Lobby system

Just watched the IGN live interview with Dan Greenwalt. It seems that we won’t be getting any changes to the lobby system. With multiplayer changes focused on making leagues “better”. He also said that to find players you should use the Xbox party system to make groups. This is annoying as I think a system where you can be matched to other players like the horizon games would be very beneficial.

However given that I don’t have Gold very often it won’t effect me too much :slight_smile:

Disclaimer: that how I took his answer, I could be wrong.

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AWSOME!!! i miss racing leagues… i want more info on this

If the lobby system stays the same, then I am out. No ifs or buts.


Leagues getting better is great news but if the lobbies stay the same I can see a lot of unhappy faces around, myself included. Lobbies needed to be revamped with a penalty system and a better matchmaking system.


Just by returning to the lobby system of FM4 solves many problems.
(this is not wish list)

Did the staff who made a great system already left T10? Does the current T10 have only staff with inferior abilities?


Exactly. Played forza 4 for 2 years religiously. Played 5 and 6 for about 3 weeks and stopped. Main reason I had no fun in single player and their lobbies were horrendous. I was tired of joining lobbies that were troll infested or had no idea how to drive. Also, drifting became a nightmare and absolutely no fun at all.


Really bad news, I’m afraid F7 will only be a polished 4k version of F6, I really hope not, but I’m very skeptical…


Oh dear, that’s not good.


We need to be able to make a public lobby and name it and have a host who has the power to kick people

I have this problem in horizon 3 ,

In horizon 1 you could create a public lobby and name it …eg Cruise only/pro drift lobby/ rwd s1 drags
This way all the players would be in lobby’s they actually want to be in

Since this was taken away for unknown reasons there has been a huge separation of the community , how do I find cruise lobby’s now ? I can’t

Now it’s join a random lobby (that’s usually full of dodge darts with v12s) and hope for the best but it just ends up me leaving and changing game

Please bring back being able to make and name a public lobby in fm7 and fh4 , it’s the best way to bring players together


For this exact reason I refunded Horizon 3, stopped playing horizon 2 and only spend a few hours on FM 5 and 6. If 7 is the same it will be a shame but it will be the first forza that I will not be buying.


I really hope there are big changes as not having some form of penalty for rammers for how many games is becoming a bit of a joke, something as simple as having penalty specific lobbies and non penalty lobbies would work in splitting up most rammers away form those trying to race which in turn keeps player online figures high whilst satisfying those wanting cleaner racing

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Sounds like Custom Public Lobbies aren’t coming back. A shame for those who remember them from the last, but it looks like it’s not something that’s going to be a part of Forza anymore.

Hopefully there are some things put in place to make Hoppers cleaner and fairer; I can live with Hoppers if things are cleaned up.

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I have to say that I’m not going to be purchasing Forza 7 if they don’t have custom lobbies (not that I expect what I’m doing to change anything). As a PC gamer, I was super excited to drift online with Forza Horizon 3, but without custom lobbies, and no friends, I pretty much ended up doing nothing. With the announcement of Forza 7, I’m hoping they change their mind because one of my best memories with Forza 3 (or 4?) was hopping online, joining a drift lobby, and running up and down that Japanese mountain track with a bunch of people online in a beat-up 240SX. I long for that kind of experience again. Here’s hoping they change their minds.


All they need is a visible vote to kick and it would be better.

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Starting to wonder if Turn 10 is purposely making their games crappier…

Says a lot when people are STILL playing Forza 4 online


Hey you guys at T10, a word to the wise, you should pay some attention to what people are saying about lobbies. Just ask the ForzaRC racers they will put you straight.


Dan said that public lobbies are absent but the new platform allows you to search for parties and join games as groups.
Does this mean that I have to spend days finding groups and hoping that I get accepted, then we all find the same time we are available to join and then we make a party and login together to play?

I guess, my question is can I as a father with kids and little time, jump into a game with like minded people doing like minded thing and enjoy the game for a 30 min, or do I have to dedicate my time to finding groups and scheduling events.

Honestly the only reason I wasn’t able to enjoy my self for the last 2 version was mainly due to lack of public lobbies.


Source: E3 2017 Forza Motorsport 7 Interview | MotorworldHype

To me that sounds like Custom Public Lobbies aren’t coming back. Instead it is recommended we use external feature like Xbox’s Clubs and/or Looking for Group.

It also sounds like there are no penalties for corner-cutting or crashing in Multiplayer races. When the subject comes up we instead hear about the eSports side of Forza and how Gfinity will assess incidents in the Forza Racing Championship.

The Race Marshal programme (where certain community members get increased power in lobbies) sounds like it’s making a return.

In other words, all of this sounds like the Hopper system will be the same as in Forza Motorsport 6. I guess if we want clean racing we have to either hope that Leagues work as intended or try to find groups to race privately with.

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I’m sure this has been brought up already but let’s face it, many of us will be genuinely bummed if this feature isn’t in the game again despite it having been requested for years on end.

Basically if you don’t know, Custom Public Lobbies were a feature included in Forza Motorsport 4 that allowed you to create private match style lobbies but the option to make them openly accessible and searchable to other players from a list in the main multiplayer screen. Also noteworthy were the ability to individually select cars for AI drivers and not be severely limited as to how many you could include in a race. This allowed for a vast amount of freedom in how people wanted to play the game with others which no other Motorsport title ever came close to, even to this day. Forza Motorsport 5 dropped this feature but it was somewhat forgiven as FM5 was a launch title. Forza Motorsport 6 did not bring this feature back however and never did with the consequent updates to the game post launch despite it being one of the most heavily requested features for a current gen Motorsport entry.

In short, it would really be disappointing if it isn’t included again as it was a big source of replay value for many players and a big part of Forza’s community. If you have any information regarding this feature, or just want to voice your support for it’s return, feel free to reply.


I remember that feature well. Also the Vote to Kick was something that actually worked in Forza Motorsport 4, unlike FM5 and FM6.