Hey guys and Turn 10, coming back to forza 5 because my PC is down atm and i am not enjoying any of it like i used to on forza 2-4. The multiplayer on 5 feels so rushed and nothing is getting done about it. I am a massive forza fan and i think these changes should be made ASAP!!! Please help me get this sorted guys and i hope turn 10 read this
Stuff to sort out ASAP
Better Mutliplayer Hoppers - make more and better events to choose from, for example make an event for classic f1 cars only, open wheel events, production cycled events, Mazda MX5 only events, GT lobbys etc etc. Start making competitive race lobbys for racers
Public Lobbies - im sick of getting thrown into a random lobby which has just started and i cannot even spectate!!!, making public lobbies was great to meet people that actually want to race properly instead of joining little kids that spoil good close racing!!. Sort it out turn 10.
Make better special events - like the tornument mode in forza 2 make some we can look forward to and come back to play, do like a championship mode in a certain class, car and other events like trackdays to test our cars with other people.
I’d add your requests to the giant wish list . if you think the experience falls short now you should have been here a year ago.
As we are about 12 months (at a guess) from FM6 it is unrealistic to expect there to be any further work on FM5. All T10/Playgrounds efforts are focused on supporting FH2 right now. Your opinions are widely held amongst the forza faithful.
It’s a joke, Turn 10 should focus on there own game, and let playground games take over. sooner or later FM will loose all its hardcore community when another company like Slightly mad Studios takes over with Project Cars. Ever since FM3 and on wards it’s been terrible. On most tracks on FM5 you can cut corners without being punished (Yaz Marina Prime Example) I’d rather stick to Iracing, Rfactor. They deliver better community and more tense and competitive races
The problem is trying to create software that can diferentuate between the wrecker and the victim. If you’re on a great line but get t-boned off the track how would you feel knowing you’ll also be hauled into the pits. The only way I can see it working is on the application of the brake - they should be able to single out players who make little or no attempt at making the corner. Of course they would also have to build in an exception if you get rear ended approaching the corner. It’s a tricky situation to police as I’ve gone way too hot into corners unintentionally or been too late on the brakes when running close to the car in front and missed the normal braking point on a number of occasions but I alway try to run clean.
They really need to do something though. Unfortunately the FM5 lobbys are borderline unplayable due to the idiots. That said, if you sell millions of copy’s of a game you have to expect all types of customer from the highly skilled and quick guys through to the window lickers who think it’s a hoot to drive the track backwards. To cater for all there’s no reason we couldn’t have an alternative lobby for clean racing (with penalty) through to demolition derby. Just need more servers and a bit of coding.
And as a footnote - some of the worst wreckers I’ve been in a lobby with have been way past lvl 1000 and very recently a guy who was over 3000 so this has little to do with hours on the game.
Instant slow down + instant ghost mode works wonderfully in these situations, at least in hoppers. It lowers the chance of being hit from those corner cutting people and punish them at the same time. You may say it’s unrealistic, but if we have user create lobby, they only need to give us the ability the turn the magic grass and ghost mode on/off to meet your need.
Every once in a while I return to see if Turn 10 has done anything, but still disappointed. Until they offer a decent online experience like FM2 they’ve lost me and many of my old racing friends as a customer. It’s really a big slap in the face for customer loyalty. Until they bring in public lobbies, the multiplayer is pretty much entirely crap and the single player is fun for the first couple days of owner ship, but that’s about it.