant anything, so it’s gotta be some other consideration in pairing lobbies. I do know that I rarely get the crashers… I get a lot of drunks tho LOL.

Yep level means nothing. Was in a lobby last night where this guy who was higher than me quit every race and I’m only assuming it was because he wasn’t getting podiums. Very strange. It is cool to see those really high level guys though.

And I’m guilty many times of driving drunk. I go off course a lot when i am. Lol.

As for lobby differences, I’ve noticed I’m not being paired with wreckers as much and most seem to comprehend how to drive. Side by side is a bit sketchy at times though.

The only thing that I’ve noticed is that I am not getting into really fast lobbies. Tried to get into a friends lobby (the invite feature wasn’t working right) with some super quick guys in it and I could never get in. Kept getting into a lobby where winning and getting podiums wasn’t hard.

I normally race with teammates and friends and usually get destroyed by them. I’m thinking this hurt my trueskill rank or whatever it is.

I noticed in the credits that when I win I get a 37% bonus for multiplayer difficulty. Is this high or low from what y’all are seeing? I’m thinking maybe you can roughly guess how ‘skillfull’ the lobby is in relation to your own calculated ‘skill’ based on this ratio.

If this is a dead end, what are the opinions of having your skill value show up in your stats only? I’ve been trying to win to increase my odds later on on landing into humbling lobbies, but not sure if this even works and would like to see where I stand to know how much emphasis I need to put on winning to get into good lobbies.

For instance, in FM3 if you’re rank was 25-30, you’d almost always get into awesome lobbies. It would be nice I suppose to know what benchmark needs to be met to get in challenging lobbies.

Sry for rambling. Lol.

This is great news!
Can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s xbox patch entails.
Love good patches!

Something has definitely changed! The past few days the lobbies have been the best online racing I have had. Last night myself and 3 mates were racing in C class for around 4 hours and not one race was there a moron crashing or acting stupid. Packs were close together and good clean racing has been had by all. Even to the point where a player tapped the rear of my car and then sent an apology message.

Interesting! I had only one race online since the update, because lately I have been busy for a tournament with some friends, and I noticed that the race was way tighter than the usual ones, but if you tell me that it is due to the fact that now I’m going to be paired with drivers of my level I will jump back into multiplayer as soon as possible!
Probably I’m not gonna win as much as I did before but at least I’m gonna have proper races.
From the last update I also appreciated the fact that it is finally possible to save replays of multiplayer races

The update worked too well! lol Over the last few days I get dropped into lobbies with the likes of iHobo, Holty, half of TG, half of PRT, god knows how many other top drivers. I want to win at least once please!

I am joking of course, the new matchmaking is fantastic. There have been a few occasions where it didn’t pair me up so well but I guess it all depends on who is online at the time. Only problem I have now is the constant swearing… I drop a few curse words myself in a normal day, but some of these guys literally can’t get out one sentence without dropping 10 expletives. I’m no sissy with cotton wool ears, but seriously it’s so excessive in some lobbies it’s unreal.

Report. Report. Report. All day long…

Good news, I’m pleased I checked the forum today. This sounds like a reason for me to give online another go now. Fingers crossed it’s better for me too!

they have made it better Mechberg put this in Fridays W.I.R.

“For those of you who joined us playing in Forza Motorsport 5, you might have noticed that matchmaking has improved in the Forza 5 lobbies, putting you in races with players who are more in line with your skill range. In addition, we’ve implemented a bonus percentage in multiplayer races based on difficulty; the better the racer your beat, the higher that payout bonus will be”

So good times ahead!!

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Well that’s interesting. I guess we all have a hidden true skill value. Never paid attention to payouts but will now.

I haven’t noticed a change and figured the quick guys I was paired up with were because they were on my friends list, but it was also late night and after the peak hours for my time zone. Curious to test this out.

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This is the sort of thing i want to hear about FM5. Online racing is the most important part of the game by far for me. If it’s as good as it sounds, for the 1st time I’ll think about getting xb1 and FM5.

I have to agree…1.5 hour last night and no problems. Even gave up checking the rear view going into the first corner:) Happiness is knowing that the other racers know where the brake button is.

I am glad I got my lead in multi player achivs before the update though:) The amount of time I am in front was noticably reduced.