What has happened to forza and all the decent drivers and lobby’s last 3 days I’ve been constantly getting wrecked or it’s a demo derby lobby sort it out forza for the special drivers get some sort of lobby leveling system
I noticed this since Forza 4. Not much honor left. I feel like it was only yesterday when I was playing FM1/FM2 and just doing laps without getting bumped around. If someone spun you out and they’d slow down and wait for you to get in a similar position. On large tracks if the last few cars weren’t going to finish people would actually stop at the finish line, wait, and then cross in order.
In the FM1/FM2 days the game was terribly big (compared to how it is now). Most times the people who had the game had a passion for cars. Now, Most people on my friends list I know through NHL and I know for a fact that they’re the crowd who thinks every muscle car is a Mustang and “5 speed vs 6 speed” is describing the tier of speed a car has, not the number of gears. I’m not saying if you’re not an expert you don’t deserve to have it but they typically have a different perspective compared to a “I’d rather lose than have a dirty win” racer.
In my opinion, T10 ruined FM5 for the “honorable” racers. Back in FM4, it was the one saving grace to be able to browse people’s private lobbies, where a good host would just kick any troublemakers right out of the lobby.
Now you either have to already have a lot of good racers on your friends who still play, and play during the same hours as you, or search through forums on 50 different FM communities to hunt down enough people to make regular private lobbies.
FM5 is a HUGE step backwards from FM4 in my opinion. Sure we have better graphics, the physics are still great, but it’s sorely lacking in the features and I can see why all of my friends from FM4 stashed FM5 in the back of their closets long ago…
really wish there was a tiered hopper where the fast drivers could go to get away from the casual players that just troll. Not everyone enjoys the game the same way and I respect that, but it’s extremely frustrating when their enjoyment of the game means that I end up not getting to have fun. Every class of racing has that problem too, I’ve gone from B to A to R and every lobby I get blasted going into a corner by someone that is a lap down.